Principles of

Universal Design for Learning

Preservice teachers explore the principles of universal design for learning (UDL).

What is UDL?

  1. Preservice teachers evaluate the definition of UDL, click here.
  2. Preservice teachers download and examine the Universal Design for Learning Guidelines and further delve into the UDL Guidelines by examining each - Multiple Means of Representation, Action and expression, Multiple Means of Engagement.


  1. Preservice teachers explore multiple resources to examine the Implementation of UDL in a classroom setting.
  2. Preservice teachers explore tools available from the website.
  3. Preservice teachers review samples of UDL lesson plans in a variety of content areas.

Technology Integration and UDL

  1. Preservice teachers determine which technology tools enable the use of the UDL principles.
  2. Preservice teachers are introduced to several online tools and apps that support the use of the UDL principles.


CREATE: a portfolio post and write 1-2 paragraphs about the possible implications of the guideline of multiple means of representation, action and expression and engagement for your future classroom. Then in the same post, provide one way to modify a lesson based upon the information provided from each principle.

CREATE: using a previously created lesson plan, modify the lesson by adding elements to provide for multiple means of representation, action & expression and engagement.