Unforgettable Pamirs

Only in your wildest dreams can you reach the sky, but travelling through the Pamir highway makes these feel possible. During this journey, you will see the stars and the moon at their brightest. A Soviet-era road will take you straight from Dushanbe to the wildest places of the Pamirs which are adventure even for the most seasoned travellers. On your way the noisy waves of the Panj and Ghund rivers will accompany you up to the Wakhan corridor. This narrow route once was a strategic zone between the British and the Russian Empires in the 19th century during an episode known to history as the Great Game! The local languages, the people, the domestic architecture, the music, the way of preserving food and the variety of food in some places like the Bartang Valley will take you back in time. The Sarez Lake, created by an earthquake hundreds years ago in the Bartang Valley, and hidden in the depth of the Pamirs, is indescribable miracle of nature. Viewing the local ancient traditions, rites and rituals, which have preserved for thousands of years and no co-exist with the most modern habits of people of these areas, will make this indeed an unforgettable trip to the Pamirs.