Mr. Martin Class Information

Union Star Agriculture Department Philosophy

Agriculture Education prepares secondary, post secondary and adult students for a variety of careers and for advanced collage or technical training. Career opportunities for students range from the traditional entry-level positions in farming to positions in agribusiness, horticulture, and forestry. Student participation and interaction is provided through planned leadership activities in FFA.

Agriculture training is delivered by the following program offering in Exploratory Ag, Ag I, Ag II, Food Science/Life Skills, Agriculture Construction/Structures, and Greenhouse.

Union Star R-II School District Mission Statement

Together we make learning happen for tomorrow.

Supervised Agriculture Experience/S.A.E Supervision

All students enrolled in the Union Star Agriculture Education program are expected to have some type of S.A.E or project to keep financial records on. This project needs to be approved by the teacher and the parents. Records on the project will be kept in the FFA record book that is provided to each student. Record keeping is one of the most important skills that the agriculture program provides for students, and these records will be graded as part of the students’ quarterly grades. Farm or placement visits are scheduled outside of school time or in the summer. These visits are made to assess the progress that a student is making either on the job or with their agriculture project. Students are expected to be present for the visits.

Union Star FFA Chapter Purpose

The primary purpose of our FFA chapter is to bring together students who share common interest in Agriculture and to help them learn, through experience, lessons which will benefit them through their lives. It is highly engraraged that every student enrolled in Agriculture Education be a member of the Union Star FFA Chapter.

General Class Information

Click the links below to view the Agriculture Education Course Handbook and Agriculture Education Welcome to the Program Generic Information Sheet. This information goes for ALL courses taught by Mr. Martin for class specific information use the quick links below.

Quick Links to Mr. Martin's Individual Course Information.

Use the links below to access class specific information.