

from an Industry standard coaching center through examples on live components

About us

This is the place where you will get an opportunity to learn from a highly experienced senior R&D professional cum guest faculty of some prestigious engineering colleges and will get an in-depth knowledge on the subject. Those who are already in service, will learn the technique and application of all necessary tools on live and complicated components to meet their job and industry requirements.

We are giving support to the students and professionals for more than20 years on these subjects, on their college projects and SAE India BAJA events. Most of these students are well placed across the globe.

For clear understanding, learning, facing practical interviewes and being able to do practical jobs after training, one must go through lots of simple to complicated exercises of various types which we provide to the students. Our most of the exercise are on live components.

English is the primary language for coaching backed by Hindi and Bengali as per student’s requirement.

At present we are giving both off line and on line support. The on line teaching is live and interactive.

Please note that the teaching is not through Prerecorded CD media or Downloadable lectures.

Surface examples

Solid examples

ANSYS examples

AutoCAD examples
