Summer School UIMP 2024 in Mathematics

The Laplacian and Beyond

Celebrating the Mathematics of Luis Caffarelli

Palacio de la Magdalena

Santander (Spain)

July 22-26, 2024

Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP)

Directors: Matteo Bonforte (UAM-ICMAT)  and  Juan Luis Vázquez (UAM-RAC)

Scientific secretary: Félix del Teso (UAM-ICMAT)

Description of the event: Professor Luis Caffarelli has been a key figure in the last four decades, and his mastery is widely recognized, for which he has been awarded the Abel 2023 prize, on top of many other prestigious distinctions (Wolff, Steele, etc.). The school brings together leading figures in the field, collaborators of Luis. The main target audience is researchers in their early stages of training, both doctoral and postdoctoral, as well as more advanced researchers.School format: The main courses will be taught by Xavier Cabré (ICREA-UPC, Barcelona) and Alessio Figalli (ETH Zürich, FIM Director). The lectures will be given by renowned researchers in the fields of nonlinear PDE and free boundaries. These two blocks aim to give a broad picture of the mathematical topics investigated by Luis Caffarelli, from the turn of the century to the present time, highlighting his vitality.

Courses (3 hours each)

Xavier Cabré 


Alessio Figalli 

(ETH Zürich, FIM)

Lectures (45 minutes each)

Ioannis Athanasopoulos

(University of Crete)

Daniela de Silva 

(Columbia University)

Maria Gualdani 

(University of Texas at Austin)

Francesco Maggi 

(University of Texas at Austin)

Stefania Patrizi 

(University of Texas at Austin)

Sandro Salsa 

(Politecnico di Milano)

Ovidiu Savin 

(Columbia University)

Henrik Shahgholian 

(KTH Stockholm)

Luis Silvestre 

(Chicago University)

Yannick Sire 

(Johns Hopkins University)

Fernando Soria 

(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Enrico Valdinoci 

(University of Western Australia)

Alexis Vasseur 

(University of Texas at Austin)
