
######################################################################## ## Praat Script Syllable Nuclei, version 3 (Syllable Detector) ## Copyright (C) 2019 Nivja de Jong, Ton Wempe, Jos J A Pacilly ## ## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program. If not, see ## ############################################################################## modified 2010.09.17 by Hugo Quené, Ingrid Persoon, & Nivja de Jong# Overview of changes: # + change threshold-calculator: rather than using median, use the almost maximum# minus 25dB. (25 dB is in line with the standard setting to detect silence# in the "To TextGrid (silences)" function.# Almost maximum (.99 quantile) is used rather than maximum to avoid using# irrelevant non-speech sound-bursts.# + add silence-information to calculate articulation rate and ASD (average syllable# duration.# NB: speech rate = number of syllables / total time# articulation rate = number of syllables / phonation time# + remove max number of syllable nuclei# + keep track of all created intermediate objects, select/remove them explicitly# + provide summary output in Info window, text file or Table# + do not save TextGrid-file but leave it in Object-window for inspection# (if requested in startup-form)# + allow Sound to have starting time different from zero# for Sound objects created with Extract (preserve times)## + bug fixed concerning summing total pause, feb 28th 2011## modified 2017.06.27 by J J A Pacilly, re-designed data input/output management# modified 2018.08.24 by J J A Pacilly, further improved data IO# modified 2018.09.10 by J J A Pacilly, update syntax## modified 2019.03.27 by J J A Pacilly, multiple improvements:# + don't use 2 Tables since all necessary data is available in TextGrid# + set count in sounding intervals (conform how Nuclei are counted)# + assert there is no time shift between Sound object and Intensity object# (seems no longer necessary with current versions of Praat)# + replace "Down to Matrix", "To Sound (slice)", "To PointProcess (extrema)" by# "To IntensityTier (peaks)" and "Down to PointProcess" (simplifies the script)# + re-designed the selection of peaks in the 'minimum_dip_between_peaks section'# - select only *voiced* peaks above thresshold (reject unvoiced peaks earlier)# - mark either the *last* peak *before* a dip (for backward compatibility) *OR* # the *highest* one *between* intensity dips (as suggested by variable names),# by applying the next rules in the following order (using DIP-PEAK-DIP parser):# 1 peakInt > threshold (dB) *and* peak is voiced# 2 parser == "peak-dip": peak *followed by* dip > minimum_dip_near_peak (dB)# parser == "dip-peak-dip": peak *between* dips > minimum_dip_near_peak (dB)# 3 mark only peaks in sounding interval# - include also the very last syllable nucleus# - optionally, add syllable boundaries at intensity minima# + added optional pre-processing (objects will stay in the selected objects list)# + when procssing *objects*, keep results in Praat Objects window by default, but# when procssing *files*, save results in files and keep objects only optionally# + please note that this script produces TextGrid(s) by default!## modified 2019.11.01 by J J A Pacilly, minor improvements# + hide parameters "Pitch_floor", "Voicing_threshold" and "Parser"# + keep track of produced output and select it# + include (optional) call to FilledPauses.praat, include number# of Filled Pauses and their duration in numerical output ###########################################################################

