
We are a close-knit, fun-loving group. We have frequent happy-hours and social events with other labs. We love to go to conferences together and have fun while enjoying scientifically stimulating research. Here are a few glimpses of all the fun we have while doing exciting research.

Sam, Luis, and Ian enjoying Oslo during the 2023 Resisforce meeting in Norway

Luis, Mike, Ian, and Sam hanging around Oslo during the 2023 Resisforce Conference

Sobita, Britta, and Ian enjoying their time outside at Phages 2023

Kris Kringle Market Outing 2022

Sam and Caleb at GRC on Streptococcal Biology

Lab celebrating Irina's graduation!

Christmas Party 2021

St. Paddy's Fun

Bowling Night!

Boat Day 2018 in front of the Chicago Skyline. 

2018 Boat Day on Lake Michigan! (We were less coordinated this year) 

2016 Boat Day on Lake Michigan! 

Our fearless leader

Ten years of Federle Lab members surprised Mike to celebrate his 10 years as a lab PI at UIC! Juan even flew in from Chile! 

Reid's defense party in Spring 2017. 

Kayleigh, Artemis, and Reid at the 2017 March for Science. 

Erin, Laura, and Kayleigh at our favorite bar, Drum and Monkey.

Phage 2017 at UW-Madison 

Phage 2017 at UW-Madison

Phage 2017 at UW-Madison

2017 Boat Day! 

Watching the 2017 eclipse from the roof of our research building!

2016 Boat Day! 

Department retreat for UIC Microbiology and Immunology.