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I have not problem with unity 5.3.4p3 but google play do not accept my games and it wants x64 so I change to unity 2017.4.17 and in gradle and clicked on build app bundle (google play ) but I have error

Unity Setup64.exe Download

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://blltly.com/2y4OOI 🔥

** I Installed some unity version on pc: unity 5.3.4p3 ,unity,unity 2017.4.17,unity 2018.2.18 ,unity 2018.2.15, unity2017.4.28, unity 2017.4.29 , unity 2019.1.2 , unity 2019.1.5 but it does not work them ...Help me please ...help me

To see the Attunity connectors in the SSIS Toolbox, you always have to install the version of the connectors that targets the same version of SQL Server as the version of SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) installed on your computer. (You may also have earlier versions of the connectors installed.) This requirement is independent of the version of SQL Server that you want to target in your SSIS projects and packages.

For example, if you've installed the latest version of SSDT, you have version 17 of SSDT with a build number that starts with 14. This version of SSDT adds support for SQL Server 2017. To see and use the Attunity connectors in SSIS package development - even if you want to target an earlier version of SQL Server - you also have to install the latest version of the Attunity connectors, version 5.0. This version of the connectors also adds support for SQL Server 2017.

Check the installed version of SSDT in Visual Studio from Help | About Microsoft Visual Studio, or in Programs and Features in the Control Panel. Then install the corresponding version of the Attunity connectors from the following table.

About Ubuntu distro, I used to be user of this distro for a long time until they have messed up with the unity and replace the X server. it's become alike tabled junk alike Galaxy, and not even that they wannabe the same as APPLE, They went overboard trying to sell music alike apple does, and that's way UBUNTU It has lost the ground . Anyway everyone got different opinion and so do I . my preferable Linux choice and I've been using Linux more than 14 years and Zero M$ ! About software for editing photos it's Rawtherapee, I have tried dark table and really it SUCKS.

I love Linux-mint and nothing comes close to the Mint distro. 

PS: Don't forget Linux it's an Open source not like APPLE and M$!!!!

Linux mint kicks the ass out of Ubuntu

Originally posted 118 months ago. (permalink)

 Nikon FM2 Photography edited this topic 118 months ago.

Unity 2023.2.4


- 2D: Fixed TilemapRenderer using texture shader property from previous Renderer if property is not set in the TilemapRenderer by setting a default property to use

- 2D: TilemapRenderer in Individual mode will user all secondary textures associated with the Sprites used when Sprites are using Sprite Atlas texture with different secondary texture sources

- Android: Google play.asset-delivery package version is updated to 2.1.0 to solve PAD related compatibility problem with Android 14

- Animation: Fixed for a previous safety check on DiscreteCurve preventing the creation of curves when the specified binding path is not found

- Asset Import: Fixed assertion errors that occur when importing case insensitive plugins

- Editor: Ensure that instance ID is setup within built-in fragment shaders prior to crossfade dither macro calls, which uses the shader instanced property unity_LODFadeArray

- Editor: Fixed APV virtual offsets or sky occulsion baking for big meshes

- Editor: Fixed color glyphs not being displayed when using IME

- Editor: Fixed Label not being properly assigned the emojiFallback value when used with a TextField

- Editor: Fixed VolumetricFog as Fullscreen Debug Mode

- Editor: Frame Debugger: Fix cases where MSAA render textures were not resolved before being displayed

- GI: Fixed an issue where temporary copy of lightmap textures after bake was not released

- Graphics: Fixed native plugin crash when on non-main thread

- HDRP: Fixed caustics in XR

- HDRP: Fixed time step of watersystem for recorder

- iOS: Added iPhone 15 cutouts

- iOS: Added iPhone 15 device generation enums

- iOS: Fixed AddLocaleVariantFile not working with Windows file paths

- iOS: Fixed an audio bug on iOS. On iOS 17, if a Bluetooth audio device is connected, and "Prepare iOS for Recording" is un-checked, the C# Microphone.Start function could cause Unity to hang

- iOS: Fixed iPhone 15 crash when forcing it to Portrait Upside Down orientation

- Mono: Fixed GC heap reporting to report reserved (free) sections

- Physics: Fixed an issue with Rigidbody::MoveRotation where the epsilon used to verify that the provided Quaternion is close to being unit length was too precise, causing false positives

- Profiler: Fixed null pointer access crash inside ProfilerRecorder

- Scripting: Fixed AssemblyUpdater process not never exiting in some scenarios

- UI Elements: Revert back the multiline validation being applied to single line TextField

- UI Toolkit: Fixed UIElementsGenerator to include shorthand properties when generating UssNameToCSharpName and vice versa

- Universal RP: Fixed t Fullscreen Render Feature doesn't cause rendering layers to run in the depth normals prepass anymore

- VFX Graph: Fixed an issue where spawner callbacks were only working on the first instance of an instanced effect

- VFX Graph: Fixed an Unexpected inspector in case of Sprite Custom/Lit/Unlit

- VFX Graph: Fixed error feedback context menu could not be displayed anymore

- VFX Graph: Old style dropdown in Add, Divide (and many others) style has been updated to new design

- VFX Graph: Visual Effects back in Scene FX window

- Video: Fixed OnFrameReady is called twice when setting the time in VideoPlayer

- Video: [WebGL]VideoPlayer Rendering stops when setting FilterMode of a texture downloaded with UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture()

Unity 2023.2.3


- 2D: Fixed case where URP freeform lights glitch when Light points are close to one another

- Accessibility: Fixed the node that is focused on touch

- Android: AndroidJavaObject will correctl follow dispose pattern and will now call Dispose(false) from finalizer, previously it called Dispose(true)

- Animation: Fixed crash with multithreaded evaluation after calling ApplyOverrides on AnimatorOverrideController

- Editor: "Assertion failed on expression" errors spammed due to an attachment limit

- Editor: Added a space in contextual menu for TMP

- Editor: Fixed a bug where the KeyDown event from the Context menu's search field would be propagated to other windows

- Editor: Fixed an Editor freeze when PrefabUtility.LoadPrefabContents was called in AssetPostprocessor.OnPostprocessAllAssets for a moved prefab

- Editor: Fixed issue when dragging selectable field in IMGUI

- Editor: Fixed issue with IMGUI not calculating text size properly

- Editor: Fixed player build issue with needed assemblies being omitted from the build

- Editor: Fixed sign out experience from the Editor UI with or without active Hub (LIT-2409)

- Editor: Fixes issues with updating IMGUI TextField from code

- Editor: Properly report a cancelled build in early build player stage

- Editor: Remove shortcut duplicates in the Binding Conflicts tab in the Shortcut Manager window

- GI: Handling CPU memory allocation failure in heavy data jobs when baking APV

- Graphics: Add support for SRP depth-only passes to accept RenderBuffers as store targets, rather than using the whole RenderTexture

- Graphics: Clarify that creating an AsyncQueueSynchronisation GraphicsFence requires the platform to support AsyncCompute

