LJMU Update Oct 2021
LJMU Covid Operations Group Update (26th October 2021)
Following the Liverpool Health Protection Board statement to people living, working, or visiting the city the Covid Operations Group has met to consider any further action necessary to keep our communities safe.
or see https://www.unisonljmu.org.uk/covid19-news/liverpool-health-protection-board
As Matt Ashton, Director of Public Health for Liverpool states in the message above, the Covid-19 pandemic is far from over, and we are expecting a lot more flu this winter. Local action is needed now, to look after ourselves and each other, to prevent us from having a winter crisis, and important to keep our critical services running, including education.
As result, COG has taken the following action with immediate effect:
Wear a face cover at all times
We are moving with immediate effect to mandate the wearing of face coverings in all teaching and research activities. We continue to provide free face coverings at reception points and expect everyone (other than approved exemptions) to comply. We continue to expect face coverings to be worn in all communal spaces including offices and libraries. You can remove your face cover when you are eating or sitting at a single-person desk or study space.
Hybrid working
We have already introduced hybrid working and will continue with this approach across the university to maintain and protect face-to-face teaching, research, and all student-facing services. Staff must be on campus to provide the services to our students they are expecting.
If you chair university staff group meetings please move these online rather than face to face. University events with large groups on campus can continue and we will be signposting to ensure that Covid safe practices are in operation during these events.
We are following government and professional body guidance regarding ventilation and have assessed every space on campus to ensure this is being met. In mechanically ventilated rooms we are complying with guidance that flow rates are increased, only 100% fresh outside air is circulated, and the systems run for one hour before and after teaching times.
In rooms with no mechanical ventilation systems, we will rely on the opening of external windows (natural ventilation) and have installed CO2 monitors in many naturally ventilated rooms with more to be introduced from the 1st of November. We have also purchased air purifying units which are being introduced into spaces where necessary.
Looking after yourself and others
Don’t delay your vaccines
We strongly recommend vaccination as the single most effective action to combat Covid-19. Whilst vaccination is a personal choice it helps protect you and those around you, including the vulnerable and elderly. It remains the case that most hospitalised Covid-19 patients are unvaccinated, and as such we will continue to work with our health partners to increase vaccine takeup.
Covid-19 testing and what to do if you have symptoms
Around 1 in 3 people with Covid-19 don’t have symptoms but can still infect others. Everyone should continue to take a lateral flow test twice per week, and these are freely available at reception points.
If your lateral flow test is positive you should immediately self-isolate and book a PCR test. If you also have any symptoms of Covid-19 you should immediately self-isolate and book a PCR test. PCR testing is available at the joint LJMU/University of Liverpool test centre.
LJMU Moving Forward Together
We want to do everything we can to protect face-to-face teaching, research, and our student services. In doing so, we all have an individual and collective responsibility to keep our communities safe both within and outside of the university.
LJMU’s Outbreak Management Plan was approved by Matt Ashton, Director of Public Health on 14th October 2021 and is available on our website:
The University Covid Operations Group also continues to meet regularly to review national and local guidance.
There is huge complexity in our planning and the decisions we are taking. Please look out for regular university Covid-19 updates and refer to Liverpool City Council’s Covid webpages for more information.
Phil Vickerman
Chair of the Covid Operations Group
26th October 2021