

Here are some possibilities for lodging (for younger participants)

RESIDENCIA ALTO MIRANDA (20min walk from Palacio) https:/altomiranda.es/

Contact: info@resisantander.es When writing to them, mention that you participate to a UIMP course, there is the possibility that they will apply the special fare, around 53€.

There are cheapest options, but they are "farther", anyway you can use public transportation that works fairly nice, and they are closer to downtown Santander.

RESIDENCIA MICAMPUS https://micampusresidencias.com/micampus-santander-valdecilla/

Contact: santander@micampusliving.com When writing to them, mention that you participate to a UIMP course, there is the possibility that they will apply the special fare

RESIDENCIA UNEATLÁNTICO. The farthest of the three, but it has a parking for those who come by car (also in the palace, where our school will take place, there is a parking). 

Contact: https://residencia.uneatlantico.es/ When writing to them, mention that you participate to a UIMP course, there is the possibility that they will apply the special fare