Project Part 2 & 3 Submission

In your write-up, please provide the following (at least one paragraph for each, single column at most 11 font size, each part should be at least 1 page) together with your Part 1 write-up (it should be right below your Part 1 submission):

Part 2: Provide basic computational models for your project idea

(1) Provide mathematical notions to precisely define your model. (5pt)

(2) Define your computational models using mathematical notions. (5pt)

(3) Define formally and mathematically the problem you want to solve given your computational models. (5pt)

Part 3: Provide (short or long) literature reviews related to your project (i.e., related work section)

(1) Provide related work in the application domain. (5pt)

(2) Provide the related work on the computational tools/ideas for solving your problems. (5pt)

(3) Provide the related work for the problem(s) related to yours. (5pt)

Please provide proper citations for the related work. For each paper citation, provide a few lines to summarize the paper and discuss its connection to your problem.

Please include the title of the write-up, your own and project partners' names, and section title for each of the above parts.

Submit a single .pdf to me via email by the date of the deadline (11:59 pm)