2023 Spring UNIST PDE Group Workshop with A. Kiselev

 Date & Venue

Date :  Apr 17 (Mon) ~ Apr 18 (Tue), 2023

Venue :  Math Lounge at 108 Building, 3rd floor, UNIST

Special Lectures by A. Kiselev (Duke Univ.) 

I - Small scale and singularity formation in fluid mechanics

II -The flow of polynomial roots under differentiation

 Invited Speakers 

Hantaek Bae (UNIST)

Junsik Bae (UNIST)

Tania Biswas (UNIST)


Bongsuk Kwon (UNIST)

Youngae Lee (UNIST)


Kyudong Choi (UNIST)


Shim Wanyong, Shin Jaeyong, Lim Deokwoo, Choe Gangmin, Kim Yunjoo, Sim Youngjin, Ha Taehoon, Yoon Jeongsik, Choi Hwangyoung,  Jeong Yejin, Jang Haechan, Han Seongnyeong (UNIST)

 Program & Title

Apr 17 (Mon)

1:00 pm ~ 1:10 pm: Opening

1:10 pm ~ 2:00 pm: Special lecture I - A. Kiselev (Title: Small scale and singularity formation in fluid mechanics)

2:00 pm ~ 2:30 pm: coffee break 

2:30 pm ~ 3:00 pm: Youngae Lee  (Title: Non-Abelian Chern-Simons-Higgs system with indefinite functional)

3:00 pm ~ 3:20 pm: Ky Ho  (Title: Profile of blow-up solutions to the self-dual Chern-Simons-Higgs vortex equation

3:20 pm ~ 3:40 pm: group photo and break 

3:40 pm ~ 4:00 pm: Junsik Bae  (Title: Solitary waves of the Euler-Poisson system)

4:00 pm ~ 4:30 pm: Hantaek Bae (Title: Local and Global Existence of Solutions to Some MHD Models

5:00 pm ~ : Dinner (location TBD)

Apr 18 (Tue)

09:30 am ~ 10:20 am : Special lecture II - A. Kiselev (title: The flow of polynomial roots under differentiation

10:20 am ~ 10:40 am : coffee break 

10:40 am ~ 11:00 am: Biswas Tania  (Title: Optimal boundary control for the Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes system in 2D)

11:00 am ~ 11:30 pm: Bongsuk Kwon  (Title: Euler-Poisson system of plasma and related problems)

12:00 pm ~ : Lunch (location TBD)


BRL(Basic Research Lab) NRF-2022R1A4A1032094, NRF-2018R1D1A1B07043065


Ms. Yeonju Jeong (staff at UNIST) 

Email: jyj0529@unist.ac.kr