

How many citation now??

Total: 60, i10-index: 2 (Sat May 25 08:34 JST 2024)

In prep (2nd: 2; 1st: 2)


XXX.   Hasegawa, R., Otsuki, Y., Uemura, Y., Furusawa, C., Naka, M., Koizumi, I. (2023) Disentangling the causality between parasite infections and poor host conditions in the wild population. Authorea Preprints, DOI: 10.22541/au.167405296.62239093/v1 



005.   Mimachi, S., Yamamoto, K., Uemura, Y., Inoue, M., and Hata, H. (2023) Daytime habitat use by Japanese eel in small streams in Shikoku, southwestern Japan. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 106 (12): 2113–2125. DOI: 10.1007/s10641-023-01493-z   Altmetrics

004.   Yamamoto, K., Uemura, Y., Mimachi, S., Inoue, M., and Hata, H. (2023) Riverine distribution and abundance of Japanese eel in Shikoku, south-western Japan: varying importance of regional and local factors. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 33 (5): 517–532. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3938.   Altmetrics


003.   Hata, H., Uemura, Y., and Ouchi, K. (2021) Decline of unionid mussels enhances hybridisation of native and introduced bitterling fish species through competition for breeding substrate. Freshwater Biology, 66(1): 189–201. DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13629 (FREE to READ) Altmetrics PRESS RELEASE


002.   Hata, H., Uemura, Y., Ouchi, K., and Matsuba, H. (2019) Hybridization between an endangered freshwater fish and an introduced congeneric species and consequent genetic introgression. PLOS ONE, 14(2): e0212452. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0212452 Altmetrics


001.   Uemura, Y., Yoshimi, S., and Hata, H. (2018) Hybridization between two bitterling fish species in their sympatric range and a river where one species is native and the other is introduced. PLOS ONE, 13(9): e0203423. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0203423 Altmetrics PRESS RELEASE


P: poster style; O: oral style

【dom】: domestic; 【int】: international


P- 029.   Uemura, Y., Hasegawa, R., Takeuchi, Y., Hasegawa, K., Hara, N., Otsuki, Y., and Koizumi, I. Local extinction of a freshwater salmonid by global warming: comparison of the current distribution with 30 years ago. The 71st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan, P2-024, Yokohama, Japan, 20 March 2024 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】

P- 028.   Takeuchi, Y., Uemura, Y., and Koizumi, I. Latitudinal cline and ecological factors in the foraging traits of Japanese dace. The 71st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan, P1-100, Yokohama, Japan, 19 March 2024 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】

P- 027.   Hasegawa, R., Uemura, Y., Miura, K., and Koizumi, I. Evaluating the temperature-dependent effects of parasites on cold-water salmonids. The 71st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan, P2-023 Yokohama, Japan, 19 March 2024 (non-peer reviewed).dom

O- 026.   Uemura, Y. Validation of the population-extinction model with global warming predicted 30 years ago: a case study of coldwater salmonids. Joint seminar (NIES, Hokudai), Sapporo, Japan, 17 Jan 2024, invited by Drs. Masayuki Senzaki and Munehiro Kitazawa (non-peer reviewed).【dom】


O- 025.   Uemura, Y., Hasegawa, R., Takeuchi, Y., Hasegawa, K., Hara, N., Otsuki, Y., and Koizumi, I. Has the distribution of southern Asian Dolly Varden decreased with global warming over the past 30 years?. "Gyorui keitou kenkyu kai" meeting 2023 (44th), #01, Sapporo, Japan, 8 December 2023 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】

O- 024.   Takeuchi, Y., Uemura, Y., and Koizumi, I. Does "super-generalist" have a latitudinal cline in its foraging morphology?: a case study in a cyprinid fish, Japanese dace “Ugui”. "Gyorui keitou kenkyu kai" meeting 2023 (44th), #02, Sapporo, Japan, 8 December 2023 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】

O- 023.   Hasegawa, R., Uemura, Y., Yamashita, Y., Inoshita, M., and Koizumi, I. Local extinction of parasite: a case study in Salmincola californiensis. "Gyorui keitou kenkyu kai" meeting 2023 (44th), #09, Sapporo, Japan, 8 December 2023 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】

P- 022.   Hasegawa, R., Uemura, Y., Miura, K., and Koizumi, I. Confection patterns of three ectoparasites on congeneric stream salmonids. The 39th Annual Meeting of the Society of Population Ecology, #P-22, Sapporo, Japan, 28 October 2023 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】

O - 021.   Uemura, Y., Otsuki, Y., Hasegawa, R., Naka, M. and Koizumi, I. Mechanisms of spatial segregation under highly asymmetric competition in juvenile charr: a field experiment. The 10th International Charr Symposium 2023, P9, Nikko, Japan, 1 June 2023 (peer reviewed).【int】

O- 020.   Hasegawa, R., Uemura, Y., Miura, K., and Koizumi, I. Coinfection patterns of three ectoparasites on congeneric stream salmonids and its impacts on host fishes. The 10th International Charr Symposium 2023, P2, Nikko, Japan, 1 June 2023 (peer reviewed).【int】

O - 019.   Uemura, Y., Otsuki, Y., Hasegawa, R., Naka, M. and Koizumi, I. Mechanisms of spatial segregation under highly asymmetric competition in juvenile salmonids: a field experiment. The 70th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan (ESJ70), P2-019, Sendai (online), Japan, 18 March 2023 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】

P- 018.   Hasegawa, R., Uemura, Y., Miura, K., and Koizumi, I. Elucidating the coinfection patterns of three species of parasites infecting stream salmonid: effects on host condition and geographic distribution. The 70th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan (ESJ70), A03-03, Sendai (online), Japan, 18 March 2023 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】


