Twitter Archiving Google Sheet

Thanks to Martin Hawksey's wonderful TAGS system, we have a Google Sheet archive for the #UngradingSlowChat hashtag. You can search the archive and see a visualization.

To create your own TAGS set-up for a hashtag that you want to track, just go to Martin's site: TAGS.Hawksey.info and click on the Get TAGS blue button. There is great step-by-step support for the whole process. If you hit a snag, let me know and I'll try to help (@OnlineCrsLady).

Martin also wrote a widget to go with TAGS when Twitter stopped its support for hashtag widgets, so that means we have a widget too! It doesn't update in real time, but it's close enough. Here's how to configure the widget. The identifying number you need is on our actual TAGS sheet here.

Then, just insert it like you would any iframe embed code. In Google Sites, that means Insert-Embed, and then choose the Embed Code dialogue panel.

embed code screenshot