- HDRP: Fixed triplanar on alpha clipped geometry

- Linux: Fixed space key does not work when holding the Shift key

- Nintendo Switch: Fixed to correctly set Depth Clip Mode on Nintendo Switch so the ShaderLab ZClip command can work correctly

- Physics 2D: Fixed an issue where "PhysicsShapeGroup2D.Add()" produced incorrect "PhysicsShape2D.vertexStartIndex"

- Scene/Game View: Fixed center tool handle mode

- TextMeshPro: Custom validator ignores the returned character from the validate function

- TextMeshPro: Editing a textfield on mobile and then submitting throws an exception

- TextMeshPro: Fixed margin values of TMP Text object can't be set when having specific anchors

- uGUI: Fixed editor crash on Camera::GetCameraRect on a nested Canvas GameObject

- uGUI: Fixed underline when use at end of text

- Universal RP: Fixed an issue where Light Layers did not check scene lighting setting when enabling the keyword

Unity 2023.2.2


- Burst: Burst support for Apple visionOS


- Editor: Rename the shortcut that opens the context menu in the Scene view from "Show Action Menu" to "Show Scene view context menu"


- 2D: Fixed AnimatedTile not animating in a player build

- Android: Android: The Editor now offers to install a lower API level than the currently installed level if the user requests it, rather than forcing the user to install the lower level manually. Not available in batch mode

- Android: Fixed an issue with usymtoolarm64 not being copied to exported Gradle project

- Android: Fixed merged manifest path for permissions event

- Asset Import: Closing the editor after reverting the properties in editor now resets the m_DirtyIndex to 0

- Audio: Fixed a bug that would cause the ARC to crash for certain parameter settings

- Editor: Fixed an Editor performance issue when opening a Shader Variant Collection asset containing more than 10,000 child variant objects

- Editor: Fixed an issue where sometimes the cloud project ID does not get included in the build.

- Editor: Fixed an issue with text not being displayed under certain conditions

- Editor: Fixed Cmd+Ctrl+Q shortcut closing the Editor on macOS.

 Fixed Ctrl key is ignored when creating shortcuts with Cmd key

- Editor: On iOS, with MSAA and HDR enabled, now properly use the same backbuffer format

- GI: Changed Spotlight to Spot Light in UI labels

- GI: URP in batch mode (using -executeMethod): fixed light baking issues

- Graphics: WebGL Player: Fixed a memory leak when using AsyncGPUReadbackRequest

- iOS: Bring back the applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning: to UnityAppController

- Physics: Fixed the torque computation of ArticulationBody::AddRelativeTorque to properly move the provided local space torque into world space before applying the inertia tensor world matrix. This change only affects cases where ForceMode.Acceleration and ForceMode.VelocityChange would be used

- Physics: Fixed the torque computation of RigidBody::AddRelativeForce to use the inertia tensor world matrix instead of mass. This change only affects cases where ForceMode.Acceleration and ForceMode.VelocityChange would be used

- Physics: Fixed the torque computation of RigidBody::AddRelativeTorque to properly move the provided local space torque into world space before applying the inertia tensor world matrix. This change only affects cases where ForceMode.Acceleration and ForceMode.VelocityChange would be used

- Physics 2D: Fix an issue where small/thin holes were left inside a PolygonCollider2D due to removal of near-collinear vertex

- UI Toolkit: UI Toolkit + IPointerClickHandler. IPointerClickHandler now counts clickCount correctly

- UI Toolkit: UI Toolkit: Fixed indications of default value overrides not being correctly refreshed, and clarified the Binding Path's field name and tooltip

- Undo System: Improve performance on Undo Flush when using serialization system

- Universal RP: URP: Fixed an issue where screen space decals miscalculated ambient lighting

- WebGL: Fixed a bug that caused for input to not be released when focus was removed from canvas on Windows Chrome

- WebGL: Fixed an error when sending long strings with gameInstance.SendMessage

Unity 2023.2.1


- Burst: Added support for System.Math functions Acosh, Asinh, Atanh, Cbrt, CopySign, Log2, SinCos, FusedMultiplyAdd, and ILogB

- HDRP: Added a new LOD mode for High Quality Lines that is based on screen coverage

- HDRP: You can now set the width of High Quality Lines in centimeter units on a per-vertex basis via Shader Graph


- AI: Built-in navigation components are no longer hidden from the Add Component menu if the AI Navigation package is not installed. Instead, affected workflows provide shortcuts to install the package.

- Burst: Introduced mimalloc as Burst's native allocator on Windows, to accelerate concurrently executing LLVM work

- Burst: Removed all code specific to DOTS Runtime

- XR: The Oculus XR Plugin package has been updated to 4.1.2


- 2D: Fixed a Crash that occured on GfxVersionList::Impl::GetVersion when opening the Project, Scene, and Game view

- AI: If the user adds components that rely on the AI Navigation package, and that package is not installed in the project, the Inspector window prompts the user to install the package

- AI: Linked NavMeshAgent, NavMeshObstacle and OffMeshLink components to their documentation pages

- Burst: Added linking to libstdc++/libc++ statically on HMI platforms

- Burst: Fixed an error thrown by the Burst Inspector when opening a non-static job with special characters in its name

- Burst: Fixed an issue that caused an empty variable to be returned if it is between a zero initializer

- Burst: Fixed an issue where changing certain player build platform settings (like SDK version) would not trigger Burst to recompile

- Burst: Fixed an issue where invalid burst string formats leading to internal compiler error

- Burst: Fixed an issue where native debug information failed to reflect the contents of parameters to functions

- Burst: Fixed the Burst Inspector that were not displaying target methods if namespace or class contained the method name

- Burst: Fixed the QNX Player builds on 32-bit ARM

- Burst: For native debug information, type symbols can now be referenced using a :: separator between namespaces (C++ style). For example, Example.Type becomes Example::Type

- Editor: Fixed an issue where asset indexing was redone every time the Editor started

- Editor: Fixed an issue with missing SH vertex evaluation keywords in various secondary URP shaders

- Editor: Fixed APV debug shaders names and tags on URP

- Editor: Fixed missing APV include in the ComplexLit shader

- Editor: Fixed repeatedly asking the user whether they want to add a probe volume to the scene

- Editor: Fixed wrongly identifying different types of assets and folders as having the same name

- Editor: Hid the value of all password arguments provided from the command line in the Editor logs

- Editor: Refreshed the Unity Gaming Services Settings window to make it intuitive and easy to use

- Entities Graphics: Fixed an issue with the Editor selection outline when using shadergraph and vertex deformations

- Graphics: Added support for per-vertex motion vectors with DOTS Deformations on URP

- Graphics: Fixed support for rendering meshes with lines and points, and not just triangles

- HDRP: Added missing texture array global mip bias override for texture array grad samplers.

