11. THE Mainichi SHIMBUN Article

2023/10/17 "南極氷河融解 温かい水塊の経路特定 世界初、北大など研究チーム" (English Traslaton) "Antarctic ice loss, warm ocean water pathways discovered by Hokkaido University team"

2023/09/14 "ヘリで南極の海洋観測"  (English translation) "Oceanographic observations using Hellicopter in the Antarctica"

9. ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) News 

2023/09/13 "Antarctic helicopter mission helps confirm Totten Glacier melting from below due to warm water"

8. Nature Middle East

2023/02/16 "Antarctic glacier robot observations surprise scientists"

“I would like to congratulate the team members for their great achievement,” says polar oceanographer, Yoshihiro Nakayama at the Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, Japan, who was also not involved in the study. “They are the only people in the world who can accomplish such crazy observation beneath 500 metres of ice. I am sure this observation will lead to a breakthrough in our scientific community.”

7. The Nature News Article (中国語版)

2022/08/19 "地球上最大冰盖正在加速融化"

日本北海道大学的物理海洋学家Yoshihiro Nakayama说,我们对与东南极冰架交界的海水变化所知甚少。东南极比西南极更难接近。因此,该研究分析的大部分观测结果都是较近期收集的,而且是在离岸几百公里处采集的,并非在大陆架上方的海水中——冰川与海水相遇形成冰架的地方采集的。Nakayama说:“决定冰架融化的是冰架前缘的温度。”他认为,收集更多对冰架附近的海洋条件的观测数据,并检验现有数据是否与海洋模型[7]的模拟结果相适,将帮助海洋学家搞清楚“到底发生了什么”。 

6. The Nature News Article

2022/08/13 "World’s largest ice sheet threatened by warm water surge"

"Little is known about changes in coastal waters abutting East Antarctic ice shelves", says Yoshihiro Nakayama, a physical oceanographer at Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan. East Antarctica is largely ...

5. 日本経済新聞

2022/01/30 「南極融解、1000年先まで続く?(English translation) "Will Antarctica continue to lose ice over the next millennium?"

4. 朝日新聞デジタル

2020/05/24 「海面上昇の鍵、トッテン氷河に挑む 南極で初の本格観測(English translation) "The Key to Sea Level Rise: First Full-scale Observation in Antarctica to reveal ocean heat pathways towards Totten Glacier. "

3. 朝日新聞

2019/11/27 「氷河の片隅で 南極観測隊(English translation) "Antarctic Research Expedition in the vicinity of Glaciers"

2. 朝日新聞

2019/12/16「南極で地球を探る(English translation)  "Exploring the Earth in Antarctica"

1. The Nature News Article

2018/05/21 "Antarctic seals recruited to measure effects of climate change"

“The goal is to understand how the Antarctic Ocean interacts with the ice shelves and contributes to sea level rise,” says Yoshihiro Nakayama of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. “The biggest problem is that we don’t have enough data.” ....