
# PRAAT SCRIPT FILLED PAUSES# Set Syllable Boundaries at -6 dB around points in the tier "Nuclei" (as set by the# script "SyllableNucleiv3.praat"), compute a number of global (speaker specific) and# local (syllable specific) parameters for automatic detection of Filled Pauses.## Optionally, save the local parameters for all syllables in a table.## J J A Pacilly, 1-nov-2019, for Nivja de Jong, on behalf of:# British Council, Aptis Research Grants# J J A Pacilly, 14-feb-2020, retain max. similarity with version for internal use## Note that this script is used by "SyllableNucleiv3.Praat", but it can also# be used as a standalone script with a selected Sound and Textgrid object# as long as this TextGrid contains a pointTier with the name "Nuclei".## The settings and thresholds in this script are trained and tested on# Dutch and English L2 data. See [LINK?] the ARAG report by De Jong and# Pacilly (2019) for more information.## Copyright (C) 2019 - J J A Pacilly & N H de Jong, LUCL - Universiteit Leiden## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or# (at your option) any later version.## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.# See the GNU General Public License for more details.## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License# along with this program. If not, see
form Detect Filled Pauses optionmenu Language 1 option English# option Mandarin (not yet implemented)# option Spanish (not yet implemented) option Dutch real Filled_Pause_threshold 1.00 ; cut-off higher/lower boolean Save_Table 0 endform idSnd = selected ("Sound")name$ = selected$("Sound")idTG = selected ("TextGrid")
@setSB: idSnd, idTG ; set/replace tier(s) and define vectors for initial analysis
if nrSyllables @doGlobalAnalyses: idSnd ; do global analysis of ALL syllables identified by tier Nuclei @sdF0: idSnd ; fills the arrays dF0[], dqF0[] and sdF0[] @replaceUndefinedF0: 0 ; replace Undefined values by mean @sdFmt: idSnd ; fills the arrays dF1-3[], dqF1-3[] and sdF1-3[] @processData: idTG, name$, "Auto" ; create Auto table, set labels idTableAuto = processData.idTable endif
selectObject: idSnd, idTGif idTableAuto plusObject: idTableAuto endif

procedure setSB: .idSnd, .idTG
# For testing, allow successive runs of this script
selectObject: .idTG .tierNuclei = 0 .tierPhrases = 0 .tierAuto = 0 .nrTiers = Get number of tiers for .tier to .nrTiers .name$ = Get tier name: .tier if .name$ == "Nuclei" .tierNuclei = .tier elif .name$ == "Phrases" .tierPhrases = .tier elif .name$ == "DFauto" + " ('language$')" Remove tier: .tier Insert interval tier: .tier, "DFauto" + " ('language$')" .tierAuto = .tier elif left$(.name$, 5) == "DFman" or left$(.name$, 5) == "dfMan" .tierMan = .tier endif endfor
if .tierNuclei == 0 exitScript: "No tier ""Nuclei"" found, please run ""SyllableNuclei.praat"" first." endif
nrSyllables = Get number of points: .tierNuclei d# = zero#(nrSyllables)
tNuc[0] = Get start time tNuc[nrSyllables+1] = Get end time for syllable to nrSyllables tNuc[syllable] = Get time of point: .tierNuclei, syllable if .tierPhrases .iPhrase = Get interval at time: .tierPhrases, tNuc[syllable] .tFromPhrase[syllable] = Get start time of interval: .tierPhrases, .iPhrase .tToPhrase[syllable] = Get end time of interval: .tierPhrases, .iPhrase endif endfor
# Get minimum Intensity *between* Nuclei
selectObject: .idSnd .idInt = To Intensity: 100, 0, "yes" nrFrames = Get number of frames for syllable to nrSyllables+1 tSBMin[syllable] = Get time of minimum: tNuc[syllable-1], tNuc[syllable], "Parabolic" endfor tMeanSyllable = (tSBMin[nrSyllables+1] - tSBMin[1]) / nrSyllables