# counts syllables of selected sounds# NB unstressed syllables are sometimes overlooked# NB filter sounds that are quite noisy beforehand# NB use Silence threshold (dB) = -25 (or -20?)# NB use Minimum dip between peaks (dB) = between 2-4 (you can first try;# For clean and filtered: 4)

form Detect Syllables and Filled Pauses in Speech Utterances comment As INPUT, use either: comment 1: the selected Sound oject(s), comment 2: the selected Strings object(s) enumerating the Sound files, or comment 3: the FileSpec below sentence FileSpec ./*.flac comment ________________________________________________________________________________
comment Parameters Syllabe Nuclei: optionmenu Pre_processing 1 option None option Band pass (300..3300 Hz) option Reduce noise real Silence_threshold_(dB) -25 real Minimum_dip_near_peak_(dB) 2 real Minimum_pause_duration_(s) 0.3# real Pitch_floor_(Hz) 30# real Voicing_threshold 0.25# optionmenu Parser 2# option peak-dip ; save code in case anybody requests backwards compatibility# option dip-peak-dip comment ________________________________________________________________________________
comment Parameters Filled Pauses: boolean Detect_Filled_Pauses yes optionmenu Language 1 option English# option Mandarin (not yet implemented)# option Spanish (not yet implemented) option Dutch real Filled_Pause_threshold 1.00 comment ________________________________________________________________________________
comment Destination of OUTPUT: optionmenu Data 1 option TextGrid(s) only option Praat Info window option Save as text file option Table choice DataCollectionType 2 button OverWriteData button AppendData boolean Keep_Objects_(when_processing_files) yes endform
# the next arguments are hidden for normal usepitch_floor = 30voicing_threshold = 0.25parser$ = "dip-peak-dip"
for file to nrObjects selectObject: idSnd#[file] @findSyllableNuclei if detect_Filled_Pauses selectObject: idSnd#[file], idTG#[file] runScript: "FilledPauses.praat", language$, filled_Pause_threshold, data$ == "Table" if data$ == "Table" idTbl#[file] = selected("Table") endif @countFilledPauses: idTG#[file] else @terminateLines endif endfor
for file to nrFiles idSnd#[file] = Read from file: directory$ + filename$[file] @findSyllableNuclei ext$ = right$(filename$[file], length(filename$[file])-rindex(filename$[file], ".")+1) if detect_Filled_Pauses selectObject: idSnd#[file], idTG#[file] runScript: "FilledPauses.praat", language$, filled_Pause_threshold, data$ == "Table" if data$ == "Table" idTbl#[file] = selected("Table") selectObject: idTbl#[file] Save as tab-separated file: directory$ + replace$(filename$[file], ext$, ".auto.Table", 1) endif @countFilledPauses: idTG#[file] else @terminateLines endif selectObject: idTG#[file] Save as text file: directory$ + replace$(filename$[file], ext$, ".auto.TextGrid", 1) if not keep_Objects removeObject: idSnd#[file], idTG#[file] if detect_Filled_Pauses and data$ == "Table" removeObject: idTbl#[file] endif endif endfor

procedure findSyllableNuclei name$ = selected$("Sound")
if pre_processing$ == "None" idSnd = selected ("Sound") elif pre_processing$ == "Band pass (300..3300 Hz)" idSnd = Filter (pass Hann band): 300, 3300, 100 Scale peak: 0.99 elif pre_processing$ == "Reduce noise" idSnd = noprogress Reduce noise: 0, 0, 0.025, 80, 10000, 40, -20, "spectral-subtraction" Scale peak: 0.99 endif
tsSnd = Get start time teSnd = Get end time dur = Get total duration
idInt = To Intensity: 50, 0, "yes" ; use intensity to get threshold dbMin = Get minimum: 0, 0, "Parabolic" dbMax = Get maximum: 0, 0, "Parabolic" dbQ99 = Get quantile: 0, 0, 0.99 ; get .99 quantile to get maximum (without influence of non-speech sound bursts)