- HDRP: Corrected dynamic resolution settings for offscreen UI

- HDRP: Fixed a non-development player crash that occurred when using the High Quality Lines feature

- HDRP: Fixed an issue Dropdown serialization and bindings. Ctrl + Z is now working

- HDRP: Fixed an issue that caused standalone runtime rebuilds of hair instances to fail when using High Quality Lines

- HDRP: Fixed an issue where cloud rendering was applied in prefab view

- HDRP: Fixed an issue where High Quality Line Renderers fail to draw on Metal API

- HDRP: Fixed an issue where if you open a newly created Shader Graph asset, the asset appears to have been modified

- HDRP: Fixed an issue with double Shadow Quality UI in HD Lights

- HDRP: Fixed an issue with High Quality Line Rendering spamming the console with errors in certain frame setting configurations

- HDRP: Fixed NaN propagation for path traced hair

- HDRP: Fixed potential leaks when using dynamic resolution and objects with refraction.

- HDRP: HDRP: Added index seed mode for path tracing to avoid "sticky" noise patterns when using path tracing in conjunction with Recorder

- IL2CPP: Fixed a C++ compilation error on structs with Charset.Auto and System.Charfields.

- IL2CPP: Fixed a crash that would occur when a function pointer appeared as a ref or out parameter

- IL2CPP: Fixed IL2CPP build errors when Enums are decorated with a GUID attribute

- IL2CPP: Fixed incorrect parsing of generic limit command line arguments

- Input: Added more robust edge checks to simulated mouse input

- iOS: Fixed an issue where touches got stuck when the orientation is forced from code while touching the screen.

- Linux: Fixed an issue where New Input System Mouse Click did not work on secondary displays.

- Mono: Added a check to ensure that when processing the methods of an interface, the generic method has the virtual flag to avoid corrupting the vtable

- Mono: Fixed a runtime crash that occurred when accessing a struct field of a null object

- Mono: Fixed crash that occured in Rider when hovering a symbol to view its value

- Physics: Fixed logging errors with Collider.hasModifiableContacts and Collider.providesContacts when the collider is inactive

- Scripting: Fixed a crash that occured when loading a project with script compilation errors

- Serialization: Fixed the incorrect behavior of visited hash set

- uGUI: Fixed issue with Buttons triggering a different Button when using multiple Canvas instances in multiple windows

- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue with unregistering callbacks

- Undo System: Detected scripts which destroy object when they are added to during Reset

- Universal RP: Fixed an issue with post-processing that generated predictable values instead of random values.

- Universal RP: Fixed the SH Vertex Evaluation Mode in URPLit shader graph

- VFX Graph: Fixed an issue where RenderTexture could not be used in VFXGraph

- Video: Fixed an issue where the video kept playing in the background when Play mode was paused

- Web: Fixed the default compression format from Brotli to Gzip

Unity 2023.2.0


- Documentation: Improved the code sample for NavMeshAgent.CalculatePath() to better clarify how to interpret and use its results

- Editor: Allowed action and clutch shortcuts to use the same mouse button with or without modifiers

API Changes:

- Scripting: Removed: Removed overloads of method Hierarchy.Add that did not take a parent node


- GI: Removed erroneous mentions of Auto Generate Lighting from the documentation, because this mode no longer exists

- Package: Bumped the version of com.unity.sequenceand updated its tests


- 2D: Fixed an issue where the secondary texture of Sprite Atlas was not rendered when it was used in a shader graph

- Asset Bundles: Fixed deadlock in AssetBundleUnloadOperation

- Asset Pipeline: Resolved the issue encountered in user builds when Unity was run in batch mode for builds, especially on CI infrastructure, with the configured and enabled Accelerator

- Audio: Fixed a bug that caused the clip volume in the Audio Random Container window to appear as if it is synchronised with the main volume

- Audio: Fixed a bug that occurred when selecting a GameObject with an audio source that points to an audio random container. The issue would throw an UI error in the editor console

- Audio: Fixed a bug that prevented the Script Inspector from showing a VU meter when the script overrides OnAudioFilterRead

- Audio: Fixed an issue with a null list element in the clip list in the AudioRandomContainer Editor window after removing an element then undoing it, followed by a domain reload (like entering and exiting playmode)

- Audio: Fixed an issue with the clip list in the AudioRandomContainer Editor window not redrawing correctly after undoing a reorder of the list elements

- Core: Fixed a data race inside the job system where weak memory systems could hang when waiting and attempting to steal parallel work submitted from another thread

- Editor: Fix a crash that would occur when reordering some nested lists in MonoBehaviours

- Editor: Fixed an InvalidOperationException that happened when clearing inactive background progresses

- Editor: Fixed an issue that caused the Editor to freeze when calling UnityWebRequest.ClearCookieCache

- Editor: Fixed an issue where new input system was unresponsive on a second monitor

- Editor: Fixed an issue with an incorrect Editor splash screen

- Editor: Fixed an issue with backslashes in files and folders. Unity now ignores files and folders which include backslashes on macOS and Linux and warns the user about invalid paths

- Editor: Fixed an issues that made the Editor Text Sharpness incorrect when you open the Unity Editor

- Editor: Fixed the issue of incorrect mouse jumping that remained enabled after clicking in the Scene View

- Editor: Updated the enum maskfield flags in the dropdown menu that are adjusted manually

- Graphics: Fixed an issue that caused GraphicsSettings.asset to appear dirty even if no changes were performed at RenderPipelineGlobalSettings registration

- Graphics: Fixed an issue where Mesh Renderers are attempting to be drawn without a vertex position stream.

- HDRP: Fixed an issue where XR SPI was not disabled after processing a render request

- HDRP: Fixed performance issues in the Reflection Probe inspector

- iOS: Fixed an issue where UnityWebRequest incorrectly sent Content-Length header with zero for requests other than PUT and POST

- Linux: Fixed an issue where a floating window would not stay on top of the Editor when clicking anywhere on the main Editor window

- Networking: Fixed an issue that caused an application to crash during shutdown if UnityWebRequest was running

- Networking: Fixed an performance regression issue in UnityWebRequest when connecting to multiple HTTPS resources simultaneously

- Networking: Updated libcurl to version 8.4.0

- Physics 2D: Fixed an issue that caused inaccurate collisions when a CapsuleCollider2D had the same width and height

- Physics 2D: Fixed an issue that prevented Unity from calling OnTriggerExit2D or OnCollisionExit2D if the Collider2D has existing contacts but then becomes invalid due to rotation around the X and/or Y axis

- Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue where Scene view motion tools could override custom Editor tools

- Scripting: Fixed an issue with files not getting added for compilation if GUIDs are detected as a move, and the old file was added as new.

