For this one customer and only one customer, there is complete silence for the caller once their phone system initiates the forward to our number. Our Asterisk box answers the call, we have even tried playing sounds using Playback etc but nothing, complete silence until one of the agents answers from the queue.

There are answers to those questions too. Not on the Internet. Not at school. Not in all the self-help books. Not even here. They are in you. Within you are the answers you seek-if you will take the time to be quiet and listen.

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Find yourself a very quiet place, get comfortable and make sure that you will not be disturbed. Now I am not going to begin to tell anyone how to pray in any specific religious sense here so please interpret my use of the word to mean whatever spiritual power works for you. What I find to be very powerful is to just have an honest unloading of what is going on, along with the problems and questions that need solutions. I actually do this out loud. If that is too uninhibited for you, try it in your mind. Then be silent. Do your best to calm and relax your mind to have no thoughts at all. I find focusing on a candle helps a lot. With practice, it is amazing how much creativity, answers and solutions come through the silence. It might be a good idea to have a pad of paper close by so you can jot down any great brainstorms as the free flow of ideas loosens up.

Well, I have such difficulty with the whole silence issue. And I am very good at not finding the time to meditate. And, I know that the questions I have currently will best be answered from within, can ONLY be answered from within. Yet still, I stall.

Sorry for the double post, but why exactly are you worried about being slowed down? Your deck seems built for the long haul and you'll have plenty of lands at that point to make the effects of stony silence irrelevant.

@psionictemplar I have never heard of Culling Scales... that just seems like a very neat card in general lol....I suppose it isn't just/only about being slowed down and more so the fact that I flat out couldn't think of a single practical means to get rid of Stony Silence (in Mono-Red) on my own; but the community as always pointed out many ways to handle it.... although its probably best just to play around/through stony silence and not worry about it... its one of those cards i forgot about and when it came down and I couldn't get my draws as i am used to it just bugged me!

Although its a Mono-Red deck that likes Lightning Bolt; Skred is more on the Control/Prison spectrum of Magic. They have 22 or more lands as well as mana rocks/accelerators and have 5 drop finishers like Batterskull/Stormbreath Dragon + Planswalkers. To achieve this endgame strategy Skred decks focus on restricting and denying the opponent's resources or actions via removal and mana deprivation. Scrying Sheets/Artifacts used at End of the opponents turn to dig deeper into the deck for answers/finishers are certainly welcome.

So why are arguments from silence considered weak? Because often one or both premises is or are doubtful or untrue. This means we can classify problems with such arguments by which premise is problematic.

It is difficult to underestimate the role that arguments from silence play in Protestant discussions. They may be applied in disputes with Catholics (e.g., where is the papacy, purgatory, or praying to the saints mentioned in the Bible?) or in intra-Protestant disputes (e.g., where is infant baptism, the Rapture, or perseverance of the saints mentioned in the Bible?).

Whether I consciously think it or not, I often perceive this sort of silence as a sign that students are disinterested or disengaged (or even hostile). I imagine other teachers feel the same from time to time. Thankfully, we know that silence from students is no reason to panic. When a question falls flat, we have plenty of options,* including

That initial call you get, with silence on the other end, "[is] essentially the first of the reconnaissance calls that these fraudsters do," Balasubramaniyan says. "They're trying to see: Are they getting a human on the other end? You even cough and it knows you're there."

"The fraudster who's attacking the $100,000-and-more account has so much information at his disposal, he's done so much research on the account, that he's flawless on his call," Balasubramaniyan says. "When the call center agent asks him a particular question, the way he answers, the pauses that he takes, all of that is a work of art as compared to someone going after the smaller-sized accounts."

Last week I was visiting the Scandinave, a Scandinavian-style bath spa, with my mom, when it struck me how rare true silence has become. By true silence, I mean silence in the form of not speaking, but also silence in the form of reflection, pause, a capacity to become still, a capacity to just be and not do.

As a yoga teacher and practitioner, I have seen it showing up in the form of teachers filling classes with an endless stream of cueing. I have seen it showing up during savasana, the final resting pose, which gets cut short to avoid the anxiety of watching students fidget in the uncomfortable silence.

Silence creates space in our lives. It allows us to pause between moments, to process and reflect, to see beyond the surface into the depths of our lives. When we cut out silence, we cheat ourselves out of the fullness that life has to offer. Only in the silence can we truly hear the whispers coming from within us, urging us towards our highest potential.

Silence breeds deep connection, not only to ourselves, but to the world around us. The energy of a silent room filled with people is almost palpable. In silence, we are all powerfully connected to our higher selves, to the universe, and to each other.

For one moment at the spa, I felt this. Sitting in absolute silence in the sauna, silence brought a group of strangers together. We were all present, sharing the same moment, connecting with the world and not with our phones. It gave us space to turn inward, to take stock of our internal landscape, to let go of what no longer served us, and to renegotiate who and how we wanted to be in the world.

I came away from that day of silence and quietude with a new awareness of what was happening in my life. In those moments of silence, I could hear my inner voice growing louder. Where it was once only a whisper, easy enough to ignore, it suddenly became deafening.

Leaning into silence might seem scary. It might even be painful at first because your mind and body will fight it. But I urge you not to run from the silence any longer. Embrace it. Allow it to create space in your life, because it will transform your life. Ultimately, the silence pushed me farther into the life I dream of, into a life of passion, of meaning, of giving myself my best shot.

The more time you spend in silence, the more powerfully it will impact your life, but diving straight into a ten-day silent retreat might not be the best approach. In fact, it might have the opposite effect.

In Answers From Silence Chappell provides a record of the highly personal questions he asked and the answers he received from his Enlightened Self after waiting in silence for him to speak. He shares his journal of these conversations. For example, he writes:

He ends with a brief guide to communicating with your Enlightened Self, which involves asking questions and mentally hearing the answers. If it sounds a little like talking to yourself, Chappell reminds that your Enlightened Self is yourself.

For almost a year, I and other members of the Pennsylvania Congressional delegation have been asking the Wolf Administration for answers as to why residents in long-term care facilities and nursing homes were not protected against COVID-19.

As the world has grappled with the virus, we quickly learned that senior citizens and those with underlying health conditions were at the highest risk for serious health impacts, including death. Over 50 percent of Pennsylvania's deaths attributable to COVID-19 have been residents of senior living or long-term care facilities.

Sadly, this trend is true across the nation. The COVID Tracking Project, reports that nearly 35 percent of all COVID-19 deaths in the United States have been residents of senior living facilities. The impact is genuinely disproportionate, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that less than half of one percent of the nation's population.

That Gov. Wolf and his administration refuse to take responsibility and provide answers is unacceptable. Residents in long-term care facilities and nursing homes are not just statistics on a page. They are grandparents, parents, neighbors, and friends.

On March 18, 2020, guidance issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Health required nursing homes to allow new admissions and re-admissions of individuals who had received a positive COVID-19 diagnosis. This allowed the contagion to spread like wildfire in senior living facilities, creating heartache for too many families.

Pennsylvanians should not forget that while Dr. Levine was forcing nursing homes to admit COVID-19 positive patients, she removed her own mother from a similar facility and had her checked into a hotel. By doing so, she silently acknowledged that her own order was dangerous; her behavior was devastating to the families who do not have the privilege to remove their loved ones from elderly care facilities.

Shockingly, Dr. Levine has faced no repercussions and instead, President Biden is rewarding Dr. Levine's gross negligence by nominating her to be the Assistant Secretary of Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Her confirmation was advanced by Senate Democrats on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee last week. We need someone serving in government that puts the needs of the people first, not themselves. ff782bc1db

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