
History: Introduction

Formed in 2019, Celtic Studies at UNM held a highly successful forum on "Brexit," with panelists and audience wrestling over the UK decision to cut all ties with the European Union. Unfortunately, soon after this event, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and our work ground to a temporary halt.  Now we are back in action and looking forward to our forthcoming event this fall.

Statement of Purpose

In its efforts to explore both Celtic history and contemporary issues, Celtic Studies is committed to serving the people of the Southwest Borderlands. We anticipate this challenge, hoping to become a source of understanding for Modern Celtic History and its emergence from Ancient and Medieval Celtic roots.  This history may include Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Cornwall, Brittany, the Isle of Mann and Galicia, as well as the Celtic diaspora.


Celtic Studies is located within UNM’s Department of History, Mesa Vista Hall #2100,  University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA.

For information, contact Director Margaret Connell-Szasz at conszasz@unm.edu.


Advisory Board