Call for Papers

International Journal of E-Planning Research


Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning

University of Lisbon



Lisbon, 23 - 24 April 2019

Call for Papers

The 4th International Conference on Urban e-Planning, organized by the 'International Journal of E-Planning Research', in collaboration with the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning – University of Lisbon, will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, 23-24 April 2019. The IJEPR Annual Conferences are a multi- and interdisciplinary forum for the exploration, presentation, and discussion of innovative theoretical and empirical research on Urban e-Planning. The 4th International Conference on Urban e-Planning, as the previous three, aims to explore how the current digital revolution in the field of urban planning can serve the common good.

Following the successful Conferences of 2016, 2017, and 2018, the 4th IJEPR Annual Conference on Urban e-Planning Research seeks both theoretical works and empirical research on ground-breaking approaches, innovative methods and new digital tools in the field of Urban e-Planning. The conference also welcomes short presentations with a more practical orientation.

The growing number of digital innovations and its impacts in urban development, in the city form, in urban public services, and in urban planning creates numerous opportunities and challenges for urban and regional planners around the world. We seek papers that address issues related to the current digital revolution (digitization of urban planning procedures and operations; datafication of urban activities and services, among other changes) and its impact on urban planning and on key urban development issues, such as those related to climate change, to the energy transition, among others. In this context, the 4th International Conference on 'Urban e-Planning' aims also to explore the still relatively unknown actual and potential impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and other new decision support tools, on urban governance and in urban e-planning in particular.

We invite theoretical and empirical contributions, from scholars and planning practitioners, addressing, but not limited to, the following four main themes:

Theme 1: Governance and Planning of Smart Cities

● Smart City: concepts, models and practices

● Smart Urban Governance

● Smart Urban Planning

● Smart Cities as Place Branding

● Platform Governance

● Transparency, Privacy, Surveillance, and Security

Theme 2: Citizens e-Participation in Urban Planning

● Citizens as Voluntary Sensors

● Volunteered Geographic Information

● Crowdsensing / Crowdsourcing Spatial Information

● Web-based Citizen Participation

● Citizen Mobile Apps

● Participatory Mapping

● Citizen Science and Urban e-Planning

● Serious Games for Participatory Planning

● Social Media in Urban e-Planning

● Ethical issues in e-Participation: confidentiality, trust, representativity, diversity (gender, ethnicity, disability)

● E-Participation of Youth and Children in Urban e-Planning

Theme 3: The Real and Virtual in Urban e-Planning

● Augmented Reality Technologies in Urban e-Planning

● Drones and Sensors in Urban e-Planning

● Visualization of Virtual 3-D and 4-D Urban Models and Spatial Landscape Evaluation

● Geodesign and the planning of natural and built environments

● Tactility - working with physical material models

● Living Labs and Urban Innovation

● Soundscapes in Urban e-Planning

● Internet of Things and its influence on human spatial behaviour

Theme 4: Data Analytics and New Decision Support Tools for Urban e-Planning

● Artificial Intelligence in Urban e-Planning

● AI Transparency and Governance Issues in Urban e-Planning

● Machine learning in Urban e-Planning

● Stakeholder Modelling and Participatory Decision-making

● Big Data and Open Data in Urban e-Planning

● City Data Sovereignty and Open Digital Urban Governance

● Data Ethics in Urban e-Planning

● General Data Protection Regulations on Urban e-Planning

Participation in the Conference & Selection criteria

● Participation in the conference requires the presentation of a paper

● Participants are expected to attend the entire conference

● Submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed by the Scientific Committee for content and appropriateness to this conference

● The working language of the conference will be English. We are open to consider panels in French. Translation services will not be provided. For more details, contact us.

Registration & Fee

● Conference fee: 100 Euros (includes participation in the conference, program, abstracts in digital format & coffee-breaks)

● Participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs

● The Conference fee does not include any provision for the insurance of participants (against personal injury, sickness, property damage, etc.). Participants are advised to arrange for any insurance they consider necessary

● Registration and payment: 1 - 20 February 2019

● Information about the registration procedure: 31 January 2019

Panel organization

● The conference is organized in panels according to themes and issues

● Each panel has 4 - 5 papers

● Oral presentation: 15-20 min (including discussion)

Abstract Submission

● Please submit an abstract (download form below), of no more than 250 words, until 20 January 2019 (2nd Call), to:

Carlos Nunes Silva

Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning

University of Lisbon, Portugal



● It is expected that a selection of the conference papers will be published in the International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR). The selected papers will undergo the IJEPR standard double-blind peer-review process.

● More information on the publication plan will be given during the conference.


● The 2019 Conference is an opportunity for networking and for informal contacts among members of the Urban E-Planning Research Network (UEP-NET).

Important dates

● Submission deadline for abstracts: 20 January 2019 (2nd Call)

● Notification of abstract acceptance: 30 January 2019

● Registration and payment: 1 - 20 February 2019

● PowerPoint presentation (PPT file): during the conference

● Full paper for publication: date to be announced during the conference

Conference Convenor & Organization

● Carlos Nunes Silva

Editor-in-chief of the 'International Journal of E-Planning Research' (IJEPR)

Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning

University of Lisbon, Portugal

E-mail: cs [at]


Conference e-mail:

Conference venue

Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning - University of Lisbon

Cidade Universitária (University of Lisbon main Campus) - Edifício IGOT (IGOT Building)

Rua Branca Edmée Marques, Lisbon, Portugal

Further information available in the Conference website

● All inquiries, expressions of interests, and abstracts should be sent, by e-mail, to

Carlos Nunes Silva

Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning

University of Lisbon, Portugal

E-mail: cs [at]

Conference e-mail:

● Download Call for Papers (PDF) >>here<<