You can clone a repository from to your local computer, or to a codespace, to make it easier to fix merge conflicts, add or remove files, and push larger commits. When you clone a repository, you copy the repository from to your local machine, or to a remote virtual machine when you create a codespace. For more information about cloning to a codespace, see "Creating a codespace for a repository."

You can clone a repository from to your local computer to make it easier to fix merge conflicts, add or remove files, and push larger commits. When you clone a repository, you copy the repository from to your local machine.

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Cloning a repository pulls down a full copy of all the repository data that has at that point in time, including all versions of every file and folder for the project. You can push your changes to the remote repository on, or pull other people's changes from For more information, see "Using Git".

To clone a repository locally, use the repo clone subcommand. Replace the repository parameter with the repository name. For example, octo-org/octo-repo, monalisa/octo-repo, or octo-repo. If the OWNER/ portion of the OWNER/REPO repository argument is omitted, it defaults to the name of the authenticating user.

To clone your repository using the command line using HTTPS, under "Quick setup", click . To clone the repository using an SSH key, including a certificate issued by your organization's SSH certificate authority, click SSH, then click .

RHEL and derivatives typically ship older versions of git. You can download a tarball and build from source, or use a 3rd-party repository such as the IUS Community Project to obtain a more recent version of git.

You now have Git and GitHub all set up. You may now choose to create a repository where you can put your projects. Saving your code in a repository allows you to back up your code and share it around the world.

Creating a repository for your project allows you to store code in GitHub. This provides a backup of your work that you can choose to share with other developers. For more information, see Quickstart for repositories.".

Each repository on GitHub is owned by a person or an organization. You can interact with the people, repositories, and organizations by connecting and following them on GitHub. For more information, see "Be social."

Typically any hosting will use the .git suffix. From a technical standpoint I wouldn't have expected it to be required, but it's a pretty ingrained standard at this point, and your own testing seems to verify that git does enforce this. The .git suffix on the directory name marks the directory as a git bare repository, similar to how the .git folder is used to store the git repository info in a non-bare repository.

Bitbucket supports pushing and pulling your Git repositories over both SSH and HTTPS. To work with a private repository over HTTPS, you must supply a username and password each time you push or pull. The git-credential-osxkeychain helper allows you to cache your username and password in the OSX keychain, so you don't have to retype it each time.

Bitbucket supports pushing and pulling over HTTP to your remote Git repositories on Bitbucket. Every time you interact with the remote repository, you must supply a username/password combination. You can store these credentials, instead of supplying the combination every time, with the Git Credential Manager for Windows.

In my only image I published so far only the 3rd option was feasible because the user is expected to make (uncommitted) changes to the Git repository before she starts the Docker container that uses the mounted repository.

Hi, Thanks for sharing the thoughts.

In my case, I have a container running my application. The application consumes configuration file. The configuration file must be generic and may be updated based on the requirements. So, we have the configuration in the git repository and any modifications to that is being pushed to code / git repository. My goal is to make the container consume whatever the latest configuration available in the git (may be after a restart of container). 'm thinking to create a Dockerfile with the following contents

To clone a repository from GitHub, execute the Git: Clone command or select the Clone Repository button in the Source Control view. If you clone from GitHub, VS Code will prompt you to authenticate with GitHub. This allows you to search all available repositories and clone private repositories. For other Git providers, enter the repository URL and select Clone and pick a folder. VS Code opens the folder once the repository is cloned on your local machine.

To initialize a new local repository, pick an existing or new folder on your computer and open it in VS Code. In the Source Control view, select the Initialize Repository button. This creates a new Git repository in the current folder, allowing you to start tracking code changes.

Once you have a local Git repository set up, you can publish it to GitHub. This will create a new repository on your GitHub account, and push your local code to the remote repository. Having your source code on a remote repository is a great way to back up your code, collaborate with others, and automate your workflow with GitHub Actions.

Use the Publish to GitHub command button in the Source Control view. You can then choose a name and description for the repository, and whether to make it public or private. Once the repository has been created, VS Code will push your local code to the remote repository. Your code is now backed up on GitHub, and you can start collaborating with others with commits and pull requests.

GitHub Codespaces let you open a GitHub repository in a full configured cloud-based development environment, allowing you to develop in a browser without having to install any software on your local computer. GitHub Codespaces allows free usage for individuals, which makes it easy to get started working on open source projects.

Install the GitHub Codespaces extension into VS Code and sign in with GitHub. Run the Codespaces: Create New Codespace command and pick the repository and branch you want to open. The new codespace will open in a new window.

VS Code's remote repository support allows you to browse and edit a GitHub repository without cloning it to your local computer. This is useful for quickly making changes to a remote repository without having to clone the entire codebase to your machine.

First install the GitHub Repositories extension. Run the command Remote Repositories: Open Remote Repository... or use the Open Remote Repository button the Explorer view. Search and select the GitHub repository that you want to open.

To commit your staged changes, type a commit message in the upper text box and select the Commit button. This saves your changes to the local Git repository, allowing you to revert to previous versions of your code if needed. You can navigate through and review all local file changes and commits in the Timeline view available in the bottom of the Explorer.

Once you have made commits to your local Git repository, you can push them to the remote repository. The Sync Changes button indicates how many commits are going to be pushed and pulled. Selecting the Sync Changes button downloads (pull) any new remote commits and uploads (push) new local commits to the remote repository.

To push the branch to the remote repository, select Publish Branch in the Source Control view. This will create a new branch on the remote repository, allowing you to collaborate with others in that branch.

To create a PR, make sure you are on a separate branch from the main branch, and push your code changes to the remote repository. In the Source Control view, select the Create Pull Request button. This will open the PR creation form, where you can enter a title and description for the PR, and choose which branch to merge the changes into. Select Create to create the PR.

As all Git state is kept in the local repository, you can easily switch between VS Code's UI, the built-in terminal, or external tools like GitHub Desktop. You can also set up VS Code as your default Git editor, allowing you to use VS Code to edit commit messages and other Git-related files.

Using the apt package management tool is the easiest way to install Git. However, the version in the default repository is often not the latest release. If you want to install the latest release, skip down to install from the source.

These procedures are written with the assumption that you have an Amazon Web Services account, have created at least one repository in CodeCommit, and use an IAM user with a managed policy when connecting to CodeCommit repositories. For information about how to configure access for federated users and other rotating credential types, see Connecting to AWS CodeCommit repositories with rotating credentials.

For more information about CodeCommit managed policies and sharing access to repositories with other groups and users, see Share a repository and Authentication and access control for AWS CodeCommit.

When prompted, specify the AWS access key and AWS secret access key of the IAM user to use with CodeCommit. Also, be sure to specify the AWS Region where the repository exists, such as us-east-2. When prompted for the default output format, specify json. For example, if you are configuring a profile for an IAM user: 006ab0faaa

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