Lab 11: Recursion


The quiz will be available during the first 5 minutes of lab:

    • Your lab TA will tell you the password you will need to get into the quiz for your section.

    • You may use either one of the lab machines or your own laptop.

      • For the lab computers your account name and password are the same as your UIC NetID and password.

    • Please Click on Your Lab Time: 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm

Lab ZyBooks 10.10:

  • Recursion in simple terms is "Re - occur". So far you have written loops and executed iterative programs.

  • In this lab you will take functions that work non-recursively (iteratively), and you will rewrite them to work recursively.

  • The three functions you will need to implement are:

    • Stage 1: Display Odd Numbers(1 Point)

      • For reference you have been given the iterative function problemOneOddNumbersIterative. This function takes a number as input and displays all the odd numbers smaller than this number. You are to write the function that does exactly the same thing, but does it using recursion.

      • Shown below is the iterative version

void problemOneOddNumbersIterative( int counter, int limit)


// Display numbers up to the limit

while( counter < limit) {

if( counter % 2 == 1) {

cout << counter << " ";




cout << endl; // display a new line

}//end problemOneOddNumbersIterative()

    • Stage 2: Count Upper case alphabets (1 Point)

      • For reference you have been given the iterative function problemTwoCountUpperRecursive. This function takes a string as input and counts the number of upper case alphabets in it. You are to write the function that does exactly the same thing, but does it using recursion.

      • Shown below is the iterative version

int problemTwoCountUpperIterative( int index, string letters)


int counter = 0;

while( index < letters.length() ) {

char currentChar = letters[ index]; // first character

// If the current character is upper case, increment counter

if( isupper( currentChar)) {



// advance pointer to next character



return counter;

}//end problemTwoCountUpperIterative()

    • Stage 3: Finish the Fibonacci Sequence Given (EC: 1 Point)

      • Uncomment the body of the problem 3 and fill in the missing portions. Fibnum1 and Fibnum2 have starting values of 0 and 1 respectively.

void problemThreeFibonacci(int fibNum1, int fibNum2, int limit)


// Possible cout location

if ((????) > limit) { // Base case

// Possible cout location



else { // Recursive case

// Possible cout location

// What/How do we update fibnum2?

// Does the limit change when we recursively call the function?

problemThreeFibonacci(fibNum2, ??????, ?????);


// Possible cout location

}//end problemThreeFibonacci()