Master & PhD opportunities in the School of Environmental Science / Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University. 

Yoshihiro Nakayama is seeking outstanding and highly motivated students to work in the areas of polar oceanography, ice-ocean interaction, observed data analysis, model-data comparison, ocean numerical modeling, future projections, etc. 

Students in our group will be able to work on exciting projects e.g., (1) to analyze ocean data to understand what is happening in the Southern Ocean, (2) develop and analyze ocean models to simulate ocean circulation, and (3) project future changes for the Southern Ocean and Antarctic ice sheet. These projects will directly contribute to assessing the potential impact of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean on climate change. For example, one of my students tackles the fundamental question in ice shelf-ocean interaction of what determines the ice shelf shape (collaborative project with Daniel Goldberg (University of Edinburgh, UK)). Another student is developing and analyzing ocean model for the Bellingshausen Sea, one of the most critical areas for Antarctic ice loss (and Antarctic contribution to the sea level rise) but only little has been understood about the processes of warm ocean intrusions towards the ice shelf and thus Antarctic ice loss using observations and numerical modeling. 

Interested students should contact Yoshihiro Nakayama by email, along with a description of their research interest, motivation, and CV.

Photo of the Institute of LowTemperature Science.  One of the most historical and beautiful places in Hokkaido University. 

Sounding The Ice Factory (Composed by Michael Begg using ice shelf melting observations and modeling)

This contains 11 music pieces, all are based on observations and modeling of polar-specific processes.

Sounding The Ice Factory

Antarctica 03:22
Ice Cover 07:13
Thermocline (model) 07:18
Ronne Ice Shelf I 02:54
Pine Island Thermistor I 05:10
Polynya 07:50
Pine Island Thermistor II 02:20
Thermocline (observed) 06:09
Ronne Ice Shelf II 04:18
Where Azov Meets Black 03:40
A Zooplankton Nocturne 09:04

To download, please go here

Special lectures & Antarctic Candle Crafting workshop 

I gave several lectures to elementary, junior, and high school students. In these lectures,  I cover introductory to the leading edge of Antarctic and ocean sciences and we think together with audiences(1) why do we need to study Antarctica, (2) what is likely to happen in 100 years in the Southern Ocean, etc.  For inquiries about lectures, contact me via e-mail. 

 I also worked together with my artist collaborators to organize events to craft a wax candle in the shape of Antarctica. we designed a wax candle in the shape of Antarctica based on satellite data, sculpted by a 3D printer, and created a mold for the candle. We then organized several workshops in art galleries in Tokyo and Kyoto to craft wax candles in the shape of Antarctica. 

For inquiries about organizing such events, please contact me and the torinoko store.

JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan

Yoshihiro Nakayama is seeking outstanding candidates in the area of Polar oceanography under JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan. A Ph.D. in mathematics, physics, oceanography, or glaciology is desired. Experience with programming (Fortran, Matlab, Python, etc) is a plus. More information about the fellowship can be found at 

Postdoc opportunities

Currently, no postdoc opportunities are advised from our research group.