About Ungrading
Slow Chats

ABOUT SLOW CHATS: Unlike Twitter chats that happen at a specific day/time, a Twitter slow chat takes place over a longer period of time so that people have a chance to chime in anytime. We'll be conducting the #UngradingSlowChat during the first week of each month, releasing the questions on the first of month. See the Calendar for details.

Just like in a regular chat, the questions will be labeled Q1, Q2, and so on, and it's helpful in following the conversation if you label your answers A1, A2, and so on. And don't forget to include the hashtag:


ABOUT THIS WEBSITE: This is a Google Site, a free website-building tool from Google. If you have questions about the site, Laura will be glad to share tips and tricks. Just let her know: @onlinecrslady.

ABOUT THE GRAPHICS: David is creating the graphics with Canva. If you want to know more about the graphics magic, you can ask David: @dbuckedu.

The Road Less Traveled: road leading into the distance.
Image on this page created by David Buck with Canva.