Stage 1b: Goals and Objectives

Measurable Learning Objectives- ABCD

What makes a learning objective, measurable?

There are a several models for developing measurable learning objective. Basically, they include 3-4 characteristics

1. Audience- The who, usually evidence and obvious

2. Behavior- The what. What is the student going to do? Include Bloom's Taxonomy verbs when writing the learning objectives

3. Condition- What is the relevant stimulus condition (s)?Location, given, misc other conditions(with adults, with peers, in writing, ...

4. Degree- (criteria) How well you want them to do. (Frequency, duration, accuracy, speed)

  • Watch this video by Greg Williams on Writing Learning Objectives

[Greg Williams]. (2012, Feb. 17). Writing Learning Objectives. [Video File]. Retrieved from

Other resources for Writing Measurable Learning Objectvies