Data Engagement

Preservice teachers explore ways to engage with data to increase student academic achievement.

What is data engagement?

  1. Preservice teachers explore the use of data to academic achievement.
  2. Preservice teachers collect data from a variety of resources.


  1. Preservice teachers explore multiple examples to examine the management of data in a classroom setting.
  2. Preservice teachers explore tools available to support the management of data.
  3. Preservice teachers review sample data sets to evaluate academic achievement for students in variety of content areas.

Technology Integration and Data Engagement

  1. Preservice teachers are introduced to several online tools and apps that support the collection, management and analysis of data for academic achievement.
  2. Preservice teachers determine which technology tools support the collection, management and analysis of data.


CREATE: a portfolio post and write 1-2 paragraphs about the importance of using data to increase academic achievement. Then in the same post, provide one way you plan on engaging with student data to increase academic achievement.

CREATE: using the data collected from the formative assessment, determine which students require remediation. Then make a recommendation on the next steps for those students.

In EDUC 3383 Curriculum Design and Assessment in Secondary Settings, students analyze data sets from school benchmark assessments, doing item analysis, individual student analysis, and class analysis.