How Many Beans Are In A Cup Of Coffee?

Coffee bean amount is one of the remarkable factors affecting the taste of a cup. However, do we know how many beans are in a cup of coffee for most of us? If you would like to properly estimate the number of beans matching your palate, this post will give you an insight into the right bean amounts. Let’s get started!

How Many Beans Are In A Cup Of Coffee?

The answer is that it depends on how you like it. Nevertheless, if you do not have much experience with a perfect recipe, you should head for a standard formula when brewing a cup of coffee. More specifically, every cup of coffee is about 7 to 10 grams of coffee beans. Therefore, 15 beans per cup are enough.

The best thing to do if you want to accurately measure your coffee is to get a digital kitchen scale. This will be an effective tool to make a perfect ratio coffee.

If you don’t have a digital scale, two full tablespoons of ground beans are enough when you grind beans. Then, note how many tablespoons of whole beans it took to make that amount ground up.

Although this isn’t very precise, it is better than carrying around a scale all the time. You can calculate by another method. One cup of coffee has 90 mg of caffeine, and each bean has 6 mg of caffeine.

What to Effect Number of Coffee Beans?

After picking the proper coffee bean amounts for a single cup of joe, there are some effects to consider to make sure you consistently provide a top cup of coffee.

Types Of Coffee Beans

How types of coffee beans have an impact on the amount consumed? Surprisingly, like the variety of wines available from different vineyards, coffee beans have unique flavors and aromas due to growing conditions and terroir. Similarly, those conditions mentioned will decide the size, shape, color, aroma, and flavor of coffee beans.

Robusta or Arabica have been the two main bean types for most regional varieties in coffee categories. Perhaps, Most coffee lovers would prefer Arabica beans to Robusta ones, thanks to their smoother, sweeter taste. Robusta, on the other hand, strikes a stronger, harsher, and more bitter taste.

Therefore, adjusting different coffee beans from different beans types will bring you closer to your palate.

Type Of Coffee Roasts

Roast time plays an important role in how tasty a single cup of coffee is. By heating, coffee beans are likely to characterize themselves delicate aroma and specific flavor profiles. In addition, roast time variations might dominate a ground coffee amount added to a single cup of coffee.

Light, medium, medium/dark, and dark are the four primary types of roasts. The longer the roast duration is, the darker the coffee bean is. A light roast is a runner-choice for brewers falling in love with a mild smooth blend with a slightly fruity undertone with the shortest roasting time.

However, the coffee beans light roasted comparably are the highest in caffeine and acidity content. If you tend to fall asleep due to high caffeine consumption, a light roast bean amount in your cup should be cut down.

Meanwhile, dark roasts have a stronger aroma, smoother and more chocolatey flavor than the fruity flavor of light roast. Besides, dark roast beans possess the highest bitterness. If you are not in favor of the bitter flavor, you can lower the coffee amount to a single tablespoon.

Coffee-to-water Ratios

The next consideration is “which the most suitable coffee-to-water ratio should we pursue to brew unforgettable taste?” The well-known “Golden Ratio” recipes are suggested from 1:15 to 1:18 ratio. Those ratios correspond to one to two tablespoons of ground coffee for every six ounces of water.

Take note that two tablespoons of ground coffee weigh 10.6 grams of whole coffee beans. Is it too weak, too strong? Is the coffee savory, sweet, fruity, bitter? If you are a coffee newbie, try to figure out your taste preferences by adjusting this ratio.

Brewing Techniques

Suppose you are interested in exploring coffee brewing techniques. In that case, you can try a French press, aero press, percolator, handheld, and stovetop espresso makers, manual pour-over coffee makers, and Vietnamese Phin, etc. Different brewing methods are getting to require different amounts of coffee beans as well.

For manual brewing methods, the 1:17 ratio optimally allows an excellent total extraction level. To be more specific, you can weigh coffee grounds by using two tablespoons per six ounces of water to enjoy a tasty cup of coffee using a drip coffee maker. A drip coffee machine will not consume as much coffee grounds as an espresso machine does.

More than three tablespoons of ground coffee beans are consumed for a stronger coffee and bitter flavor in the prospect of espresso makers. Generally, each method will require a specific amount of coffee beans, and you may need to experiment to seek your palate.

As I pointed out, an espresso machine uses more espresso beans packed tightly into a coffee puck than other methods. This changes how many beans you can pack into each cup of coffee.


So with all of that information in mind, you can recommend yourself the most proper number of coffee beans to follow – for a tasty cup of coffee. In addition, you also should equip yourself with a decent knowledge of factors that affect the coffee brewing process.

Hopefully, the four effects discussed above help you easily answer how many beans are in a cup of coffee?