# Find -6 dB *around* Nuclei but avoid that these boundaries cross# the 'minimum Intensity boundaries' (yields twice as much intervals)
for syllable to nrSyllables frNuc = Get frame number from time: tNuc[syllable] frNuc = round(frNuc) dBNuc = Get value in frame: frNuc
frFrom = frNuc repeat frFrom -= 1 dBL = Get value in frame: frFrom tL = Get time from frame number: frFrom until dBL < dBNuc - 6 or tL < tSBMin[syllable] or frFrom < 2 tFrom[syllable] = Get time from frame number: frFrom
frTo = frNuc repeat frTo += 1 dBR = Get value in frame: frTo tR = Get time from frame number: frTo until dBR < dBNuc - 6 or tR > tSBMin[syllable+1] or frTo > nrFrames-1 tTo[syllable] = Get time from frame number: frTo
d6Org[syllable] = tTo[syllable] - tFrom[syllable]
if .tierPhrases tFrom[syllable] = max(.tFromPhrase[syllable], tFrom[syllable]) tTo [syllable] = min(.tToPhrase [syllable], tTo [syllable]) endif endfor
# only the boundaries *around* Nuclei are being used
selectObject: .idTG if not .tierAuto Insert interval tier: .nrTiers + 1, "DFauto" + " ('language$')" .tierAuto = .nrTiers + 1 endif
for syllable to nrSyllables# Insert boundary: .tierMin, tSBMin[syllable]
if tFrom[syllable] > tSBMin[syllable] Insert boundary: .tierAuto, tFrom[syllable] ts[syllable] = tFrom[syllable] else Insert boundary: .tierAuto, tSBMin[syllable]+0.00005 ts[syllable] = tSBMin[syllable] endif if tTo[syllable] < tSBMin[syllable+1] Insert boundary: .tierAuto, tTo[syllable] te[syllable] = tTo[syllable] else Insert boundary: .tierAuto, tSBMin[syllable+1]-0.00005 te[syllable] = tSBMin[syllable+1] endif
d [syllable] = te[syllable] - ts[syllable] d#[syllable] = te[syllable] - ts[syllable]
endfor# Insert boundary: .tierMin, tSBMin[nrSyllables+1] removeObject: .idInt endproc
procedure doGlobalAnalyses: .idSnd
# Concatenate all Syllables
.id# = zero#(nrSyllables) for syllable to nrSyllables selectObject: .idSnd .id#[syllable] = Extract part: ts[syllable], te[syllable], "rectangular", 1, "no" endfor selectObject: .id# .idSndTmp = Concatenate with overlap: 0.01 removeObject: .id#
# Perform Initial Global Pitch analysis to determine Global Quantile selectObject: .idSndTmp .idPTmpInit = noprogress To Pitch (ac): 0.02, 30, 4, "no", 0.03, 0.25, 0.01, 0.35, 0.25, 450 .qGlobF0Init = Get quantile: 0, 0, 0.5, "Hertz"
# Perform Global Pitch and Formant analysis selectObject: .idSndTmp .idPTmp = noprogress To Pitch (ac): 0.02, 30, 4, "no", 0.03, 0.25, 0.01, 0.35, 0.25, 2.5 * .qGlobF0Init qGlobF0 = Get quantile: 0, 0, 0.5, "semitones re 100 Hz"
selectObject: .idSndTmp .idFmtTmp = noprogress To Formant (burg): 0, 4, 4000 + 4 * (.qGlobF0Init - 100), 0.025, 50 qGlobF1 = Get quantile: 1, 0, 0, "bark", 0.5 qGlobF2 = Get quantile: 2, 0, 0, "bark", 0.5 qGlobF3 = Get quantile: 3, 0, 0, "bark", 0.5# appendFileLine: "FilledPauses.txt", name$, tab$, "qGlobF0: (",#.. fixed$(.qGlobF0Init, 1), "/", fixed$(qGlobF0, 1), ")"
removeObject: .idSndTmp, .idPTmpInit, .idPTmp, .idFmtTmp endproc
procedure sdF0: .idSnd selectObject: .idSnd
f0# = zero#(nrSyllables) dF0# = zero#(nrSyllables) dqF0# = zero#(nrSyllables) sdF0# = zero#(nrSyllables)
.idF0 = noprogress To Pitch (ac): 0.02, 30, 4, "no", 0.03, 0.25, 0.01, 0.35, 0.25, 2.5 * doGlobalAnalyses.qGlobF0Init
for syllable to nrSyllables q50F0 = Get quantile: ts[syllable], te[syllable], 0.50, "semitones re 100 Hz" f0 [syllable] = q50F0 f0#[syllable] = f0 [syllable]
dF0 [syllable] = qGlobF0 - q50F0 dF0#[syllable] = dF0[syllable]