- Scripting: Fixed an issue with race condition that could cause crashes on startup when native code was called into managed code

- Scripting: Fixes an issue where clicking on a script compilation error in the Console Window wouldn't highlight the script in the Project Window

- Serialization: Fixed an issue that caused build errors after adding assembly definitions

- Shaders: Fixed an Editor crash that would occur when updating a shader graph referenced by another shader using UsePass

- Shaders: Fixed an issue that prevented shaders from rendering after editing dependencies in include files

- UI Toolkit: Fixed a bug where the ContextMenu width was too large when it contained a search field

- UI Toolkit: Fixed an Assertion error that occurred when adding the first element to a list in the CustomPropertyDrawer

- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where reopening UI Builder with the same document would disgard USS changes on disk when you closed the UI Builder

- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where UI Document Live Reload feature was systematically triggered when you entered Play mode with the UI Builder window open

- UI Toolkit: Fixed NullReferenceExceptions when re-ordering animated list views

- Universal RP: Fixed an issue that caused URP resources to return null after upgrading

- URP: Fixed an issue that partially corrupted display on Android if Vulkan Display Rotation was enabled during rendering

- VFX Graph: Fixed an issue where curve and gradient updates were missing when they were edited directly in the VFX View window

- VFX Graph: Fixed an issue with null values in slots preventing them from changing

- Windows: Fixes an issue with unreliable Cursor.SetCursor behaviour

- XR: Fixed an issue where setting XRSettings.useOcclusionMask to false did not disable the occlusion mask when using the Built-in Rendering Pipeline

Unity 2023.1.20


- Documentation: Improved code sample for NavMeshAgent.CalculatePath() to better clarify how to interpret and use its results

- Documentation: [AI] Added some detail to NavMeshPathStatus.PathInvalid

- VFX Graph: Improved and optimize undo redo.


- XR: Updated OpenXR SDK package version to 1.9.1.


- Asset Bundles: Fixed deadlock in AssetBundleUnloadOperation

- Asset Import: Fixed a regression where an fbx with missing materials would cause a crash during import

- Build Pipeline: Improved the performance of "Write data build dirty tracking information" for AssetBundle builds

- Core: Fixed a data race inside the job system where weak memory systems could hang when waiting and attempting to steal parallel work submitted from another thread

- Documentation: [AI] Fixed incorrect documentation for NavMeshBuildSource.size

- Documentation: [AI] Fixed incorrect documentation for NavMeshBuildSource.size

- Editor: Corrected initialized SerializedObject and EnabledProperty in Editor

- Editor: Corrected load Editor Sharpness on first use

- Editor: Disabled started animation in DetachFromPanelEvent callback

- Editor: Fixed editor crash when right clicking on curve field

- Editor: Fixed Floating window does not stay on top of the Editor when clicking anywhere on the main Editor window

- Editor: Fixed InvalidOperationException when clearing inactive background progresses

- Editor: Fixed issue with Input Manager Project Settings UI becoming corrupted on first run after installing Input System package v1.8.0-pre1

- Editor: Fixed issue with Mixed lightmodes not working in the Player

- Editor: Fixed occasional freeze when calling UnityWebRequest.ClearCookieCache

- Editor: Fixed render variants not being created if the Materials folder didn't already exist

- Editor: Fixed the double copy in package manager

- Editor: Fixed the line copying using ctrl+c will erase the content in ugui test project

- Editor: Fixed the search by shortcut in the Shortcuts Manager window to accept Mouse inputs

- Editor: Fixed undo/redo did not work anymore with selection

- Editor: SpeedTree Importer Inspector: Fixed 'Null reference exception' when Apply button is clicked after changing an import option

- Editor: Updated the enum maskfield flags in the drop-down menu that are adjusted manually

- Editor: UUM-54191: Fix for 2023.1.X: TextField selection is too sensitive

- Editor: [Android] Broadcast Receiver in UnityPlayer was removed as it is unneeded and causing crash on Android 14 development due to missing EXPORTED/NOT_EXPORTED flag when registering receiver

- Editor: [Android] Samsung S8 crashing after OpenExtractor failing to translate archive

- Graphics: Fixed crash when trying to upload a texture with TextureUploadFlags::kTextureUploadUninitialized and using OpenGL

- Graphics: Fixed rendering freezes when changing orientation on A14 iPads

- Graphics: Resolves two triggered Vulkan validation errors in multiview when using SRPs; VUID-vkCmdClearAttachments-pRects-06937 and VUID-vkCmdClearAttachments-baseArrayLayer-00018

- HDRP: Added additional documentation for cached shadows of directional lights.

- HDRP: Added in which space custom velocity should be computed

- HDRP: Ensure documentation clearly lists lack of support for Box Lights in path tracing

- HDRP: Fixed an issue where Reflection Proxy Volume would cause artifacts to cover the editor on Apple Silicone devices

- HDRP: Fixed argument exception when trying to add to shadowsWithValidData

- HDRP: Fixed Turkish OS incorrectly deducing DLSS is not available

- HDRP: Fixed XR SPI is not disabled after processing the render request

- HDRP: The lightShadowCasterMode property on Light now only affects shadow caster culling when baked lighting includes shadow mask, as intended

- HDRP: Updated decal projector draw distances when global draw distance changes.

- iOS: Fixed application not launching in fullscreen when CustomXib is selected as launch screen

- Linux: Fixed Editor progress window labels doesn't updating

- Linux: Fixed Progress modal window stays on top of every other window and cannot be moved

- Networking: Fixed crash when quitting application with running UnityWebRequest

- Networking: Updated libcurl to version 8.4.0

- Physics: Discard inertia tensor rotations that contain infinite components (both Rigidbody and ArticulationBody)

- Physics 2D: When using CustomCollider2D.SetCustomShapes using a NativeArray, allow the shape vertices to be non-contiguous i.e each redundant vertex unused by shapes are allowed

- Scripting: Fixed a couple of issues in AssemblyUpdater with regard to generic type handling

- Scripting: Fixed files not getting added for compilation if GUIDs are detected as a move, and the old file added as new.

- Scripting: Fixed race condition that could cause crashes on startup when native code called into managed code

- Shaders: Fixed editor crash when updating a shader graph referenced by another shader using UsePass

- UI Elements: Fixed Enum field changes that are not reflecting when multi-editing GameObjects with different values

- UI Toolkit: Fixed NullReferenceExceptions when reordering animated list views

- UI Toolkit: Fixed UI Builder not discarding document changes when closing a modified document that was active when the Unity Editor was opened

- UI Toolkit: Fixed UI Builder sometimes placing element at wrong position when reordering on a freshly opened document

- UI Toolkit: Fixed UI Builder sometimes reversing element order when reordering multiple elements at a time

- UI Toolkit: Fixed UIDocument not being reloaded when closing UI Builder and discarding changes

- UI Toolkit: Fixed UIDocument sometimes not being reloaded when reordering elements in UI Builder

- Universal RP: Fixed an issue where building a project using deferred with batchmode and nographics resulted in incorrect variant stripping

- Universal RP: Fixed an issue where Unlit shaders would not output correct normals when using deferred and Accurate GBuffer Normals.

