
How we help:

In the UK

We sponsor courses in awareness in healthy eating and lifestyle, prevention of common diseases like diabetes and hypertension. This is provided by qualified General Practitioners in deprived areas.


We sponsor courses in carpentry, catering courses, hair and beauty and textiles. We also provide equipment to enable the trainees to acquire skills such as sewing machines for clothes making. Vocational training equivalent to NVQ level 1 and 2, at the end of which the recipient is able to enter paid employment or set up a small business. Universities and colleges used to deliver the education are government state level, and certified to teach.

Benefits of our help:

Education in the UK- The courses we provide in the UK are making people from deprived areas aware of the risks from common diseases like hypertension and diabetes.  This awareness of the implications of neglecting their health, can inspire positive lifestyle changes.

Abroad - The skill based courses that we fund enables individuals to earn a self sustaining income.  This in turn helps the whole family and ensures they do not have to rely on anyone else.