q95F0 = Get quantile: ts[syllable], te[syllable], 0.95, "semitones re 100 Hz" q05F0 = Get quantile: ts[syllable], te[syllable], 0.05, "semitones re 100 Hz" dqF0 [syllable] = q95F0 - q05F0 dqF0#[syllable] = dqF0 [syllable]
sdF0 [syllable] = Get standard deviation: ts[syllable], te[syllable], "semitones" sdF0#[syllable] = sdF0 [syllable] endfor removeObject: .idF0 endproc
procedure replaceUndefinedF0: .dummy# small amounts (< 10%) of undefined F0 values are replaced by MEAN without warning nrUndef# = zero#(4) total# = zero#(4) for syllable to nrSyllables if f0#[syllable] == undefined nrUndef#[1] = nrUndef#[1] + 1 listUndefined[1, nrUndef#[1]] = syllable else total#[1] = total#[1] + f0#[syllable] endif if dF0#[syllable] == undefined nrUndef#[2] = nrUndef#[2] + 1 listUndefined[2, nrUndef#[2]] = syllable else total#[2] = total#[2] + dF0#[syllable] endif if dqF0#[syllable] == undefined nrUndef#[3] = nrUndef#[3] + 1 listUndefined[3, nrUndef#[3]] = syllable else total#[3] = total#[3] + dqF0#[syllable] endif if sdF0#[syllable] == undefined nrUndef#[4] = nrUndef#[4] + 1 listUndefined[4, nrUndef#[4]] = syllable else total#[4] = total#[4] + sdF0#[syllable] endif endfor mean__F0 = total#[1] / (nrSyllables - nrUndef#[1]) mean_dF0 = total#[2] / (nrSyllables - nrUndef#[2]) meandqF0 = total#[3] / (nrSyllables - nrUndef#[3]) meansdF0 = total#[4] / (nrSyllables - nrUndef#[4]) for syllable to nrUndef#[1] f0#[listUndefined[1, syllable]] = mean__F0 if syllable == 1 and nrUndef#[1] > nrSyllables / 10 appendInfoLine: "Warning: replaced ", nrUndef#[1], "/'nrSyllables' F0 values by mean ('mean__F0:3') in 'name$'." endif endfor for syllable to nrUndef#[2] dF0#[listUndefined[2, syllable]] = mean_dF0 if syllable == 1 and nrUndef#[2] > nrSyllables / 10 appendInfoLine: "Warning: replaced ", nrUndef#[2], "/'nrSyllables' dF0 values by mean ('mean_dF0:3') in 'name$'." endif endfor for syllable to nrUndef#[3] dqF0#[listUndefined[3, syllable]] = meandqF0 if syllable == 1 and nrUndef#[3] > nrSyllables / 10 appendInfoLine: "Warning: replaced ", nrUndef#[3], "/'nrSyllables' dqF0 values by mean ('meandqF0:3') in 'name$'." endif endfor for syllable to nrUndef#[4] sdF0#[listUndefined[4, syllable]] = meansdF0 if syllable == 1 and nrUndef#[4] > nrSyllables / 10 appendInfoLine: "Warning: replaced ", nrUndef#[4], "/'nrSyllables' sdF0 values by mean ('meansdF0:3') in 'name$'." endif endfor endproc
procedure sdFmt: .idSnd selectObject: .idSnd .idFmt = noprogress To Formant (burg): 0, 4, 4000 + 4 * (doGlobalAnalyses.qGlobF0Init - 100), 0.025, 50
f1# = zero#(nrSyllables) f2# = zero#(nrSyllables) f3# = zero#(nrSyllables) dF1# = zero#(nrSyllables) dF2# = zero#(nrSyllables) dF3# = zero#(nrSyllables) dqF1# = zero#(nrSyllables) dqF2# = zero#(nrSyllables) dqF3# = zero#(nrSyllables) sdF1# = zero#(nrSyllables) sdF2# = zero#(nrSyllables) sdF3# = zero#(nrSyllables)
for syllable to nrSyllables fs = Get frame number from time: ts[syllable] fs = round(fs) if fs < 1 ; are these frame numbers reliable ?!? fs = 1 endif fe = Get frame number from time: te[syllable] fe = round(fe) f1 [syllable] = Get quantile: 1, ts[syllable], te[syllable], "bark", 0.5 f2 [syllable] = Get quantile: 2, ts[syllable], te[syllable], "bark", 0.5 f3 [syllable] = Get quantile: 3, ts[syllable], te[syllable], "bark", 0.5 f1#[syllable] = f1[syllable] f2#[syllable] = f2[syllable] f3#[syllable] = f3[syllable]