- Universal Windows Platform: "Create App Packages..." option is greyed out when trying to Create App Packages in Visual Studio

- URP: Fixed partially corrupted Android screen when Vulkan display rotation during rendering is enabled

- VFX Graph: Fixed undoing port value change that did not restore correct value

Unity 2023.1.19


- Apple TV: Include platform name in Bundle Identifier error messages


- 2D: Fix dynamic batching for TilemapRenderer in Individual mode and SpriteRenderer in URP when Renderers use a non-SRP batchable material and can be dynamic batched

- 2D: Improve performance of TilemapRenderer when user changes Material properties that does not require a BuildChunkJob

- Android: Further fix Screen.brightness setter on Xiaomi phones with Android 11 or higher. The minimum screen brightness value will be capped at 0.04, since setting this value lower would default to system brightness setting.

- Android: Screen.brigthness getter will adjust logarithmic scale for Android Pie or higher.

- Asset Pipeline: Fix issue where an infinite import error is thrown when modifying the contents of a "folder plugin".

- Audio: On Android, fixed a crash when an audio device is recording, either the device is disconnected or AudioSettings.Reset is called, and then the recorded AudioClip properties are accessed.

- Build System: Fixed an issue where building a player could fail because of file paths being longer than 260 characters on Windows.

- Editor: Add missing documentation

- Editor: Added support for new gamepads/controllers

- Editor: Allow searching for values in Query Builder propositions in camelcase

- Editor: Cap layout name length at 128

- Editor: Crash prevented by additional check

- Editor: Disable unstable test

- Editor: Disabling BRG rendering in material or prefab preview

- Editor: Editor: Ensure we do not change scroll area if selection is identical.

- Editor: Esc cancels color assignment on Mac

- Editor: Esc will reset (clear) the ProjectBrowser searchfield.

- Editor: Fix example in doc to use the proper API

- Editor: Fix that a bad merge of scene file can cause a crash in RuntimeSceneManager::UnloadAllScenesWithoutDestroyingGameObjects when exiting Play Mode.

- Editor: Fix that Scene view's: "Frame Selected" is not working for GameObjects in Sub Scenes for Entities

- Editor: fix the auto-save for prefabs editing.

- Editor: Fixed gameassembly.so is copied to the parent folder of the linux player.

- Editor: Fixed PropertyDrawer not refreshed when using shared [SerializeReference] values fields

- Editor: Fixed Sprite Atlas assets not being fully checkout when using Perforce

- Editor: Global Settings will always be ensured no matter what RP is active

- Editor: Moving an Asset with same name as a Folder in the destination causes naming conflict

- Editor: Support scene template where cloneable dependencies have the same file name

- iOS: Fix Unity launching in the background on background location event; fix black screen showing between splash screen and first scene (release build only).

- iOS: UnityWebRequest will no longer send Content-Length header with zero for requests other than PUT and POST.

- Physics: Fixed an issue where cloth would not simulate due to the scaling checks for the component registering a false positive on x64 non-development player builds

- Physics: Fixed an issue where the cloth paint tool would be unusable due to a missmatch between the provided Mesh's MeshColliderCookingOptions and what the Cloth system requested

- Scripting: Editor crash when trying to determine assembly information for a path without any asmdef

- Search: Do not dig into managedReference when parsing for scene dependencies.

- Search: Fix ObjectField alignment.

- Search: Fixed search not evaluating content of DontDestroyOnLoad scene.

- Search: Fixed SearchQueryEditor keeping references to old SerializedProperties, causing NullReferenceExceptions when inspecting other objects.

- Search: Try to sync items selected when switching between group tabs.

- Search: When computing dependencies in ScenePRovider we only add reference for root prefab instance.

- TextCore: Ensure internal warnings does not leak to users.

- uGUI: sprite transparency fix when using RGB ETC1 format with split alpha channel

- UI Toolkit: Fixed ListView null reference exceptions flooding the console when trying to unbind it from a disposed SerializedProperty.

- UI Toolkit: Fixed ScrollView's Elastic mode is unrestricted when scrolling with the Scrollbar's arrows

- UI Toolkit: Fixed TreeView showing blank when applying view data and the scroll view scroll offset was non-zero.

- Universal RP: Disabled Motion Blur effect in EditMode to keep the game view clear while editing. Motion Blur works as before in PlayMode and standalone builds.

- Universal RP: Fixed an issue causing decals to be culled erroneously when using the Screen Space technique

- VFX Graph: Fix exception while removing clip event in timeline inspector

- Video: [Android] Player often crashes when playing the Video Player Seek frame that's more than a minute away from the current frame

- WebGL: Added separate build settings options for Master builds with LTO. This lets developers get faster Release builds (if iterating in Release mode is for some reason needed and iterating on Development builds cannot be used), and enables sidestepping any issues stemming from LLVM LTO optimizer.

Unity 2023.1.18


- Version Control: Added button for organization owner/admins to upgrade to DevOps subscription

- Version Control: Included new decorators for retained & locked files

- Version Control: Updated description in the package.json, including an updated link to get started


- 2D: Fixed High memory usage and crash on DynamicHeapAllocator::CreateTLSFBlock when opening project with Sprite Atlas V2 enabled

- Android: Fixed an issue where the preserved screen was displayed when using swipe for pop-up view

- Animation: Prevent UnityEditor.EditorCurveBinding.DiscreteCurve API from creating unsupported discrete curve bindings

- Audio: Fixed a bug where AudioClips loaded via UnityWebRequest would keep two copies of the data, which doubled the memory usage unnecessarily. This was the case for non-streaming AudioClips

- Audio: Fixed crash when resetting AudioSettings during async object loading

- Documentation: Fixed UUM-36369 for 2023.1: ScriptReference/UIElements.PopupWindow

- Documentation: Fixed UUM-43427 for 2023.1: ScriptReference/UIElements.ListView

- Documentation: Fixed UUM-46270 for 2023.1: ScriptReference/UIElements.EventBase

- Documentation: Fixed UUM-46272 for 2023.1: ScriptReference/UIElements.TwoPaneSplitView

- Editor: "ArgumentNullException" error in the Console when selecting certain ScriptableObjects and entering Play Mode

- Editor: "Char" values were overwritten when selecting multiple GameObjects

- Editor: Enum fields shown as Integer when serialized in a nested structure

- Editor: Fixed an editor crash that could sometimes be triggered when painting terrain details

- Editor: Fixed Area light sampling in lightmapper (improves convergence rate)

- GI: Signify that light-baking api are editor only

- Graphics: Fixed time scale bug when previewing trails

- HDRP: Fixed layered lit displacement

- HDRP: New checkbox in surface options to allow materials to be excluded from temporal anti aliasing. The checkbox name is "RemoveFromTUAndAA". This checkbox is ideal for surfaces that contain texture scrolling that has to be neat and does not have velocity information.

- For now, this checkbox is only exposed to transparent materials since they are the only ones that can fit a stencil bit for such operation

- Prefabs: Fixed the "Active" property in constraint components using the data from its scene data and using the value from its prefab data

- Scripting: Fixed an issue with custom script templates containing #ROOTNAMESPACEBEGIN# on their first line

- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the attribute overrides would not be applied correctly across uxml templates

- UI Toolkit: Fixed NullReferenceExceptions in the UI Builder when changing style values and the element was set to display:None

- Version Control: Fixed failed operations when the workspace is already locked

- VFX Graph: Fixed error log raised by VFX analytics while building a project

Unity 2023.1.17


- Particles: Added BakeTexture and BakeTrailsTexture scripting methods.

