Project Part 4 (and Final) Submission

In your write-up, please provide the following (at least one paragraph for each, single column at most 11 font size, each part should be at least 1 page) together with your Part 1, 2, and 3 write-up:

Provide your solutions or approaches to tackle your project:

(1) Describe your solution approaches in words for solving your problem. (5pt)

(2) Describe your solution approaches algorithmically and/or mathematically. (5pt)

(3) Implementation/Simulations to validate your approaches using real-world or synthetic datasets/models. (5pt)

Please include the title of the write-up, your own and project partners' names, and section title for each of the above parts.

Submit a single .pdf to me via email by the date of the deadline (11:59 pm)