Free legal support for you and your family

Dear Members,

As a member of UNISON, you and your family have access to specialist legal advice and representation from the UK’s leading trade union law firm.

Thompsons Solicitors has been here for you throughout the pandemic and we are here for you as normal life begins to resume.

Last year, Thompsons secured more than £7.3 million in compensation for just over 550 UNISON North West members injured at work, away from work, on the roads or developed industrial diseases as a result of exposure to substances like asbestos.

Your free legal service covers:

• Personal injury – at or away from work, on holiday or on the roads

• Serious injury – including brain injuries and spinal cord injuries

• Industrial disease or illness such as asbestos

• Special funding terms for medical negligence claims

• Employment law (accessed via your UNISON branch)

• Online basic wills services and reduced rates for more complex wills, conveyancing and powers of attorney

• Help defending work-related criminal allegations

• Advice on settlement agreements.

Family members are also covered for:

• Personal injury – away from work, on holiday or on the roads

• Reduced rates for wills, conveyancing and powers of attorney.

Keep 100% of your compensation

Making a legal claim through UNISON gets experts on your side and guarantees you keep 100% of your compensation, you won’t get pay a penny in legal fees (and you won’t get that anywhere else).

To learn more about how we can help you make a claim, call 0808 252 2783 or start a claim online.

tart a claim online

Support for members and loved ones affected by coronavirus (COVID-19)

Recognising the toll the pandemic has had on UNISON members, your legal service offers free advice and support if you or a loved one have been exposed to coronavirus (COVID-19) in the workplace.

We want to hear from members who have become ill but also, so UNISON can work out where exposure has occurred and how employers responded, from colleagues of those who fell ill too. Everyone who has been exposed to coronavirus (COVID-19) at work at any time can help.

The more information we gather, the better UNISON can campaign about the issues raised and we can also advise whether you have a personal injury claim to make.

Complete the UNISON Workplace COVID-19 Questionnaire

Complete the UNISON Workplace COVID-19 Questionnaire