Team Members

From Left to Right: Amelia Bolin, Jordan Luciano, Cynthia Arnold, and Marshall Truitt

Amelia Bolin

Amelia is on the Pre-Veterinary track and has a passion for all things animal related. She is planning on attending veterinary school at Auburn University and then applying her skills to conservation and wildlife work.


Jordan Luciano

Jordan is specializing in Bioenvironmental Engineering. Her interests include natural resource conservation and sustainable agriculture. She has a passion for learning how biological systems work together and using that knowledge to improve the quality of life for all people and animals.


Cynthia Arnold

Cynthia is specializing in Food and Bioprocess Engineering with a passion for energy efficiency in food production systems. She intends to pursue a graduate degree in either renewable energy or food safety post-graduation.


Marshall Truitt

Marshall is specializing in Food and Bioprocess Engineering and Bioenvironmental Engineering. He plans to work to further develop equipment and methods used in agriculture or natural resource and environmental conservation.
