U-MYScI Executive Board

Executive Director

Dalia Soueid serves as the executive director of U-MYScI and is a fourth-year PhD candidate in the Medicinal Chemistry program. She received her BS in Chemistry with a focus in Biochemistry from Florida Atlantic University where she was a TA/Mentor in a program called the NSF LEARN. The program was geared toward working with college freshman and transfer students and served to introduce them to research in the STEM fields. Dalia has been a mentor in U-MYScI for the past 4 years, has previously served as the co-administrative director, and has served as the executive director for the last two years. She is excited to apply her past experiences in science teaching and mentoring toward inspiring a future generation of scientists. 

Deputy Director

Mya Gough is a fourth-year student in the Medicinal Chemistry PhD program. She has been part of U-MYScI for the last 4 years and is now serving as the deputy director. She received her BA in Chemistry at Kalamazoo College where she participated in tutoring and mentorship of women in STEM. Being part of U-MYScI she hopes to continue to promote science education that engages and empowers younger students. Outside of lab, she enjoys exercising and cooking. 

Curriculum Director

Maurinne Bonnet is a first year postdoctoral fellow (Michigan pioneer fellow program) in chemical biology at university of Michigan. After receiving her BS in Sciences from the University of Pau in France, she became a high school teacher in Physics and Chemistry in 2017. Passionate by teaching but even more by Sciences and research, she thus came back at the University and received her MS in organic Chemistry in 2019 and her PhD in 2022 from University of Nice. She divided her time between studying and teaching in different structures such as private pre-med school or individual lessons for students who needed help to prepare their exams. As a PhD student, she was also an instructor in Organic Chemistry and Spectroscopy. She served as curriculum co-director for an association organizing outreach events and holidays camps in sciences for disadvantaged children. She will use her teaching and mentoring experience to serve as curriculum director of U-MYScI and share with young student her passion for Sciences. In her free time, you can probably find her at her gym lifting weights. 

Logistics Director

José A. Reyes Franceschi is a fourth year PhD student in Chemical Biology at the University of Michigan and currently serves as the Logistics Director for U-MYSci. He graduated from the University of University of Puerto Rico (UPR) with a BS in Chemistry. During his time in the UPR he worked with different student organizations to help bring the wonders of chemistry to socio-economically disadvantaged students in Puerto Rico. Through U-MYScI, he hopes to help introduce children of disadvantage backgrounds to STEM by supplying resources not normally available to them. On his free time, he enjoys playing videogames and going on walks with his dog. 

Administrative Director

Brandon J. C. Klein is a second-year Ph.D. student in Medicinal Chemistry. Brandon received an AA from Schoolcraft College and a BA from the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Brandon has been a part of U-MYScI for 2 years now, previously serving as a mentor. Brandon has a range of teaching experience across the arts, sciences, and swimming. Brandon is excited to share a passion for science, and the connections that can be made when it is shared with others. They are excited to contribute to U-MYScI as the Administrative Director.