September 2020 Slow Chat

September Topic. Ungrading in Different Disciplines. How to implement no matter the course.

Different Disciplines

Here are the questions which we'll be discussing during the first week of September. (Curious about August? Here are the questions and archive.) We'll focus on one question each day, and then replay all questions on the final day, but or course you should feel free to answer any of the questions and in any order. For upcoming topics, see the Calendar.

QUESTION 1: In what discipline(s) do you teach? What is ONE distinctive feature of your discipline(s) that affects your #ungrading?
(for Tuesday, September 1... but feel free to answer anytime with A1)

QUESTION 2: Writing and Language Arts. What are some favorite ungrading resources or practices for these disciplines?
(for Wednesday, September 2... but feel free to answer anytime with A2)

QUESTION 3: STEM. What are some favorite ungrading resources or practices for STEM disciplines?
(for Thursday, September 3... but feel free to answer anytime with A3)

QUESTION 4: Social Sciences. What are some favorite ungrading resources or practices for the social sciences?
(for Friday, September 4... but feel free to answer anytime with A4)

QUESTION 5: Graduate Studies. What are some favorite ungrading resources or practices for graduate studies?
(for Saturday, September 5... but feel free to answer anytime with A5)

QUESTION 6: More Disciplines. What are some favorite ungrading resources or practices for areas we didn't cover this week?
(for Sunday, September 6... but feel free to answer anytime with A6)

Then on Monday, September 7 (yes, Labor Day Holiday...), we'll share some final thoughts for anyone who happens to be tweeting on Monday.