Drop-in Times

Drop-in Times & Schedule

Drop-in Times, Class times, and Lab times are shown below.

Graduate TA office hours will be in SEL 4030. SEL has two main large sections, the West (smaller) section, and the East (larger) section, that includes the CS labs. Room SEL 4030 is in the West (smaller) section, on the North side. Take the elevator/stairs up and turn right in the corridor and right again at the end. Room is the first one around the corner. Undergraduate TA office hours will be in the CS Lounge, unless otherwise noted or listed as a virtual Zoom meeting.

CS 141 Office Hours Fall 2021

Tutoring Help

    1. See your instructor or TA during their office hours, listed above

    2. See the MERRP tutoring

    3. Stop by the CS Department tutoring room, just off the main CS Department lab

Thanks to many previous TAs for helping develop lab content:

Sean Deitz, Brent Grossman, Guan Wang, Habiba, Fadi Al-Masalha, Feihong Hsu, Mark Thompson, Scott Price, Rigel Gjomemo, Ulas Keles, Marco Maggioni, Tomas Gerlich, Marco Bernasconi, Shuyang Lin, Anruo Wang, Nianzu Ma, Chihua Ma, Itika Gupta, Guixiang Ma, Nilanjana Basu, HoangMinh HuynhNguyen, Moumita Samanta, Abhinav Kumar, Aditi Mallavarapu, Yuwei Cao, Aditi Mallavarapu, Yuwei Cao