University Business Linkage (UBL) - Jaffna
UBL Jaffna website has transferred from google site to main domain. Please visit for recent updates.
Online patent search can be done through NIPO for the Patent applications filed by your institution
In view of the prevailing situation in the country, National Intellectual Property Office is closed from 16th March 2020 and they try their best to attempt to the patent searches from home. Therefore they request you to forward the soft copies of the patent applications filed by your institution which are not searched with the application numbers to the email of the Patent Branch - . Don't send the soft copies of already searched applications . It is better if you can provide them the contact details of inventors (emails) too.
This request is especially made for UBL cells of universities and other research institutions.
To achieve sustainable growth for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME)s in the regional economy through tacit collaboration between the University and Public/Private Enterprises
To create tangible and intangible value to boost the economic activity of the Region's MSMEs through mentoring, knowledge sharing, new and novel approaches, innovations and technology transfer.
9th Meeting
8th Meeting
7th Meeting
6th Meeting
5th Meeting