dF1[syllable] = 0 dF2[syllable] = 0 dF3[syllable] = 0 for frame from fs to fe t = Get time from frame number: frame lF1 = Get value at time: 1, t, "bark", "Linear" lF2 = Get value at time: 2, t, "bark", "Linear" lF3 = Get value at time: 3, t, "bark", "Linear" if lF1 <> undefined dF1[syllable] += abs(qGlobF1 - lF1) endif if lF2 <> undefined dF2[syllable] += abs(qGlobF2 - lF2) endif if lF3 <> undefined dF3[syllable] += abs(qGlobF3 - lF3) endif endfor dF1 [syllable] /= (fe-fs+1) dF2 [syllable] /= (fe-fs+1) dF3 [syllable] /= (fe-fs+1) dF1#[syllable] = dF1[syllable] dF2#[syllable] = dF2[syllable] dF3#[syllable] = dF3[syllable]
q95F1 = Get quantile: 1, ts[syllable], te[syllable], "bark", 0.95 q05F1 = Get quantile: 1, ts[syllable], te[syllable], "bark", 0.05 q95F2 = Get quantile: 2, ts[syllable], te[syllable], "bark", 0.95 q05F2 = Get quantile: 2, ts[syllable], te[syllable], "bark", 0.05 q95F3 = Get quantile: 3, ts[syllable], te[syllable], "bark", 0.95 q05F3 = Get quantile: 3, ts[syllable], te[syllable], "bark", 0.05 dqF1 [syllable] = q95F1 - q05F1 dqF2 [syllable] = q95F2 - q05F2 dqF3 [syllable] = q95F3 - q05F3 dqF1#[syllable] = dqF1[syllable] dqF2#[syllable] = dqF2[syllable] dqF3#[syllable] = dqF3[syllable]
sdF1 [syllable] = Get standard deviation: 1, ts[syllable], te[syllable], "bark" sdF2 [syllable] = Get standard deviation: 2, ts[syllable], te[syllable], "bark" sdF3 [syllable] = Get standard deviation: 3, ts[syllable], te[syllable], "bark" sdF1#[syllable] = sdF1[syllable] sdF2#[syllable] = sdF2[syllable] sdF3#[syllable] = sdF3[syllable] endfor removeObject: .idFmt endproc
procedure processData: .idTG, .name$, .type$
if save_Table .idTable = Create Table with column names: .name$, 0, "type ts dur durz F0 F0z F1 F1z F2 F2z F3 F3z dF0 dF0z dF1 dF1z dF2 dF2z dF3 dF3z... dqF0 dqF0z dqF1 dqF1z dqF2 dqF2z dqF3 dqF3z sdF0 sdF0z sdF1 sdF1z sdF2 sdF2z sdF3 sdF3z score" else .idTable = 0 endif
if .type$ == "Auto" mean_d = mean( d#) sd_d = stdev( d#) mean_F0 = mean( f0#) sd_F0 = stdev( f0#) mean_F1 = mean( f1#) sd_F1 = stdev( f1#) mean_F2 = mean( f2#) sd_F2 = stdev( f2#) mean_F3 = mean( f3#) sd_F3 = stdev( f3#) mean_dF0 = mean( dF0#) sd_dF0 = stdev( dF0#) mean_dF1 = mean( dF1#) sd_dF1 = stdev( dF1#) mean_dF2 = mean( dF2#) sd_dF2 = stdev( dF2#) mean_dF3 = mean( dF3#) sd_dF3 = stdev( dF3#) mean_dqF0 = mean(dqF0#) sd_dqF0 = stdev(dqF0#) mean_dqF1 = mean(dqF1#) sd_dqF1 = stdev(dqF1#) mean_dqF2 = mean(dqF2#) sd_dqF2 = stdev(dqF2#) mean_dqF3 = mean(dqF3#) sd_dqF3 = stdev(dqF3#) mean_sdF0 = mean(sdF0#) sd_sdF0 = stdev(sdF0#) mean_sdF1 = mean(sdF1#) sd_sdF1 = stdev(sdF1#) mean_sdF2 = mean(sdF2#) sd_sdF2 = stdev(sdF2#) mean_sdF3 = mean(sdF3#) sd_sdF3 = stdev(sdF3#) endif
# z-transform data
dz# = ( d# - mean_d ) / sd_d f0z# = ( f0# - mean_F0 ) / sd_F0 f1z# = ( f1# - mean_F1 ) / sd_F1 f2z# = ( f2# - mean_F2 ) / sd_F2 f3z# = ( f3# - mean_F3 ) / sd_F3 dF0z# = ( dF0# - mean_dF0 ) / sd_dF0 dF1z# = ( dF1# - mean_dF1 ) / sd_dF1 dF2z# = ( dF2# - mean_dF2 ) / sd_dF2 dF3z# = ( dF3# - mean_dF3 ) / sd_dF3 dqF0z# = (dqF0# - mean_dqF0) / sd_dqF0 dqF1z# = (dqF1# - mean_dqF1) / sd_dqF1 dqF2z# = (dqF2# - mean_dqF2) / sd_dqF2 dqF3z# = (dqF3# - mean_dqF3) / sd_dqF3 sdF0z# = (sdF0# - mean_sdF0) / sd_sdF0 sdF1z# = (sdF1# - mean_sdF1) / sd_sdF1 sdF2z# = (sdF2# - mean_sdF2) / sd_sdF2 sdF3z# = (sdF3# - mean_sdF3) / sd_sdF3
for syllable to nrSyllables selectObject: .idTG
scoreUK = 4.73 * sqrt( d[syllable]) - 0.29 * f0z#[syllable]... - 0.32 * sqrt(sdF1[syllable]) - 0.10 * sqrt(dF1[syllable])... - 1.38 * sqrt(sdF2[syllable]) - 0.80 * sqrt(dF2[syllable])... - 0.20 * (f2[syllable] - f1[syllable])... + 0.31 * f3[syllable]