- VFX Graph: VFX instancing allowed when having exposed textures, meshes or graphic buffers.


- HDRP: Added a warning to the HDRP Wizard if a users project contains materials that cant be upgraded

- HDRP: Improved skyContext caching when the sky renderer changes

- Kernel: Added "-timestamps" command line argument to the player, which makes it prepend timestamps at the beginning of each log line. This setting was previously only available to the editor.

- Universal Windows Platform: Improved performance of repeated checks whether accelerometer and gyrometer are supported.


- Graphics: D3D11 will use MSAA samples count fallback from player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to disable anti aliasing

- Graphics: D3D12 will use MSAA samples count fallback from player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to disable anti aliasing

- Graphics: GLES will use MSAA samples count fallback from player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to upgrade to x4

- Graphics: IOS will use MSAA samples count fallback from player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to upgrade to x4

- Graphics: Mac will use MSAA samples count fallback from player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to upgrade to x4

- Graphics: RenderTexture will use MSAA samples count fallback from player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to disable anti aliasing

- Graphics: TvOS will use MSAA samples count fallback from player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to upgrade to x4

- Graphics: Vulkan will use MSAA samples count fallback from player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to upgrade to x4

- UI: Added "Unsupported MSAA Fallback" in player settings to specify how to handle cases with unsupported sample counts

- URP: Vulkan URP will use MSAA samples count fallback from player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to upgrade to x4


- 2D: Fixed Crash on GfxVersionList::Impl::GetVersion when opening project/scene/Game view

- Android: APP_CMD_WINDOW_INSETS_CHANGED will be correctly reported for GameActivity, when soft keyboard is opened/closed

- Android: Corrected set sensor name and vendor when reporting to the input system package. Previously only sensor type was being reported, while name and vendor were empty strings

- Android: Show the last rendered frame when the application come back from the pause state

- Animation: Fixed bug where animation rigging constraints and AnimationScriptPlayable could not set translation on the hips of a humanoid, even if its root motion was disabled

- Animation: Fixed incorrect display of the event markers in the FBX importer Animation tab

- Build Pipeline: Log error in editor rather than closing the editor if building a player failed due to invalid inputs

- Build Pipeline: Enable Dedicated Server optimizations option fails on incremental Asset Bundle builds

- Editor: Avoid a type initialization exception that can occur on Apple Silicon when a .NET executable is run as part of the Unity Editor tooling

- Editor: Do not show UnityWebRquest timeout error from curl to Editor console

- Editor: Fixed a crash caused by Leak Detection Mode: EnabledWithStackTrace when tracked allocations are made on worker threads

- Editor: Fixed crash in audio mixer when loading assets that are corrupted

- Editor: Fixed Crash on ContainerWindow::ToggleMaximize when EditorWindow is closed during Undo

- Editor: Fixed Domain Reload editor crash when invalid assemblies are present in the project

- Editor: Fixed for stripping out the Texture2DArray or Texture3D assets from dedicated server builds

- Editor: Fixed hangs in GC and crash when Content Files unload

- Editor: Fixed inspector window refreshing and fields losing focus each time a modification was made to a prefab

- Editor: Fixed issue with copy/paste long value on the serialized property field

- Editor: Fixed multiline error/warning compiler messages getting ignored

- Editor: Fixed problem with sending editor.buildPackageList analytics event

- Editor: Fixed the Object Selector window title so it used nice names to match the ObjectField label

- Editor: Fixed the styling of the shortcut manager prompt window when the active shortcut profile has a long name

- Editor: Fixed to make sure Clear commands work when using RenderPass API and Vulkan

- Editor: GameObject shadows could be broken when entities positions are very far away

- Editor: Improved temp atomic safety handle by temp allocator owns the safety nodes

- Editor: Increased Undo buffer maximum size to prevent 'Failed to create Object Undo, because the action is too large' error in console

- Editor: Linux crash related to MenuItem Validate() calling Menu.SetChecked()

- Editor: Loop information embedded in the smpl chunk of WAVE files is now properly handled in WebGL player builds

- Editor: Shader is still SRP Batcher compatible when using array in UnityPerMaterial cbuffer

- Editor: Targeting a platform with incorrect environment setup (e.g. targeting with an incorrect GDK installed) no longer generates unrecoverable shader errors

- Editor: [Android][2023.1] Modify DeleteAsset function to check whether file path already begins with "Assets" folder to avoid adding the folder twice

- GI: Make player compile without runtime GI define

- Graphics: Fixed MRT clear on Vulkan

- Graphics: Fixed on-the-fly decompression of ASTC-compressed textures in Editor when width or height is smaller than 4 pixels

- Graphics: Fixed Vulkan rendering when viewport or scissor rectangle has negative offset

- Graphics: MSAA sample count will fallback with same sample count, no matter what API is used

- HDRP: Allowed users to change the maximum amount of lights used in a local neighborhood in the HDRP path tracer through the shader config mechanism

- HDRP: Fixed a SetData error when using more lights in a scene than the configured max light count settings

- HDRP: Fixed an issue where non directional light could react to "interact with sky" flag

- HDRP: Fixed blending between cascaded shadowmaps and shadowmask as well as cascades border ranges

- HDRP: Fixed crash when cleaning up the reflection probe camera cache

- HDRP: Fixed missing shadergraph include on HDRP

- HDRP: Gray out the UI of light cluster override and show the same message as path tracing if raytracing is disabled

- HDRP: Improved VolumetricSky caching and Reduced significantly memory allocation for scenes with multiple realtime reflection probes

- IL2CPP: Prevent the debugger from incorrectly resetting the value of static fields in some cases

- Particles: Improved batching performance of Particle Systems that use Sprites

- Scene/Game View: Fixed drag and drop action of Skybox material in the SceneView not added to the Undo stack and not dirtying the scene

- Serialization: The fix makes sure that a rebuild is performed after the rename of the scriptable object and the scriptable object is updated accordingly, so that the editor doesn't crash

- Shaders: Fixed PackageRequirements block in ShaderLab not recognizing experimental package versions

- uGUI: Fixed Physics2DRaycaster returning the wrong distance between the sorting groups and the raycast

- UI Toolkit: Added support for math operations in the Slider and SliderInt text input field

- UI Toolkit: Fixed editor failing to load layout preset when it includes the UI Builder

- UI Toolkit: Fixed loading of resources by path when a fragment was included in the URI but the asset requested was not a sub-asset

- UI Toolkit: Fixed new default runtime theme being created after an existing default runtime theme was renamed

- UI Toolkit: Fixed ObjectField showing the wrong label when the asset was missing

- UI Toolkit: Fixed undo on text based attribute fields deals with each character separately

