I installed slackware (15) and now I am experiencing issues with setting up my display manager (sddm). Does anyone know what should I do? Which service I enable. I already tried enabling rc.4 but it doesn't start

I can not find Minetest in my XFCE desktop menu, even though I see the file /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications/net.minetest.Minetest.desktop. The question is: as far as I understand, appstream-glib is responsible for the desktop integration but it seems to fail. Or perhaps XFCE is not supported? In KDE Plasma5 on my slackware-current laptop an installed Flatpak app nicely integrates into the desktop menu.

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Now it is common to have applications in appimage format (Obsidian and Logsec). I feel, like you, better with compiled applications inside slackware environment but this applications are not present on slackware repositories or available to compile (sbopkg + Ponce Repo).

If you want to work on implementing this you can take a look at how Ubuntu 14.04 is supported (which does not use systemd either) and re-implement the systemd-shim used there for slackware i guess (note that this is a pretty non-trivial task though and unless someone steps up contributing code for this i doubt it will happen).

Slackware has slackpkg included in the base installation. This tool is used to update the packages against the official slackware repository. The functionality is similar to slapt-get but it is generally intended only to get official packages for security updates.

This does not apply to Slackware x86/64. Project running costs - call for funding By mozes@slackware on 17-Oct-2022 It's finally time to call for donations to cover project running costs.As the price of electricity has soared all across Europe, running this projectobviously costs me significantly more money than it ever has. I've already shutdown all but one of the x86's that were part of the compile cluster, as thosewere the largest consumers but that's about all I can do. I've been tempted toshut down the stable release builder for Slackware ARM 14.2 but I don't thinkit consumes much power (and I don't want to lose the 242 days uptime to startmeasuring it ;-) ), and powering it down would effectively mark the EOL(End of Life) for that release, which I don't fancy doing just yet.If you're able to help contribute to the running costs, that'd be certainlyappreciated!

I aim to complete the installation documentation for Slackware on the Pinebook Pro and RockPro64Hardware Models in the coming weeks.If you'd like to help test prior to public release, drop mozes@slackware - dot -com an email.I'll have a look at the Raspberry Pi4 support in the coming months. Basic support is mostlycomplete, but needs tweaks before it can be Directly Integrated into Slackware.

just wondering if i can add pacman in slackware since there is no package management system (or i dont know... forgive me if there is !). and just for the sake of bleeding edge application if i could access arch repo in slackware or speaking of it ... if i can connect two distributions anyhow. it 'd be really good if its possible ! 

i googled it first but came up with no real solution yet and still looking around .. i ll let you know if can find something.

I don't know slackware at all so not sure. And, searching both here and the Certbot github didn't have many mentions of it. Given your situation, I'd suggest looking at a bash-based client from my earlier link rather than Certbot which is python and a lot of dependencies.

This website is the home of the Revised Slackware BookProject (the project).The regulars on alt.os.linux.slackware (a newsgroup) have beendiscussing the revision of "The Book", otherwise known as"Slackware Linux Essentials - The Official Guide To SlackwareLinux", created by David Cantrell, Logan Johnson & Chris Lumens.This website is the result of that project. So far it's been a long andgrueling project with lots of struggles as we all have jobs and othervolunteer work, and let's face it, documentation isn't fun. :^) All thecontent here is licensed with the Gnu General Public License version 2. 2351a5e196

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