Please try to keep Syncthing-Android accessible to the largest % of Android phones possible. Whatever default path ~ points to, please ensure that users retain the ability to manually point to the internal flash memory.

So I have an angry CEO that is wanting to keep his OneNote all organized nicely. On Windows he has a folder on his OneDrive where it saves into, the default C:\Users\\OneDrive\Documents\OneNote Notebooks\ .

Android App Default Download Location

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I see there a lot of similar topics pertaining to this issue but I did not find a solution for me among those posts. I just installed Android Studio v0.8.14 and it won't let me create a new project because I do not have an SDK path specified. For the life of me I cannot find where that path should be. I see many people have it located in C:/Android or someplace similar, however the only Android files I have are on my desktop in the extracted folder that came in the .zip. All paths inside that folder do not qualify as an appropriate SDK location, according to Android Studio. Am I being completely ridiculous and missing the obvious?

EDIT: (More detail) - My SDK was originally inside C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio\sdk, I just Cut and Paste the entire \sdk folder into C:\Users\Nick\Android-SDK, then set it inside Android Studio to the new location.

Go to the location i.e. some location in appdata, or the location your android sdk wasabout to be installed in. The location should be visible now.Go to it and delete everything inside. (Don't delete the sdk folder, just the contentsinside it )

My issue was that my SDK was not installed together with the Android Studio IDE for some reason. How I managed to trigger the SDK installation was by going to File > Settings on Android Studio, then typing "sdk" in the searchbar. If your android sdk location is empty, click on "edit" right next to it and it should immediately prompt installation for your sdk.

I want to change this directory to another location. Besides selecting this new location on the creation of every project, is there a setting (couldn't find) or path variable (couldn't find any documentation) that can set this directory (say /home/USER/Projects/AndroidStudio/) as the default?

You can also edit ~/.AndroidStudioPreview/config/options/ide.general.xml (in linux) and change the line that reads to , but be aware that as soon as you create a project anywhere else this will change to that place and all new projects will default to it.

I want to confirm one thing in Google maps that is why Google maps always showing South Africa as default location... Can't we change Australia as Default one. If GPRS enabled I can trace the current location if not i want to show Sidney in Australia . Is it possible ???

The reason you are seeing South Africa is because the map defaults to (0,0) when initialised without any extra data, so it doesn't have somewhere to point to other than it's default. (0,0) happens to be near Africa.

When I add in the Android app a prerecorded sound the date, time and location is empty.

The current date and current time are the default and can be added easy but the current location not:

the pointer is standing in (0,0) in the South Atlantic Ocean.

I think it is more helpfull to check if the gps is working and make the current location the default in the iNaturalist - app. Especially if you record the bird sound, check if it is good enough and make an observation on the current location with the current time. Opening the current location is will be better in more occasions, not only when adding a prerecorded sound. XX(2)10752159 226 KB

Screenshot_2021-05-20-09-25-35-527_org.inaturalist.androidxxxx10792118 102 KB

Yes but often on travel i have no idea where i am so i could easily be mistaken 500km if i take the location of the previous day or stop.

But an Interpolation button on the iphone app would also help.


At least it makes it easier to identify observations without location. If it defaulted to current location, it would be impossible to know when an observation was really uploaded without a location, and thus harder to correct errors.

wow thanks for not making feel like a dumbass, I definitely missed that, the two different save locations definitely screwed me up the longer I searched for it. For some reason I could only find the remap files (even though it was in the same directory). thanks again

Unfortunately, there is no way to change the default storage location from internal to SD card. Apparently, it is a bit more work to code for the SD card. I think Google, in order to avoid fragmentation of Android variants, discourages App writers from using SD cards. You may notice none of Google's own Apps uses SD cards.

My default storage location always resets to internal from SD card after every reboot. I can switch it back to SD card but it'll just change back to internal after I reboot my phone. It's gotten to the point that I don't want to download my playlists anymore because a reboot of my phone will move the default back to internal and then I have to select SD card to transfer everything over again. I've tried uninstalling the app and then deleting the offline devices in my profile but this still persists. Not sure what has happened recently that has caused this and its very disappointing. The ongoing notification issue was recently fixed and then another issue takes its place for me. This only happens with Spotify. I also have Apple Music and Google Play Music and they both retain the SD storage selection after reboot. It seems like others are having this issue too but no response to this from Spotify yet?

When starting Obsidian (on android) I like to quickly view my files, instead I am met with the last opened file, which may be useful for some, but for others may mean additional presses/clicks, slowing down the workflow.

I need to set the default storage location for Office 365 apps on iOS & Android devices with Intune. A client wants to set the default storage/save as location for Office ProPlus apps, by policy. I cannot find a way to do this in configuration profiles in Intune Configuration Profiles for iOS/Android I have discovered this ability for Windows 10 in Config Profiles/Templates/ Administrative Templates / Configuration Settings/ Under "user configuration"

@Anonymous , Research and didn't find the setting in Intune. Then I go to check on my Phone, I find there's no setting like the one on windows "Default local file location" exist on office app on iOS or Android. For our issue, I think we can consider to firstly feedbackk and request to add this setting to office app on iOS and Android on office related uservoice. Here are two for the reference: 


To set the Android SDK location, enter the full path of the Android SDKdirectory into the Android SDK Location box. You can navigate tothe Android SDK location in File Explorer, copy the path from theaddress bar, and paste this path into the Android SDK Location box.For example, if your Android SDK location is atC:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk, clear the oldpath in the Android SDK Location box, paste in this path, and clickOK.

In Visual Studio for Mac, navigate to Preferences > Projects > SDKLocations > Android. In the Android page, click the Locationstab to view and set the SDK location:

I want to change the default download location for JWL on my tablet, Samsung Tab A7, which is running Android 10. But the tablet keeps trying to update me to Android 11. From personal experience I know that this new Android 11 locks you out of all Android/data files. So some apps that search for music automatically will totally miss anything in the JWL folders.

My tablet stores all my JWL downloads in Android/data/ Sometimes I open the JWL files in different apps, so I need to change the default location for JWL to a spot I can get to in Android 11. I am familiar with moving files, no problems there. In all my searches for this issue I can find lots of details to change the default location on a PC, but none for the Android. I need desperately to be able to change this default location for the JWLibrary app files, because the tablet is going to automatically update. I keep getting the notification to update bit I say "delay," but I know that, somewhere down the line, it will update by itself and I am going to have to twist myself into knots to get to the files! ?

That doesn't change JW Library default folder nor moves the files you already downloaded, but the music and videos you download from now on will be saved on your SD card. On my phone the files are stored on /storage/2116-1E00{this is my SD card}/Android/data/ Your music app should be able to find them there.

I have an Android Galaxy S1, and have been getting the error "application cannot be installed in the default install location". I am aware that this is a common issue. So I Googled it, and almost everyone is saying to move your apps to the SD card or delete unused games.

Developers can define the App Install Location in their app's Manifest file. As you stated you cannot move apps to your SDCard, this might be the clue: Apps having their install location set to the internal storage will be able to install, while those defined for external storage (i.e. SDCard) are failing for the very same reason: They cannot be moved to the SDCard.

I have android 4.1.1 what I did to fix the issue about installing to default install location.... Go to settings ....then to storage....then the preferred install location....then select let the system decide That's it . U can always change it back to sd card when u finish updating the apps with the issue

When you try to set Waze or Google maps as the default navigation app but default apps in setting is not included navigation apps. Here are the steps allow you to choose which navigation app you desired to launch. 2351a5e196

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