With this data, when I tried to import it as shown above, it gave me an error. When I imported only the values/numbers, it worked. However, now I cannot show which one is which. Without the labels in the pie chart, how is the legend useful?? Not to mention that I have six (6) colors in my legend, but they're all called "unnamed series" and there's no way for me to edit them/specify(e.g. Apples, Oranges, etc.) It only lets me edit the color, but not the name. This is sooooooo frustrating!

Please tell me that I'm overlooking a step or doing something wrong, because if this is standard pie chart behavior, both the Development & QA teams @ Smartsheet need nothing but coal in their stockings for Christmas.

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I'm sorry you're having troubles. At this time, you can not edit key names from the chart - it must be done from within the source data sheet. In the example you provided, you'd need to have the pie labels in a column adjacent to your numerical values. Please see the attached screenshot for an example.

Chart Widgets display data based on how the source information is configured. If you would like to display different labels for the data points, I would suggest adding a helper column to the source sheet that you can use for the series labels and excluding the original column from the Chart.

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I leave the model tab, go work in my design tab, and when I come back to the model tab, the UCS says "Unnamed". My original UCS is there in the list, and there's nothing wrong with it (as far as I can tell) but there's this unnamed UCS that I didn't make, I didn't set, and I don't want. 152ee80cbc

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