The problem was that my system curl (version 7.54.0) was not working properly. To solve the problem I had to install a new version of curl and force Homebrew to use it. I still do not know why my system curl was failing though but at least I can use Homebrew again.

I installed curl from homebrew (brew install curl) and, without changing paths or anything else to use the keg-only version, it seemed to fix the HTTP errors I was receiving for several packages.

Homebrew Error Failed To Download Resource


Having trouble packaging a slicer build on my mac OSX high sierra machine. I installed Qt 5.9.2 using the prebuilt binary installed using the Qt open-source download from the Qt website. I successfully built the latest commit of slicer and slicer works great. Now I want to package this build into a dmg install file, but I am having some trouble. The build target steps work fine. Then when it goes to the cpack steps it starts to complain repeatedly about finding Qt using the rpath. Here is an example output:

Since these are just warnings cpack continues, but then at the end the pack fails and says error converting to UDCO dmg for adding SLA. hdiutil: convert failed - Resource temporarily unavailable. Anyone else experience these issues and know how to remedy it?

Well, if you post the full build log maybe someone will see an issue (, pastebin, etc.). Generally speaking, Qt5 is still an experimental configuration, so probably some aspects of packaging remain to be addressed.

Some pointers for others that are having these same issues. You must install Qt using homebrew because that build has the rpath turned off. Using that build gets rid of all of the complaints about the rpath. Then came the complaints about finding libqcocoa. I manually resolved this by copying it from qt/5.9.2/plugins/platforms/libqcocoa.dylib to Slicer-build/_CPack_Packages/macosx-amd64/DragNDrop/Slicer-4.9.0-2017-11-16-macosx-amd64/ after that folder is created during packaging.

The problem I have is I do not know what the next steps are after that. If I rerun make package then it just starts over from the beginning clearing out the _CPack_Packages. Where do I find what the next steps are for packaging so I can manually perform them?

If you receive this error, your shell can't locate the AWS SAM CLI executable in thepath. Verify the location of the directory where you installed the AWS SAM CLI executable,and then verify that the directory is on your path.

This means that you've attempted to send a request to a domain that's not valid. Thiscan happen if your serverless application failed to deploy successfully, or if you have atypo in your curl command. Verify that the application deployedsuccessfully by using the AWS CloudFormation console or the AWS CLI, and verify that yourcurl command is correct.

This means that you have not set up AWS credentials to enable the AWS SAM CLI to makeAWS service calls. To fix this, you must set up AWS credentials. For more information,see Setting up AWS credentials.

Solution: To resolve this issue, the new long paths behavior must enabled. To do this, see Enable Long Paths in Windows 10, Version 1607, and Later in theMicrosoft Windows App Development Documentation.

If you must use pip, we recommend that you install the AWS SAMCLI into a virtual environment. This ensures a clean installation environment andan isolated environment if errors occur. For instructions, see Installing the AWS SAM CLI into a virtual environment using pip.

This means that you do not have Docker properly installed.Docker is required to test your application locally. To fix this, followthe instructions for installing Docker for your development host. For more information, seeInstalling Docker.

When running sam deploy --guided, you're prompted with the questionFunction may not have authorization defined, Is thisokay? [y/N]. If you respond to this prompt with N (thedefault response), you see the following error:

The prompt is informing you that the application you're about to deploy might have apublicly accessible Amazon API Gateway API configured without authorization. By respondingN to this prompt, you're saying that this is not OK.

The Podman Installer and Homebrew use different locations to store the Podman Engine files in the file system. For example, Podman Installer installs Podman Engine in the path /opt/podman whereas Homebrew uses the path /usr/local for macOS Intel, /opt/homebrew for Apple Silicon and /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew for Linux.

When you installed Podman and QEMU with brew, and QEMU version is 8.1.0, Podman machine might fail to start with an error such as:Error: qemu exited unexpectedly with exit code -1, stderr: qemu-system-x86_64: Error: HV_DENIED

I am using Core Shell with X11 forwarding in macOS with XQuartz 2.7.11 installed. One of the software I need to forward just 'freeze' once displayed and gave me below error messages:


libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found

libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast

X Error: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) 2

Extension: 149 (Uknown extension)

Minor opcode: 3 (Unknown request)

Resource id: 0x0


Do you have any suggestions to fix this problem?

