Kyudong Choi(최규동)

I am an Associate Professor in Department of Mathematical Sciences of School of Natural Science at UNIST(Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology). I am interested in analysis of PDEs: fluid equations such as Euler/Navier-Stokes equations and conservation laws aring from mathematical biology. I am a member of UNIST PDE Group supported by BRL(Basic Research Lab) fund since June 2022.

address: 50, UNIST-gil, Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea 

office: 108dong, 301-4

email: kchoi "at"

cv pdf file (last updated on Aug. 2023), a slide

   (upcoming) Organizing events

    (upcoming) Invited talks


•  Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, tenured Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, UNIST (2015.06 ~ current)

•  Van Vleck Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison (2012.09~2015.05)
Mentor: A. Kiselev and S. Denisov


•  Ph.D., Univ. of Texas at Austin (2012.08) Advisor: A. Vasseur

•  B.S., Korea Univ. (2006.08)

Current Students

•  Youngjin Sim(MS-Ph.D program since 2021.09)

Former Students

•  Taehoon Ha(MS, 2023.08) now at industry

•  Deokwoo Lim(Ph.D, 2023.08) now at Seoul National Univesity as a post-doc

Postdocs mentoring

•  Dr. Kwan Woo since 2023.09


• Research paper award, Korean Mathematical Society, 2024 Spring

• National Research Foundation of Korea, Mid-career, 2023-2028 (RS-2023-00274499)

Outstanding Faculty Awards 2022, in research, UNIST 2023.04.11

BRL(Basic Research Lab) fund (PI) 2022~2025  (NRF-2022R1A4A1032094)

• The nation’s top 50 awards for excellence from ‘2020 Academic and Research Support Program' of the Ministry of Education of Republic of Korea (2021.12.16)

• KIAS Associate Member 2019–2024

• National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2018R1D1A1B07043065) 2018–2023

• POSCO Science Fellowship of TJ Park Foundation 2017–2018

• National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2015R1D1A1A01058614) 2015–2018

• ICM 2014 Travel Grants from AMS-NSF

• AMS-Simons Travel Grants 2013–2015

• Frank Gerth III Dissertation Award 2012, Depart. of Math., University of Texas at Austin

• Frank Gerth III Graduate Excellence Award 2008, Depart. of Math., University of Texas at Austin

All the papers below are available either on or upon a request by email <kchoi "at">.



    Published articles in non refereed Journal