Current Officers


Nikita Kapur

I am a fourth year Ph.D. student in the Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences program working under the guidance of Prof. Laurent Jay. My research interests lie in numerical analysis and numerical linear algebra.  I am also a teaching assistant in the Department of Mathematics.  

Vice President

Garrett Mason

I'm a student of Dr. Mitchell working in mathematical biology that's heading into the latter half of my PhD program. Math is beautiful and a fantastic gateway into viewing our world, so I want to see all the people in our chapter make great strides in our understanding of the world.


Ashwin Ayilliath Kutteri

I am a to be 2nd year Mathematics PhD student. My general research interests lie in Algebraic Geometry , Hyperbolic Geometry and Topology aspects related to them. My current research work relates to studying Skein algebras and SL(2,C) character varieties. Apart from my research work, I also happen to be an active member of the SIAM UIowa chapter and am the current secretary for the last semester.


Kebba Lowe

I am a first-year PhD student in the Mathematics Department, whose research interest is focused on Numerical Partial Differential Equations (PDE). I am dedicated to developing new methods for solving complex PDEs, which have applications across various scientific and engineering fields. Beyond academia, I am passionate about leveraging technology in math education, with a focus on supporting local communities in the Gambia and making a global impact.


NIkita Kapur (temporary)

Unfilled position. Contact Nikita or other officers if interested in the role.