Can You Use Coffee Maker To Boil Water?

The heating element is a must in any coffee machine for a hot morning coffee. But can you use coffee maker to boil water? The question may appear insignificant at first, but there is a solid explanation for it.

Is it true that the higher the temperature, the better the results? Can a coffee maker reach the boiling point?

Can You Use Coffee Maker To Boil Water?

Yes, you can use a coffee machine to boil water. But it’s not a good idea. For all of your essential requirements, the temperature of the water that comes out of a coffee-making device is likely to be lower than that of a pot of boiling water from a stove or a flame. However, it is still sufficient for some basic tasks like making tea.

If you want boiling water between 200 and 212 degrees Fahrenheit, we recommend using a stovetop pan. However, most decent coffee makers can heat up to 185 or 190 degrees Fahrenheit.

If you need to avoid having any lingering coffee taste in the water as it goes through a bare coffee basket, make sure to clean the pot thoroughly.

Definition Of Boiling Water

Boiling water is defined as water that has achieved a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit). Water vaporizes quickly at the boiling point as it transforms from liquid to a gaseous state. Bubbles emerge on the surface of boiling water before it reaches the boiling point.

Food is frequently cooked in boiling water. Boiling water also aids in the sterilization of canning bottles, baby feeding bottles with forks and spoons.

With this versatile profile, owning a coffee maker with a boiling feature is like killing two birds with one stone.

How Do Coffee Makers Heat Water?

Coffee-making machines use an aluminum or copper heating coil to heat the water. This gadget uses gravity to pull water down and heat it to the boiling point.

Steam rises through the tube on the upper side when the water boils. If you find hot water coming out of the spout, it’s due to the rise and condensation of these steam bubbles.

The coffee machine uses two physics concepts, which are thermal expansion and steam pressure. The bubbles developing around the coil forces the condensed hot-water bubbles higher.

Before dripping the output tube, steam bubbles compress at the top of it. Due to factors such as equipment and altitude, the dripping water is rarely at boiling temperature.

People who live at higher elevations will experience warmer temperatures than those who live at lower elevations.

Do Coffee Machines Kill Bacteria?

It is a significant question if you live in a place where the tap water is unfit to drink without being boiled, especially in urban areas with hard water. It specifies whether bottled water use or water must be pre-boiled, cooled, and then poured into the coffee pot.

We’re afraid to announce that coffee machines do not eliminate bacteria simply by turning them on and off. They don’t get hot enough regardless of low- or high-end models.

Unfortunately, this means you’ll have to use bottled water if the tap water is contaminated. Also, you should clean the machine regularly to ensure hygiene using some vinegar solution or another cleaning agent!

It is ideal to empty the grounds as quickly as possible to avoid having leftover coffee waste going moldy inside your machine. Although it’s not that difficult to clean them up, try minimizing your chance of having to do this disgusting job.

If you use a coffee grounds basket, discard the filter made of paper or smash out the grounds from a reusable filter before soaking everything in hot soapy water and giving everything a thorough clean.

The coffee machine itself can not erase all bacteria, so it will still need to be cleaned with a cleaning agent regularly. But don’t worry about the purity of your tap water, bottled water is a better idea.

What Happens If Coffee Makers Made Coffee With Boiling Water?

Although coffee makers can utilize hot water, the cup of coffee will not live up to coffee-shop quality. You could use a coffee machine instead, but you’ll quickly discover that it burns the dropping coffee grounds.

The high temperature of the boiling water heats the coffee grinds, making them bitter. Most individuals avoid heating water because of the harshness of the coffee.


When you use a coffee-making device, this machine provides you with hot water, which is necessary for most of your brewing. Using this device is beneficial to your health and provides a pleasant taste in your coffee cup.

Moreover, a coffee machine is less expensive than buying coffee from a coffee shop. A coffee maker sterilizes objects while also providing you with high-quality coffee that meets your health-benefit requirements.

Also, boiling water in a coffee maker consumes less energy and saves time than boiling water on the stovetop since the coffee maker heats up faster.

You may sterilize items in the pot “technically,” and because the pot shuts off at a specific temperature, you don’t have to worry about it burning and scorching the item if it falls to the bottom.


Everything has a downside. Depending on the circumstances, it might be minimal or severe.

The coffee machine can only sterilize certain things. These items can sterilize, but be cautious. When sterilizing anything for a baby or pacifiers to eliminate caffeine, you must ensure that you clean your coffee maker well.

Also, caffeine will give children nightmares. It’s harmful to the kids. When you use hot water, it will dissolve the components in your coffee maker’s metals, and soon wear and tear occurs.

Recommendation For Water Temperature In Coffee

Generally, the coffee machine starts pushing water out before the output tube has heated up sufficiently. The optimal temperature for a flavorful coffee shot usually ranges between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit.

For the vast majority of uses, heating water to this temperature will be enough. But sometimes, you may require something hotter. In this case, a stovetop coffee maker is a good choice.

However, unless you desire a higher level, this temperature range is perfect for brewing coffee. It’s worth noting that the stated optimal water temperature for a coffee maker drops as you use it more.

Thermocouples regulate the temperature of your freshly made coffee. Changing the flavor of brewed coffee is a sign of a broken thermocouple. It’s time to invest in a new brewer since it’s getting sour.

The thermocouple isn’t reaching the temperature that you want. Consequently, the coffee has been “underbrewed.” Don’t add the taste with additional ground coffee! You will get greater results with a fresh brewer.

If you’re going to use a French Press, preheat the container beforehand. Pour in some boiling water and set it aside in a few moments. When you start brewing, the French Press will heat the container and keep the temperature.

When Will You Require Boiling Water?

Some tasks are beyond the capabilities of most coffee machines. If you want to sterilize something, you will need to use boiling water.

On the other hand, it would not be a good idea to sterilize in a coffee maker. If you don’t clean the machine correctly, the leftover caffeine in it might “contaminate” anything you’re attempting to sterilize.

The coffee waste in the coffee-making device might contaminate what you’re trying to sterilize if it’s not thoroughly cleaned. Depending on time, using a coffee machine to boil water has its own set of requirements.

Coffee has a strong flavor, and most water containers will absorb part of it, affecting the taste of whatever else you’ll be using the water for. Imagine you boil water for your ramen but still feel a hint of coffee! That’s terrible!

Instead of using a coffee maker, you will need to use an electric kettle to get water to a boiling temperature. An electric kettle can boil water, which you can then store in a French press and feed into your coffee dripper later.

Is it Possible To Pour Boiling Water Into A Coffee Maker?

Because the closed chambers of stovetop coffee makers heat relatively rapidly, they may utilize boiling water instead of hot water.

However, it would be best to exercise extra caution since the dropping coffee grounds are barely over the water chamber. The water warms up fast and threatens to boil over.


Now, we have the answer to the question: can you use coffee maker to boil water? The machine only brings the temperature somewhere between 180°F and 205°F.

At this temperature, a coffee maker cannot kill all bacteria. Water can be left in your coffee maker overnight, but it should not be left for more than 12 hours.
