Project Structure

We will first collect the buildings information from the interactive map and build a searching system to index them.

Then, we will create a UCSB map and use varying locating services such as Geolocation to show the location of users to help users to find their destinations.

The searching function and map are now related to provide a basic view of the app. Based on the basic function we will apply a more convenient user interface with text recognition and potentially voice recognition to improve the input experience

Finally, a navigation system is desired for these updated places. Also, we will try to build an interactive posting section to help students exchange their information regarding events and sessions.

Demo Plan

  • Best case: Live demo of the app offering detailed UCSB campus map with camera and text recognition enabled; the current location is to be precisely represented; location names in multiple fonts and sizes would be recognized.
  • Worst case: Video demo of the app providing location information within campus and searching tools for campus sites by building name or number.