Accepted Papers

1. Bonding Grammars 

2. Card-Based Overwriting Protocol for Equality Function and Applications 

3. A methodology for comparing and benchmarking quantum devices 

4. Benchmarking the D-Wave quantum annealer as a Sparse Boltzmann Machine: recognition and timing performances

5. Software Testing in Computable Analysis

6. Card-Based Cryptography Meets 3D Printer

7. Self-Assembly of Patterns in the abstract Tile Assembly Model

8. Rate-independent continuous inhibitory chemical reaction networks are Turing-universal 

9. Entropy Transformation Measures for Computational Capacity

10. Quantum Property Testing Algorithm for the Concatenation of Two Palindromes Language

11. On the Simulation Power of Surface Chemical Reaction Networks

12. A Representative Framework for Implementing Quantum Finite Automata on Real Devices

13. A general design method for scaffold-free DNA wireframe nanostructures.

14. Automated rendering of multi-stranded DNA complexes with pseudoknots

15. A Novel Oscillator Ising Machine Coupling Scheme for High-Quality Optimization 

16. Agent Motion Planning as Block Asynchronous Cellular Automata: Pushing, Pulling, Suplexing, and More

17. Minimizing Cycles in Reaction Systems

18. Computing Threshold Circuits with Bimolecular Void Reactions in Step Chemical Reaction Networks

19. High Quality Circuit-based 3-SAT Mappings for Oscillator Ising Machines