scoreNL = 8.62 * sqrt( d[syllable]) - 0.36 * f0z#[syllable]... - 0.72 * sqrt(dF1[syllable])... - 1.36 * sqrt(sdF2[syllable]) - 1.62 * sqrt(dF2[syllable])... - 1.02 * sqrt(sdF3[syllable])... - 0.11 * (f2[syllable] - f1[syllable])... + 0.21 * f3[syllable]
lbl2$ = Get label of interval: setSB.tierAuto, 2*syllable
if language$ == "English" score = scoreUK if score > 3.4942 * filled_Pause_threshold lbl2$ += "fp" endif elif language$ == "Dutch" score = scoreNL if score > 2.7094 * filled_Pause_threshold lbl2$ += "fp" endif else exitScript: "Language not supported." endif
if .type$ == "Auto" type$ [syllable] = lbl2$ Set interval text: setSB.tierAuto, 2*syllable, lbl2$# Set interval text: setSB.tierAuto, 2*syllable, fixed$(score, 3) endif
if save_Table selectObject: .idTable Append row row = Get number of rows
Set string value: row, "type" , type$ [syllable] Set string value: row, "ts", fixed$(ts [syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "dur" , fixed$( d [syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "durz", fixed$( dz# [syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "F0" , fixed$( f0 [syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "F0z", fixed$( f0z#[syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "F1" , fixed$( f1 [syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "F1z", fixed$( f1z#[syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "F2" , fixed$( f2 [syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "F2z", fixed$( f2z#[syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "F3" , fixed$( f3 [syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "F3z", fixed$( f3z#[syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "dF0" , fixed$( dF0 [syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "dF0z", fixed$( dF0z#[syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "dF1" , fixed$( dF1 [syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "dF1z", fixed$( dF1z#[syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "dF2" , fixed$( dF2 [syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "dF2z", fixed$( dF2z#[syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "dF3" , fixed$( dF3 [syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "dF3z", fixed$( dF3z#[syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "dqF0" , fixed$(dqF0 [syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "dqF0z", fixed$(dqF0z#[syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "dqF1" , fixed$(dqF1 [syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "dqF1z", fixed$(dqF1z#[syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "dqF2" , fixed$(dqF2 [syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "dqF2z", fixed$(dqF2z#[syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "dqF3" , fixed$(dqF3 [syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "dqF3z", fixed$(dqF3z#[syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "sdF0" , fixed$(sdF0 [syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "sdF0z", fixed$(sdF0z#[syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "sdF1" , fixed$(sdF1 [syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "sdF1z", fixed$(sdF1z#[syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "sdF2" , fixed$(sdF2 [syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "sdF2z", fixed$(sdF2z#[syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "sdF3" , fixed$(sdF3 [syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "sdF3z", fixed$(sdF3z#[syllable], 3) Set string value: row, "score", fixed$(score, 3) endif endfor endproc