# estimate Intensity threshold threshold = dbQ99 + silence_threshold threshold2 = dbMax - dbQ99 threshold3 = silence_threshold - threshold2 if threshold < dbMin threshold = dbMin endif
# get pauses (silences) and speakingtime idTG = To TextGrid (silences): threshold3, minimum_pause_duration, 0.1, "", "sound" Set tier name: 1, "Phrases" nrIntervals = Get number of intervals: 1 nsounding = 0 speakingtot = 0 for interval to nrIntervals lbl$ = Get label of interval: 1, interval if lbl$ <> "" ts = Get start time of interval: 1, interval te = Get end time of interval: 1, interval nsounding += 1 speakingtot += te - ts Set interval text: 1, interval, string$(nsounding) endif endfor
selectObject: idInt idPeak = To IntensityTier (peaks) selectObject: idSnd idP = noprogress To Pitch (ac): 0.02, pitch_floor, 4, "no", 0.03, voicing_threshold, 0.01, 0.35, 0.25, 450
# fill array with intensity values peakcount = 0 selectObject: idPeak nrPeaks = Get number of points for peak to nrPeaks selectObject: idPeak time = Get time from index: peak dbMax = Get value at index: peak selectObject: idP voiced = Get value at time: time, "Hertz", "Linear" if dbMax > threshold and (voiced <> undefined) peakcount += 1 t [peakcount*2] = time ; peaks at EVEN indices (base 2) db[peakcount*2] = dbMax endif endfor
# get Minima between peaks ; minima at ODD indices (base 1) t[1, 3, 5..] t[0] = Get start time t[2*(peakcount+1)] = Get end time selectObject: idInt for valley to peakcount+1 t [2*valley-1] = Get time of minimum: t[2*(valley-1)], t[2*valley], "Parabolic" db[2*valley-1] = Get minimum: t[2*(valley-1)], t[2*valley], "Parabolic" endfor
selectObject: idTG Insert point tier: 1, "Nuclei"
tierDebug = 0 if tierDebug Insert point tier: tierDebug, "DEBUG" endif
# fill array with the largest peaks *followed* by a dip > minimum_dip_near_peak (obsolete), OR# with the largest peaks *surrounded* by a dip > minimum_dip_near_peak (current default method)
voicedcount = 0 ; nrNuclei tp[voicedcount] = t[0] tRise = t[0] tFall = t[0] tMax = t[0] tMin = t[0] dbMax = db[1] dbMin = db[1] nrPoints = 2*peakcount+1 selectObject: idTG
for point to nrPoints if tierDebug Insert point: tierDebug, t[point], fixed$(db[point], 2) endif
if db[point] > dbMax tMax = t[point] dbMax = db[point] if db[point] - dbMin > minimum_dip_near_peak tRise = t[point] dbMin = db[point] endif
elif db[point] < dbMin tMin = t[point] dbMin = db[point] if dbMax - db[point] > minimum_dip_near_peak tFall = t[point] dbMax = db[point] endif endif
# Insert voiced peaks in TextGrid (note that the code for the obsolete# "peak-dip" parser is kept only for backward compatibility reasons)
if parser$ == "peak-dip" and tRise < tFall and tFall <> t[0] or... parser$ == "dip-peak-dip" and tRise <> t[0] and tRise < tFall and tFall <> t[0]
i = Get interval at time: 2, tMax l$ = Get label of interval: 2, i if l$ <> "" voicedcount += 1 tp[voicedcount] = tMax Insert point: 1, tMax, string$(voicedcount) tMax = t [point] tMin = t [point] dbMin = db[point] dbMax = db[point] tRise = t [0] tFall = t [0] endif endif endfor tp[voicedcount+1] = t[2*(peakcount+1)]
# verify that shift in time between various objects is no longer an issue tsTG = Get start time teTG = Get end time assert tsSnd == tsTG and teSnd == teTG
# clean up before next sound file is opened removeObject: idInt, idPeak, idP if pre_processing$ <> "None" removeObject: idSnd endif idTG#[file] = idTG
# summarize results in Info window speakingrate = voicedcount / dur articulationrate = voicedcount / speakingtot npause = nsounding - 1 asd = speakingtot / voicedcount
if data$ == "Praat Info window" appendInfo: "'name$', 'voicedcount', 'npause', 'dur:2', 'speakingtot:2', 'speakingrate:2', 'articulationrate:2', 'asd:3'" elif data$ == "Save as text file" appendFile: "SyllableNuclei.txt", "'name$', 'voicedcount', 'npause', 'dur:2', 'speakingtot:2', 'speakingrate:2', 'articulationrate:2', 'asd:3'" elif data$ == "Table" appendFile: temporaryDirectory$ + "/SyllableNuclei.tmp", "'name$', 'voicedcount', 'npause', 'dur:2', 'speakingtot:2', 'speakingrate:2', 'articulationrate:2', 'asd:3'" endif endproc
