
Fall 2019

Outlines the need to be met, the key design objectives, ideal customer, beneficial contact points and project supervisor, helpful courses for the execution of this project, and end of project deliverables.

Contains preliminary research used to discover the root of the problem, useful components for the system design, and initial ideations.

Includes a description of tools created for this project, guiding assumptions made, tentative bill of materials, filtration and diversion system exploration, details used for pump, cistern, and gutter sizing, and sensor specifics.

Inventor Autodesk 3D drawing of system model of sensor function and collection process.

Projections of cost for parts and savings from implementation of rainwater harvesting system.

Suggestions for sizing of components based on custom inputs and assumptions made.

Initial solutions for the final design to be reviewed and revised.

Final problem solution including tools, background information, bill of materials, programming logic, drawings, and references.

Spring 2020

Drawing of initial design for system demonstration model that was submitted to the campus machine shop. This design was not used in the final package since an existing structure was available for the testing of sensors and code functionality.

This Bill of Materials includes estimates for the existing structure that will be used to model the project sensors and system.

This Financial & Sizing Calculator Spreadsheet has been manually checked for errors and accuracy as well as user-friendliness.

Extensive research has been done to compare available cost share options for reducing the financial burden on those who would like to implement this system. This combination of research and informed suggestions attempts to address the goal of a financially feasible project.

This Financial & Sizing Calculator Spreadsheet has been modified to include possible savings and cost projections based on potential cost-share programs that could be enrolled in.

Code 4/10/20

The harvesting system components are controlled through a Click PLC and accompanying programming software. The code and logic used to arrive at the final working code that would be used if the project was implemented are outlined and displayed here.

The harvesting system has several components that are beneficial to see for understanding. Included in this section are the wiring diagram, the supply system, the collection system, the solenoid and how it is operated, as well as a potential testing structure design.

The suggested model structure for this project was never built due to the global pandemic that occurred during the Spring semester. Thus, actual testing of the supply, collection, and sensor system could not be done in reality. This document details how testing should be done for anyone wishing to implement this project on their own property to ensure all components perform as expected.

Final Report 4/24/20

This document includes a summary of all important research collected, design specifics, suggested testing methods, budget, bill of materials, primary assumptions made, calculations done, financial savings projections including cost-share program information, programming details, and concerns and solutions for manufacturability, environmental sustainability, and ethical health and safety.

This document includes a summary of all important research collected, design specifics, suggested testing methods, budget, bill of materials, primary assumptions made, calculations done, financial savings projections including cost-share program information, programming details, concerns and solutions for manufacturability, environmental sustainability, and ethical health and safety, as well as the drawings done for this project.