The pro-number input crowd has legitimate concerns, primarily around accessibility. A number input has native increment/decrement buttons. It has built-in validation to verify it is a number. Certain mobile devices will show a number keypad instead of the full keyboard, making it easier to enter data. Using the number input makes it easier for screen readers as well.

Chances are likely that you used the input type="number" because you expected an integer to represent age or quantity. However, the number input will allow for scientific notation values; for example, 2.3e4, which represents 2.3 times 10 to the power of 4, or 23,000. If the number input value grows large enough, some browsers will automatically convert your input into exponential notation.

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Both of these browsers will prevent you from entering the accepted non-numeric characters more than once. However, you can place those symbols anywhere in the input, like putting the minus symbol in between digits, which would make the number invalid and therefore making that value inaccessible via JavaScript.

Make sure the stakeholders are aware of this issue of visual inconsistencies across different browsers as well as inconsistencies of whatever messaging you are using to indicate invalid number input values.

Safari on iPhone automatically creates links for strings of digits that appear to the telephone numbers. I am writing a web page containing an IP address, and Safari is turning that into a phone number link. Is it possible to disable this behavior for a whole page or an element on a page?

A trick I use that works on more than just Mobile Safari is to use HTML escape codes and a little mark-up in the phone number. This makes it more difficult for the browser to "identify" a phone number, i.e.

If your organization is using multi-factor authentication (MFA) for Microsoft 365, the easiest verification method to use is the Microsoft Authenticator smart phone app. It's just one click instead of typing in a 6-digit code. And if you travel, you won't incur roaming fees when you use it.

Note: Use the title attribute to specify text that most browsers will display as a tooltip to explain what the requirements are to match the pattern. You should also include other explanatory text nearby.

With the element and its s in place, the browser will offer the specified values as potential values for the phone number; this is typically presented as a popup or drop-down menu containing the suggestions. While the specific user experience may vary from one browser to another, typically clicking in the edit box presents a drop-down of the suggested phone numbers. Then, as the user types, the list is adjusted to show only filtered matching values. Each typed character narrows down the list until the user makes a selection or types a custom value.

Scenario 1: User has not added their SAP Concur account on an authenticator app or browser extension and is entering the manual key in the Authentication Code field.

The Authentication Code field is where you should enter the six-digit code generated by the Authenticator app AFTER you have added the account in the authenticator app using the key provided by SAP Concur.


To set up 2FA, you should download an authenticator app (if you don't have one already) and add an account within the authenticator app, using either the QR code or the manual key. After the account is added, the authenticator app will display a six-digit code that you should copy and enter in the Authentication Code field in the SAP Concur Sign In page. For resources on setting up 2FA, please read: How Do I Set Up Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)?

Scenario 5: The user has simultaneously opened the 2FA enrollment page in more than one browser window and added the account using the QR code or secret key from the first window that was opened.

Every time you open the Enroll in 2FA page, we initialize the 2FA secret on the database and a unique QR code and secret key are displayed. However, we only honor the latest initialized secret. Therefore, if you opened the Enroll in 2FA page in two different browsers or in a browser and in the mobile app, the only QR code and manual key that will work will be the ones from the page that was opened last. If that is the case, you should delete the account you had created in the authenticator app or extension, and add a new account using the latest generated QR code or manual key.

Security keys are a more secure second step. If you have other second steps set up, use your security key to sign in whenever possible. If a security key doesn't work on your device or browser, you might see an option to sign in with a code or prompt instead.

Online Banking allows you to conduct online transactions via a web browser through your PC or laptop and an internet connection. The mobile app gives you similar access via your phone or tablet, but not all the same features and settings are available.

I cannot find a setting on the Digits web site or my T-mobile account page to disable 2fa via text message to cell phone. When logging in to the normal T-mobile account page, it sometimes does 2fa via text message and sometimes via Google Authenticator, but I cannot figure out why it does one versus the other. However, when logging in to the Digits web site, it never tries to do 2fa via Google Authenticator; it only attempts it via text message.

WhatsApp Web is a simple browser client developed by WhatsApp which allows you to have access to your WhatsApp account on any Web Browser. Being the most popular instant messaging service, any changes to the App or release of any new feature impacts the users and user experience to a great extent. One such useful feature released by WA is WhatsApp Web -Web.WhatsApp.Com.

In the mobile application, Contacts are in the Identity Menu and are created and edited the same way as Identities. Each Contact is composed of Contact Elements (Person, Business, etc.), and each Contact Element is made of individual Contact Fields (Phone Number).

Updated for 2023 - The standard way to pass information to the server about the visiting device is to include it in the User-Agent (UA) string. This information typically passes the name and version of the browser among many other details. In order to get an understanding of which mobile browsers use your site, you need to know their User-Agent strings.

The landscape of mobile browsers is quite complex, with several major players (pre-installed in most cases) and a number of locally popular contenders. While all phones come with pre-installed browsers, both Google Play and Apple App Store offer a number of alternative browsers, some focusing on speed and lightness, others on saving bandwidth and blocking ads, and an ever-increasing amount claiming to increase privacy and reduce a users' mobile digital footprint. (We discussed some of the more popular privacy-respecting browsers.)

According to our report on the most popular mobile browsers, Safari Mobile, Chrome Mobile, and Samsung Browser are the three most used mobile browsers across the globe. The report also lists a number of other locally popular apps for web browsing, such as UC Browser, Yandex Browser, IE Mobile, Opera Mobile, Opera Mini, Firefox, and MIUI Browser. Feel free to browse the stats for your local market using our Data Explorer tool.

The following table contains User-Agent strings for all the most used mobile browsers today. Note that UAs used by mobile browsers vary depending on the browser version, device model, OS, and many other factors.

The result is that UA parsing solutions must be sophisticated enough to understand which elements of a UA are meaningful. A simple regex solution searching for keywords will struggle in terms of accuracy and detection speed. To make things worse, the number of UA combinations grows every time a new device, browser, browser's version, or OS version are released.

Hey Joseph,

Thanks for reaching out, I hope you are doing well! I would just like to clarify after you have logged out for the day, within the Zendesk Support UI have you placed your phone icon from online to offline? The reason is because if you have online enabled in the Zendesk Support UI, it will still route the calls to your mobile even after you have logged out as that's the expected behaviour when you're away from your computer, you can still accept calls. Let me know how you go with this!

Hi @..., thank you for the reply. My role is in customer service so when I am logged out of Zendesk I have no need to receive client calls. I guess I assumed that simply closing my browser or logging out of Zendesk would cease incoming calls to me. Do I need to also select "offline" before signing out? I'm just trying to stop the middle of the night calls from clients! :P

Hey Joseph,

Thanks for jumping back on the post. Of course, you need some you time and make sure that clients aren't buzzing in the dead of night! Yes that is correct, you need to ensure that you are offline for Talk so that the calls are then not forwarded from your Zendesk account to your mobile device. It's normally good practise to do so :) ff782bc1db

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