procedure countFilledPauses: .id selectObject: .id .nrInt = Get number of intervals: 3 .nrFP = 0 .tFP = 0 for .int to .nrInt .lbl$ = Get label of interval: 3, .int if .lbl$ == "fp" .nrFP += 1 .ts = Get start time of interval: 3, .int .te = Get end time of interval: 3, .int .tFP += (.te - .ts) endif endfor if data$ == "Praat Info window" appendInfoLine: ", '.nrFP', '.tFP:3'" elif data$ == "Save as text file" appendFileLine: "SyllableNuclei.txt", ", '.nrFP', '.tFP:3'" elif data$ == "Table" appendFileLine: temporaryDirectory$ + "/SyllableNuclei.tmp", ", '.nrFP', '.tFP:3'" endif endproc
procedure terminateLines if data$ == "Praat Info window" appendInfoLine: "" elif data$ == "Save as text file" appendFileLine: "SyllableNuclei.txt", "" elif data$ == "Table" appendFileLine: temporaryDirectory$ + "/SyllableNuclei.tmp", "" endif endproc
procedure processArgs nrObjects = numberOfSelected("Sound") nrStr = numberOfSelected("Strings")
if nrObjects and nrStr == 0 idSnd# = selected#("Sound") idTG# = zero#(nrObjects) idTbl# = zero#(nrObjects) nrFiles = 0 elif nrStr and nrObjects == 0 for str to nrStr idStr[str] = selected("Strings", str) endfor idStr = Append nrFiles = Get number of strings directory$ = "" elif nrStr == 0 and fileSpec$ <> "" len = length(fileSpec$) sep = rindex_regex(fileSpec$, "[\\/]") directory$ = left$(fileSpec$, sep) selection$ = right$(fileSpec$, len-sep) idStr = Create Strings as file list: "fileList", directory$ + selection$ nrFiles = Get number of strings nrObjects = 0# appendInfoLine: directory$ + selection$ else exit Unsupported Input Selection endif
if nrFiles idSnd# = zero#(nrFiles) idTG# = zero#(nrFiles) idTbl# = zero#(nrFiles) endif for file to nrFiles filename$[file] = Get string: file endfor
if data$ == "Praat Info window" and dataCollectionType$ == "OverWriteData"# print a single header line with column names and units writeInfo: "name, nsyll, npause, dur(s), phonationtime(s), speechrate(nsyll/dur), articulation_rate(nsyll/phonationtime), ASD(speakingtime/nsyll)" elif data$ == "Save as text file" and dataCollectionType$ == "OverWriteData" writeFile: "SyllableNuclei.txt", "name, nsyll, npause, dur(s), phonationtime(s), speechrate(nsyll/dur), articulation_rate(nsyll/phonationtime), ASD(speakingtime/nsyll)" elif data$ == "Table" writeFile: temporaryDirectory$ + "/SyllableNuclei.tmp", "name, nsyll, npause, dur(s), phonationtime(s), speechrate(nsyll/dur), articulation_rate(nsyll/phonationtime), ASD(speakingtime/nsyll)" endif
if detect_Filled_Pauses if data$ == "Praat Info window" and dataCollectionType$ == "OverWriteData" appendInfoLine: ", nrFP, tFP(s)" elif data$ == "Save as text file" and dataCollectionType$ == "OverWriteData" appendFileLine: "SyllableNuclei.txt", ", nrFP, tFP(s)" elif data$ == "Table" appendFileLine: temporaryDirectory$ + "/SyllableNuclei.tmp", ", nrFP, tFP(s)" endif else if data$ == "Praat Info window" and dataCollectionType$ == "OverWriteData" appendInfoLine: "" elif data$ == "Save as text file" and dataCollectionType$ == "OverWriteData" appendFileLine: "SyllableNuclei.txt", "" elif data$ == "Table" appendFileLine: temporaryDirectory$ + "/SyllableNuclei.tmp", "" endif endif endproc
procedure coda if nrObjects and nrStr == 0 selectObject: idTG# if detect_Filled_Pauses and data$ == "Table" plusObject: idTbl# endif elif nrStr selectObject: idStr Remove for str to nrStr plusObject: idStr[str] endfor elif nrStr == 0 and fileSpec$ <> "" removeObject: idStr endif if data$ == "Table" Read Table from comma-separated file: temporaryDirectory$ + "/SyllableNuclei.tmp" deleteFile: temporaryDirectory$ + "/SyllableNuclei.tmp" endif if nrFiles and keep_Objects selectObject: idSnd#, idTG# if detect_Filled_Pauses and data$ == "Table" plusObject: idTbl# endif endif endproc