Some tenants can get a free lawyer in their cases under the Universal Access to Legal Services Law, also called the right-to-counsel law. New York City is the first city in the country to provide universal access to lawyers for tenants in housing cases.

A lawyer can help by:

  Representing you in court Stopping an eviction Getting an order for repairs Figuring out if the rent you are charged is too high Connecting you with service agencies that can help Negotiating with your landlord Preparing and filing court papers 

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In an order issued by the Supreme Court of North Carolina, the Court announced that it is withdrawing its previous order implementing the universal citation system for judicial opinions and publications.

At the same time, the Office of the North Carolina Appellate Reporter has made improvements to the speed at which official reporter citations are available electronically to lawyers and the public. This has alleviated a core problem addressed by universal citations, which is availability of a legal citation shortly after an opinion is released.

The Court is therefore withdrawing the order implementing universal citations. The Court will continue to evaluate the universal citation concept with the expectation that the system could be relaunched in the future.

(c) In order for a union to waive employees' rights to a federal judicial forum for statutory antidiscrimination claims, the agreement to arbitrate such claims must be clear and unmistakable. Cf., e. g., Metropoli-

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Through OCJ, New York City has made an extraordinary investment in legal services to level the playing field for New Yorkers in need, including tenants, immigrants, low-wage workers and other New Yorkers facing civil legal challenges. Today, New York City is a national leader in providing legal assistance to low-income families and individuals.

Preapproval is a voluntary process OUSF beneficiaries (schools, libraries, and eligible healthcare facilities) may use to reduce the risk of unexpected disallowance of funding. The instructions and process can be found in the Instruction package link below and forms are located under each beneficiary type. This process can add surety of recovery if conducted prior to service selection and start up to avoid unnecessary risk. The process can statutorily take up to 90 days but the Administrator endeavors to process all requests as quickly as possible. If you need additional details, please feel free to email us at the link below and someone will contact you shortly.

Multiple Choice Questions for Judicial Service Examination is a comprehensive and indispensable work catering to the need of the various candidates appearing for Judicial Service Examinations conducted by the High Court of various states. It provides for multiple choice questions on every subject forming the part of the syllabus of the preliminary stage of the Examination. The book comprehensively covers questions based on major legislative developments and judicial pronouncements. It is an indispensable and useful guide for the students preparing for such examination.

The United States Postal Service is the one government agency that touches every American on a daily basis. Through rain, sleet, and snow, Postal Service employees deliver more mail every delivery day, per capita, than most countries deliver in a month.1 Even though increases in population size and decreases in household size enlarge the U.S. delivery network to the tune of two million addresses each year, the Postal Service has maintained and even improved service levels while keeping rising postage rates in line with inflation.2 Surveys show that most Americans are pleased with the level of service provided.3

To protect the Postal Service's public service mandate, Congress protected the postal monopoly over the carriage of letter-mail, retaining the Private Express Statutes in their entirety, including Section 1696:

In addition to extending the mail system to a new class of users in the mid-1800s by lowering the cost of using it, the Post Office Department also made it easier to use the system by increasing access points. Whereas initially all postal transactions took place at the local Post Office, in the late 1850s and early 1860s the Post Office Department began creating Post Office stations in the largest cities, branch offices which provided a range of postal services and eased congestion in main Post Offices.17 Around the same time, collection boxes began appearing on city streets so that citizens could mail a letter without having to hand-deliver it to the nearest postal facility.

Although the network of rural routes grew quickly, for the first few decades the country was not equally served. Historian Wayne E. Fuller notes that while comprehensive rural free delivery service had been established in the Northeast and most of the Midwest by 1907, the South was not fully served until the 1920s.27 Fuller blames politics and tight budgets: a Republican administration gave most of the first rural routes to Republican states, and when those states were fully served, tighter purse-strings delayed route-building in under-served areas.

The Post Office Department improved its service to customers not only by increasing the range of services provided, but also by speeding up existing service. The Department used and improved existing technologies and developed new ones in its perpetual quest to reduce delivery times.

Rural carriers have also performed myriad other non-postal services at the local level, from reporting forest fires, to distributing livestock and crop surveys.35 Since about 1960 rural carriers have conducted wildlife surveys, counting game like rabbits, pheasants, and quail along their routes and reporting their numbers back to state wildlife agencies. Carriers have not only counted birds, they have also helped feed them, scattering grain supplied by state wildlife agencies during severe winters in the early 1900s.36

Postal employees have registered aliens, distributed Internal Revenue Service forms and publications, surveyed vacant houses for the Federal Housing Administration, and reported carrier-route mileage data to the Bureau of Public Roads. They continue to provide non-postal services to customers for other government agencies by:

Every day, postal employees provide incalculable services to customers, from helping elderly and disabled citizens pay their monthly bills to literally saving lives. Postal employees are often the only government representative in town, and sometimes are the only daily visitor to remote homesteads. News stories abound of letter carriers answering cries of distress, or simply taking the time to check on residents whose mail has piled up in their mailbox. In 1936, a rural carrier in Virginia eloquently explained:

Throughout history, Congress has strived to balance two ideals: that the Post Office should serve all Americans, and that the revenues of the Post Office should pay for its expenses. The shoring up of the letter-mail monopoly in 1825 and 1845 to protect postal revenue was one tool Congress used to help the Post Office Department balance its budget. But despite the protection offered by the Private Express Statutes, the postal needs of the developing nation and the heavy demands placed on the Post Office Department put the principles of universal service and self-finance into conflict time and again, forcing compromise. At times, the Post Office Department cut service and stifled growth to rein in expenses; frequently Congress dipped into the Treasury to pay for mail service.

The Post Office Department operated in the red nearly every year from 1866 through 1910. Congress directed postal policy, often in ways that were politically expedient and not necessarily of universal benefit. Most contentiously, Congress gave itself free mailing privileges, which helped representatives keep in touch with each other and their constituents but also burdened mailbags with tons of mail that yielded no revenue.73 Cheap newspaper postage also stressed the system, as did contract terms that subsidized transportation providers.

Some customers also perceive the increased use of neighborhood cluster boxes as a decline in service, since some residents have to walk farther than their curb to check for mail. On the other hand, the Postal Service greatly increased access for customers in the 1990s with the launch of its public Web site, Today, customers can buy stamps, look up ZIP Codes, calculate postage rates, learn about services, confirm package delivery, change their address, ask to have their mail held, print shipping labels, pay for postage, request free package pickup, and even design advertising mail pieces online.

One cost-cutting measure the Postal Service has not implemented to any large degree is closing small, unprofitable Post Offices. The United States Government Accountability Office (GAO, formerly called the United States General Accounting Office) has repeatedly advised that the Postal Service could save millions of dollars annually but still adequately serve rural customers by replacing thousands of small, money-losing Post Offices with alternative services like contract offices or rural delivery routes. In 1982, for example, the GAO estimated that about $106.7 million annually could be saved by closing around 5,000 one-person Post Offices that provided no home delivery.79 But instead of thousands, the Postal Service has closed, on average, fewer than 150 Post Offices each year.80

In the context of the Sixth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly's preliminary exchange of views on universal jurisdiction, Human Rights Watch believes it is important to convey a few points about the concept of universal jurisdiction. 006ab0faaa

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