- Universal RP: Fixed transparent materials getting marked as dirty during material UI updates and project saving

- VFX Graph: "materials" and "sharedMaterials" properties return all the materials, not only the active ones

- VFX Graph: Crash when converting to subgraph block

- VFX Graph: Crash while sampling combined or deleted mesh with SampleMesh

- VFX Graph: Exception while convert to subgraph with Range of Parameter

- VFX Graph: Exception while switching fabric material to transparent

- VFX Graph: Fixed shader graph with VFX compatibility were not reimported if imported before VFX package is installed

- VFX Graph: Fixed unexpected listing of scene object in object picker from graph

- VFX Graph: Fixed wrong size used for update in strips with immortal particles

- VFX Graph: Immortal particles don't work properly when instancing is enabled

- VFX Graph: Subgraph creation doesn't keep activation slots link

- Web: Fixed a typo in the Memory Growth web player setting

- Web: Fixed typo in setting description

- WebGL: Fixed rendering issues on Apple M1 GPUs when Depth Priming is enabled for URP

- Windows: AsyncOperation returned by Screen.MainWindowMoveTo now gets invoked upon completion of the screen move

Unity 2023.1.16


- Particles: Added the Custom Vertex Streams feature for particle trails


- 2D: Fixed bug where a GameObject instantiated by a Tile is recreated on the player when the user refreshes the Tile without changing the Tile

- Animation: Fixed potential editor hang when previewing transitions to states set with an extremely large speed multiplier

- Asset Pipeline: Prevent folders hidden in Project Browser causing new empty folders

- Audio: Fixed AudioSource.Play() not starting from time=0 after manually seeking with AudioSource.time and then calling AudioSource.Stop()

- Editor: "UnityException: Could not find the requested Platform Texture Settings" error is thrown when selecting a texture when the Dedicated Server Build Support module is installed and the Build Target is missing from the texture's metadata

- Editor: Fixed a misleading error message when renaming a shortcut profile to a long string

- Editor: Fixed overlay not being resizable while docked

- Editor: Move cache dir to user local on linux

- Graphics: Fixed 'The transcoded bitstream was invalid' error being shown when streaming using SVT

- Graphics: Fixed a crash happening when destroying a RayTracingAccelerationStructure declared as a static member in a C# class

- Graphics: Fixed Alpha channel been discarded when texture is imported as Cube Map, Texture2D or Texture2DArray on Android platform when the editor Graphics API is set as DX11/DX12

- HDRP: Fixed a DLSS error in the Standalone Profiler console for Unity 2023.1 by backporting a PR that recently fixed it in 2023.2

- iOS: Fixed safe area not reporting correctly when changing orientation

- macOS: Lock camera configuration when Unity is using it

- Serialization: Fixed calling JsonUtility.FromJson(json) in parallel task

- SpeedTree: Meshes don't calculate UV distribution metrics on import

- Universal RP: Fixed an issue where selecting a stacked camera caused the editor to freeze and sometimes crash

- Universal RP: Fixed using RenderTextureSubElement.Stencil in URP not binding properly

- VFX Graph: Fixed an error in the console when clicking on the [+] button in the blackboard in the "No Asset" window

- VFX Graph: Prevent unexpected border highlight after clicking on VFX toolbar button

- VFX Graph: Take search window mode user's preference into account for object fields in VFX Graph (classic / advanced)

Unity 2023.1.15


- Editor: Build Window Dedicated Server not installed error message


- Editor: Added command to support Hub creating a new project, and connecting a project to Unity Version Control

- Editor: Don't write cloudProjectId in ProjectSettings.asset anymore since it should only be managed by Services

- Version Control: Moved the button to invite users to the organization from the submenu to the toolbar

- Version Control: Show a message with a link to invite users to the organization after the first checkin


- 2D: Fixed line and trail renderer when using with urp sprite materials

- Android: Fixed a potential race condition during pause routine, which would cause application to accidentally quit instead of pausing

- Android: Fixed background color when rendering over native UI

- Animation: Fixed a crash when destroying an animator with a playable graph which containts a scene handle when the graph hasnt been executed

- Core: Fixed Probe Adjustment volume UI for intensity scale

- Editor: Editor: Animation: Fixed size of Animator right panel when left panel is closed

- Editor: Fixed Display.RelativeMouseAt() reporting invalid values when using multiple displays that have been resized or moved (Display C# API) on Windows

- Editor: Fixed Input.mousePosition reporting invalid values when using multiple displays (Display C# API) on Windows

- Editor: Fixed OnMouseDown not working when using multiple displays that have been resized or moved (Display C# API) on Windows

- Editor: Target location of drag into SceneView window specified

- HDRP: Fixed error when assigning non water material to water

- HDRP: Fixed foam generated on shore waves

- HDRP: Fixed GPU warnings due to water system

- HDRP: Fixed missing current sector data in debug modes

- HDRP: Fixed missing foam color parameter

- HDRP: Fixed to sample settings helper

- iOS: Fixed Screen.orientation not changing value when only landscape orientations are enabled and device is rotated

- iOS: Leave the tvOS tests of for XRSDK integration tests

- macOS: Make Bee Logic Work with >=15b6 Xcode Version

- Particles: Fixed that ParticleSystems playing in Edit mode no longer plays after undoing changes, applying or reverting prefab instances or copy-pasting

- Physics 2D: Ensure that both Animation Root Motion rotation and Animation Transform rotation correctly rotate a Rigidbody2D

- Serialization: Fixed a condition that can cause long or near-infinite loop after insertion from BaseListView

- Shaders: Fixed #include_with_pragmas directives deleting other lines of code during raytracing and compute shader compilation

- SRP Core: Fixed occasional ArgumentOutOfRangeException in StaticLightingSky

- UI Toolkit: Fixed issue where you cannot set sortColumnDescriptions property after columns property in multi-column controls

- UI Toolkit: Fixed sorting change events being sent during reapplication of view data state

- UI Toolkit: Fixed textured background UVs when inset because of opaque border

- UI Toolkit: Fixed Vector3Field SetValueWithoutNotify triggers RegisterValueChangedCallback

- UI Toolkit: Fixed view state not being reapplied on MultiColumnView controls

- URP: Fixed visible outline when composited ShadowCaster2Ds with transparency overlap

- Version Control: Fixed Add to ignored/hidden changes list from the Project window creating a negative rule

- Version Control: Fixed Switch to changeset not working on Gluon partial workspace

- Video: Fixed crash when editor using ShareX [screen-capture-recorder-to-video] webcam

- XR: Updated XR Interaction Toolkit to version 2.5.1

Unity 2023.1.14


- Editor: Moving files in the Project window now takes less memory and is faster

- Graphics: Fixed an issue where some functionality of the CubemapInspector was unintentionally left available when inspecting native Cubemap textures

- HDRP: Avoid clamping to integers for HDR manipulation

- HDRP: Reduced GC Alloc when using raytracing and HDRP

- HDRP: Updated description of Decal Projector Draw Distance setting to mention HDRP asset setting

API Changes:

- SRP Core: Added: ObjectID Render Request that provides a render texture with the ObjectId of each pixel.


