Who is eligible?

Any undergraduate business student is eligible to apply to the Melwani Belonging Fund. 

How can I apply?

You can apply here or click the Apply! button above. 

Why did you start the Melwani Belonging Fund

In my time both working in the corporate world and teaching at two business schools, I have become very aware of the micro-inequities that affect hiring, promotion and even grading decisions. As a social psychologist, I'm able to label these: they arise from perceptions of race, socio-economic status, gender and attractiveness, to name a few. As an immigrant woman of color (who faced many of these inequities), this has bothered me a great deal. I hope to be able to address this issue in my own small way. 

Can I donate to this fund?

Yes! The fund was based on a one-time donation so it will only survive if it receives more donation dollars. Please click the Donate button above or click here to Donate 

Who can  contact for further questions?

How will decisions be made about who gets funding?

A committee of two staff members and one faculty member will review all requests. 

Is there a maximum amount I can ask for?

The belonging fund operates differently from most scholarships and serves to truly assist people during times of emergency. Given this, we are limited to amounts under $500.