
*Cellular Automata (Organizer: Enrico Formenti, Jarkko Kari and Katsunobu Imai )

Cellular automata are among the oldest nature inspired models of computation, envisioned by Stanislaw Ulam and John von Neumann in the 1940s. Since then cellular automata research has expanded and progressed tremendously. Today the field is as active a research topic as ever, involving deep mathematical theory, new modeling applications and studies of computational aspects of nature. This workshop presents notable recent advances on cellular automata research by experts, both young and old. Topics discussed include non-uniform and algebraic cellular automata, as well as the role of reversibility and conservation laws in cellular automata models.

* Theoretical and Experimental Material Computing (Organizer: Susan Stepney, University of York, UK)

TEMC workshop website has now gone live, at