UK Polar Network session

Monday 11th September from 10:00 to 12:30 

The UKPN will be running a ‘Leadership and Networking’ session for early career researchers, on Monday 11th September from 10:00 to 12:30, right before the start of the main UK Arctic Science Conference at BAS. 

What is the session about?

Demonstrating leadership and developing networks are crucial parts of any job, academic or otherwise, but for ECR’s this can be especially difficult to gain access to opportunities that clearly evidence this. This session firstly will give an overview of what leadership is, why it is important for ECR’s, and how to access opportunities to demonstrate leadership. The second part of this session will hear from Chloe Nunn (UKPN Co-President 22/23 and NIRAS), Dr Aileen Doran (iCRAG and EDIG), and Dr Alison Cook (SAMS) who will speak about their experiences of networking both traditional and non-traditional to understand how ECR’s can develop their networks in multiple ways. Finally, there will be a mini-networking session where you will develop short pitches about your research in broad subject groups and then mix with the wider group to share your research.