P - 017.   Uemura, Y., Otsuki, Y., Hasegawa, R., and Koizumi, I. Parapatric distribution allowed by temperature-dependent competition: a field assessment in two congeneric fishes. The 13th International Congress of Ecology (INTECOL2022), #329, Geneva (hybrid), Switzerland,  31 Aug 2022 (peer reviewed).【int】

O- 016.   Hasegawa, R., Otsuki, Y., Uemura, Y., Furusawa, C., Naka, M., and Koizumi, I. Positive feedback of parasite infection and reduced host condition: a test by mark-recapture of stream salmonid and parasitic copepod. The 15th International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA2022), #ID113, Copenhagen, Denmark, 23 August 2022 (peer reviewed).【int】

O - 015.   Uemura, Y., Ecological distribution mechanisms of freshwater fish: interspecific competition, environmental factors, and both interactions. The Public Symposium of Kanto Branch of Ecological Society of Japan "Wakate de Katarou! Seitaigaku: #02 Animal", Online, Japan, 7 May 2022 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】

P - 014.   Uemura, Y., Otsuki, Y., Hasegawa, R., Naka, M., and Koizumi, I. Do population density and individual body condition predict the habitat quality of stream salmonids? The 69th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan (ESJ69), P2-324, Fukuoka (online), Japan, 15 March 2022 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】


O - 013.   Uemura, Y., Otsuki, Y., Hasegawa, R., and Koizumi, I. Temperature-dependent competition in stream salmonids: a field assessment considering biotic interactions and abiotic factors. "Gyorui keitou kenkyu kai" meeting 2021 (42nd), Sec. 2-3, Sapporo (online), Japan, 4 December 2021 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】

O - 012.   Uemura, Y. A study of stream salmonids with temperature-dependent competition. The 85th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Limnology (workshop by Limnology of youth, E-kai), #02, Tokyo (online), Japan, 20 September 2021 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】

P - 011.   Uemura, Y., Otsuki, Y., Hasegawa, R., and Koizumi, I. Habitat assessment for stream charrs: a field test focusing on the population density and individual body condition. The 55th Annual Meeting of the Ichthyological Society of Japan, 68, Online, Japan, 18 September 2021 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】

O - 010.   Uemura, Y., Otsuki, Y., Hasegawa, R., and Koizumi, I. Condition-specific competition in native charrs: a field test considering abiotic factors and biotic interactions. The 2021 Ecological and Evolutionary Ethology of Fishes Virtual Conference (EEEF2021), Day1-#005, Berkeley, California, USA 12 July 2021 (peer reviewed).【int】

O - 009.   Uemura, Y., Otsuki, Y., Hasegawa, R., and Koizumi, I. Temperature-dependent competition in stream salmonids: a field test considering biotic interactions and abiotic factors. The 68th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan (ESJ68), G03-07, Okayama (online), Japan, 19 March 2021 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】

P - 008.   Hasegawa, R., Otsuki, Y., Uemura, Y., Furusawa, C., Naka, M., and Koizumi, I. Disentangling the causal relationship between parasite infection and low host condition. The 68th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan (ESJ68), P1-015, Okayama (online), Japan, 18 March 2021 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】Best Poster Presentation Award


O - 007.   Uemura, Y., Otsuki, Y., Hasegawa, R., and Koizumi, I. Condition-dependent competition in stream salmonids: a field test considering biotic interactions and abiotic factors. Annual Meeting of the Hokkaido Branch of Ecological Society of Japan 2020, 9,  Sapporo (online), Japan, 12 December 2020 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】

P - 006.   Hasegawa, R., Otsuki, Y., Furusawa, C., Uemura, Y., Naka, M., and Koizumi, I. Do parasite infections cause new parasite infections?:  a mark-recapture approach focusing on white-spotted charr and their parasitic copepods Salmincola carpionis. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the eDNA Society, The 36th Annual Meeting of the Society of Population Ecology, PP017, Online, 14 November 2020 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】Best Poster Presentation Award


P - 005.   Uemura, Y. and Hata, H. Decline of the endangered unionid mussels causes hybridization between a native and an introduced congeneric species of bitterling by competing for breeding substrata. The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ichthyological Society of Japan, 163, Kochi, Japan, 22 September 2019 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】Best Poster Presentation Award

P - 004.   Mimachi, S., Yamamoto, K., Uemura, Y., Inoue, M., and Hata, H. Habitat use by Japanese eel in rivers on the Seto Inland Sea coast, western Shikoku, Japan. The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ichthyological Society of Japan, 124, Kochi, Japan, 21 September 2019 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】

P - 003.   Uemura, Y., Ouchi, K., Matsuba, H., and Hata, H. Hybridization between a native species and an introduced species in endangered bitterling fish: a consequent genetic introgression. The 66th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan (ESJ66), P1-466, Kobe, Japan, 17 March 2019 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】Excellent Poster Award

P - 002.   Yamamoto, K., Mimachi, S., Uemura, Y., Inoue, M., and Hata, H. Distribution and abundance of Japanese eel in rivers on the Seto Inland Sea coast, western Shikoku, Japan. The 66th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan (ESJ66), P1-403, Kobe, Japan, 17 March 2019 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】


P - 001.   Uemura, Y. and Hata, H. Hybridization between two bitterling fish species in their sympatric range and a river where one species is native and the other is introduced. The 51st Annual Meeting of the Ichthyological Society of Japan, 167, Tokyo, Japan, 6 October 2018 (non-peer reviewed).【dom】Excellent Poster Presentation Award