Thanks for the response.

Yes, XQuartz 2.7.11 installed on the MacBook. I totally agree with you, one solution is to use a VM with Linux. But, I would like to use it directly with macOS, if it possible.

I realised while using VirtualBox with Linux:

To forward the software UI run remotely on a Linux computer to my MacBook normally, I need to choose 'VMSVGA' in 'Graphics Controller' option and activate '3D acceleration' option.

Any ideas to do it in MacOS Core Shell?

Verbose logging of the internals of the Pulumi engine and resource providers can be enabled bypassing the -v flag to any pulumi CLI command. Pulumi emits logs at log levels between 1 and11, with 11 being the most verbose. At log level 10 or below, Pulumi will avoid intentionally exposing any known credentials. At log level 11, Pulumi will intentionally expose some known credentials to aid with debugging, so these log levels should be used only when absolutely needed.

By default, logs are written to the top-level temp directory (usually /tmp or the value of$TMPDIR). The --logtostderr flag can be used to write logs to stderr instead.Use the flag --logflow to apply the same log level to resource providers.

Diagnostic logging can also be controlled with flags and environment variables of the resource providers. For example, Pulumi providers that use a bridged Terraform provider can make use of the TF_LOG environment variable (set to TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN or ERROR) in order to provide additional diagnostic information.

If you are seeing unexpectedly slow performance, you can gather a trace to understand whatoperations are being performed throughout the deployment and what the long poles are for yourdeployment. In most cases, the most time-consuming operations will be the provisioning of one or more resources in your cloudprovider, however, there may be cases where Pulumi itself is doing work that is limiting the performanceof your deployments, and this may indicate an opportunity to further improve the Pulumi deploymentorchestration engine to get the maximal parallelism and performance possible for your clouddeployment.

This error commonly occurs when using an ARM64-based processor while using an older version of a provider that does not support ARM64. It is not possible to upgrade the providers as your state file requires the version of the provider used at the time the resources were created.

If you get this error message, this means that the service believes that somebody else has requested and was granteda lease to the stack that you are attempting to update. There are two reasons why this could be:

The Pulumi CLI interacts with the Pulumi web service throughout the course of an update. If theservice is unable to process an update, it is possible that users of the CLI may see this error messagethroughout the course of an update.

You may encounter an error when you downgrade provider versions after your stack is already updated with a newer version.If you must downgrade the version of a provider your pulumi program depends on, you will need to manually edit your deploymentand change the version of the provider your stack depends on and then import that as the latest state of your stack.

The pulumi program that you author for your infrastructure may contain one or more dependencies to providers.The version information for these providers is stored in the deployment for each of your stacks (since each Pulumi program belongs to a stack).This error can occur when the deployment state for a stack already contains a newer version of a specific provider, but you are tryingto run a pulumi up (or preview) command after downgrading the provider dependency in your Pulumi program.

This error occurs because the pulumi plugin cache does not have the required version installed.This is more likely to occur if you are running pulumi in a CI/CD environment since your plugin cache is likely not saved across builds.

It is okay to have multiple versions of a provider installed and have stacks depend on different provider version. It is only a problem when youdowngrade the version of a particular stack that was already deployed using a newer version.

If you have a system-wide proxy server running on your machine, it may be misconfigured. The Pulumi architecture has three different components, running as separate processes that talk to each other using a bidirectional gRPC protocolon IP address Your proxy server should be configured NOT to proxythese local network connections. Add both and localhost to the exclusion list of your proxy server.

There are scenarios when pulumi destroy will fail to delete resources as expected. This is anticipated due to the nature of cloud provider dependencies, permissions, resources being in a state that prevents their deletion, or when a timeout is not long enough for the cloud provider to complete its operation. Review the output to identify which resources were not deleted and consider the following steps depending on the nature of the failure. 152ee80cbc

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