One of our philosophies behind making original video content is "a picture is worth a thousand words and a video is made up of a thousand pictures." Videos help students learn things faster by creating a versatile seeing and hearing experience. When combined with narrative and dynamic characters, videos have the power to create strong emotional connections with course content. Check out the various kinds of videos we create below.

We have made a variety of content over the years. If you are looking for ideas, check out our Video Sample Library.

Video Categories

We make a lot of different kinds of videos. Here are some of our main types of content.

Animated Topic Introduction

This type of video is often located in Course Information or early in the course content. Its purpose is to provide an overview of the central topic of the course. However, these videos do not refer to the course itself in any way. This allows the video to serve the primary course and also be used in other courses should they need information on the same topic.

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Animated Narrative Explainer

These are character-driven stories that teach a concept through narrative. They often employ multiple characters who are confronted with real-life scenarios; they must dialogue about the central topic in order to solve some sort of problem. This style of video can be highly effective and highly entertaining as well!

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Mini Documentary Interview

Some of our favorite projects are when we get together in our studio with various faculty and other subject-matter experts, turn on the camera and have a conversation. Using our state-of-the-art studio and ability to shoot on location, we make simple Q&As engaging with professional authenticity.

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Animated Infographic Style

Sometimes, a difficult concept needs simple graphics to visually conceptualize the information. Infographics are great for this. This style of video brings an infographic to life through engaging animation.

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