- Editor: [Android] Exceptions for "Unspecified Version" when including Play Libraries have been removed on 23.1 due to the logic changes when fixing Regex for Core-Common

- Editor: [Android] Moved Play Library checks for plugins and gradle dependencies into methods in 23.1 for use in Editor Tests, to avoid building player in every test

- XR: The Oculus XR Plugin package has been updated to 4.1.1.


- 2D: Fixed FullScreenRenderPass when using with Pixel Perfect Camera

- 2D: Fixed Post Processing and Anti-aliasing during camera stacking when using Renderer2D

- Android: Fixed Input.multiTouchEnabled setter when it's called before any touch event, previously such values would be disregarded since internally there was no touch device available for multiTouch to set to

- Android: Fixed locations of unaligned load/stores on 32-bit Android

- Android: Removed screen with centred app icon before the splash screen

- Apple TV: Fixed on screen keyboard unresponsive to controller when Remote.allowExitToHome is set to false

- Core: Fixed an issue where importing a hybrid package could fail if there was already a package whose name was a prefix of the hybrid package's UPM package name

- Editor: Ensure "Delete Shortcut Profile" window is a fixed size

- Editor: Ensure empty parent after reparenting jumps into rename mode if needed

- Editor: Fixed an incremental rebuild error when the build contains VideoClip or VideoPlayer object types.

- Editor: Fixed an issue where the editor would temporarily freeze when selecting large compressed cubemaps with no mipchain

- Editor: Fixed an issue where the Texture3D previewer (volume mode) would not function with DX12 / Vulkan

- Editor: Fixed an issue where tooltips related to mipmap limit groups were flipped around. (a negative mipmap limit offset uploads more mips, a positive offset uploads less mips -- not the other way around!)

- Editor: Fixed helper bar not being visible when exiting play mode

- Editor: Fixed renderqueue override with shadergraph materials

- Editor: Rare case of static batching with transparent shadow rendering issue fixed

- Editor: Stop popping the Wizard windows when the Global Settings is invalid

- Editor: The stage priority for Sprite renderer and Canvas renderer now updates the value as expected

- Editor: [Android] Fixing Regex that checks for Play Libraries on 23.1 to avoid errors when using Core-Common libraries instead of only Play Core errors as expected. Regex now expects a series of digits/dots after the term "core" to avoid the confusion

- Graphics: 2023.1 Backport: Fix CustomRenderTexture artifact on sphere game object and material preview

- Graphics: Fixed a BatchRendererGroup thread race condition under special circumstances

- Graphics: Fixed an issue where Unity would crash when building a project with a sprite, mipstripping enabled and the "Load texture data on demand" project setting enabled

- Graphics: Fixed game window display position on-screen for additional uncommon multi-monitor layouts

- Graphics: Hide legacy probe debugging when APV is enabled

- Graphics: Improved warning issued when GraphicsBuffer.LockBufferForWrite is called more than once per frame on D3D11

- Graphics: [Vulkan] Crash in HybridHDRPGfxTest Standalone

- HDRP: Added error when the Rendering Layer names in HDRP Global Settings is empty

- HDRP: Allow the game to switch HDR on or off during run time

- HDRP: Fixed a potential GPU crash/hang when using local volumetric fogs

- HDRP: Fixed an issue where an async pass would try to sync to a culled pass mistakenly

- HDRP: Fixed custom post process volume component example in doc

- HDRP: Fixed error on water inspector when no SRP is active

- HDRP: Fixed GraphicsBuffer leak from APV binding code.

- HDRP: Fixed Helpbox UI for LightProbeGroup Inspector

- HDRP: Fixed preview for refractive materials with MSAA.

- HDRP: Fixed ShaderGraph Decal material position issue by using world space position

- HDRP: Fixed the logic used to set up materials featuring displacement mapping that would sometimes result in artifacts or suboptimal performance

- HDRP: Fixed the sharpening pass in order to avoid washed-out colors when using a render target with an alpha channel

- HDRP: Fixed: realtime Reflection probe makes volumetrics clouds wind stop

- HDRP: Mixed tracing mode for transparent screenspace reflections now mixes both tracing modes as expected, instead of only using ray traced reflections

- HDRP: Re-enabled HDR output on Mac (Was disabled).

- IL2CPP: Fixed a crash in some cases where a generic type was being used

- IL2CPP: Fixed ExceptionSupportStack overflow with exception filters in loops

- IL2CPP: Fixed get_base_method() to behave as mono does, preventing a crash when the method slot is outside of the vtable

- IL2CPP: Fixed LoadIndirectNativeInteger to use a temp variable

- Linux: Exposing -datafolder command line argument for Linux Player release builds

- Linux: Fixed Linux Player generating mouse delta values when clicking the left mouse button repeatedly

- Linux: Fixed Scroll doesn't work when a window is attached to the left half of the secondary monitor

- macOS: Fixed driver issue when enabling the water system

- Mono: Fixed crash in Rider when hovering a symbol to view it's value

- Mono: Fixed Editor crash when mini_get_method fails

- Mono: Fixed min alignment of structures with explicit layout

- Mono: Produce crash dump when g_assertion_message is called

- Package Manager: Custom, local and git packages will only follow information from the package.json from now on

- Physics: Fixed up a crash that happened when ArticulationBody was added next to TerrainCollider that had trees on it

- Terrain: Fixed a player crash when a terrain tile completely made of holes was viewed from a distance

- UI Toolkit: Added a workaround for a Intel Graphics 3000 driver bug that would cause textures rendered by UI Toolkit to show incorrectly

- UI Toolkit: Fixed ScrollView produces jittery animation when playing PostPointerUpAnimation

- Universal RP: Added GBuffer (fill) passes to ComplexLit and Unlit shader to prevent GBuffer data holes

- Universal RP: Added Shader Keywords for Soft Shadow quality levels and disable per-light quality level on untethered XR platforms

- Universal RP: Fixed an issue causing 'implicit truncation of vector type' warning when using ShaderGraph shaders in the Forward+ Rendering Path

- Universal RP: Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to add a Renderer Feature on a renderer if another feature had a missing/broken script

- Universal RP: Fixed an issue where reflection probes were not updating correctly when using Forward+

- VFX Graph: Picking Overlay when the rotation is applied on VisualEffect component

- WebGL: Fixed Build & Run for WebGL platform to establish needed COOP, COEP and CORP headers for web browsers to enable SharedArrayBuffer multithreading

Unity 2023.1.13

API Changes:

- Particles: Added: Added new custom vertex streams: particle index, mesh axis of rotation, and color packed as 2 floats


- Editor: Accessing Transform data from 'OnDestroy' during an Undo operation is no longer allowed and an error message is logged

- Package: Updated com.unity.scripting.python package's version to 7.0.1


- Android: Fixed a bug related to the "Mute Other Audio Sources" pla e24fc04721

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